What new "Healthy foods" have you tried?

Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I came up with this idea that each week I am going to try a "healthy food". I guess I am one of those picky eaters that really am not open minded enough. So when I went to Subway to get a salad they asked me if I wanted spinach on it. I was hesitant and thought why not? But I did tell them to put just a little bit on it.

So, overall it isn't too bad in a salad. I went to the store and bought some and right now I am eating it in my salad I brought for lunch! Glad I made the attempt and tried it.

So my next venture I think will be hummus. I have heard great things about it. So which hummus do you like? How do you eat it?

Everyone, post what "healthy foods" you have tried and liked or disliked? Anyone up to this challenge with me?


  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    Surely it counts as a "healthy" food, since it's green -- I tried zucchini last night and actually liked it! Not super fond of the seeds or the squishy texture though.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I can't remember what the hummus brand i get is called, its at costco, and its like the pine nut kind.....but it tastes really good on veggies.....I tried soybeans, and they are actually really really good. But then again, i like soy milk....I'm vowing to try tofu, I always buy it and it goes bad before i get the guts to cook it. Oh i also want to try eggplant
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Surely it counts as a "healthy" food, since it's green -- I tried zucchini last night and actually liked it! Not super fond of the seeds or the squishy texture though.

    I cut my zucchini into small slivers and substitute it for my spaggetti when im being good and on track food wise. The texture of the zuchinni is very very similar to spaggetti noodles.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Peel your zucchini skin and all just until you get to the seeds, and then ditch it. Do this to about 3 zucchinis. Then add 1/4 cup of chicken broth, 2 wedges of laughing cow light cheese, and some chopped tomoatoes. Put a lid on it, stir, cover, stir, cover, until the cheese is melted---you have my version of pasta! I do not eat regular pasta-this or spaghetti squash is my pasta.
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    hummus was actually my "new" healthy food. I was surprised to find out that I like it. I like the Tribe brand best, but for some reason I can't find it in the area any more =(
    The store brand is my next favorite. Some of them are too spicy or something even though I always get the plain flavor. So try a couple brands before you write it off if you think you aren't going to like it.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Surely it counts as a "healthy" food, since it's green -- I tried zucchini last night and actually liked it! Not super fond of the seeds or the squishy texture though.

    I cut up the zucchini and take some olive oil and seasoning salt and fry it up. It is delish!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Everyone seems to really love steel cut oats so I made some this morning. I tried it and liked the texture and everything but a serving is only 1/4c. and I didn't think it would fill me up so i dumped it and made my rolled oats (serving is 1/2c. Both of the oats are 150 cals for a serving so I will probably eat the steel cut when I'm not too hungry but need calories.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    OOOO I love hummus (one from Costco is good), spinach and zucchini. These foods have all been regulars for me for some time.

    I just had a blueberry kefir smoothie. It was so yummy! A little high in sugar but very fillng and has 11 grams of protein in the 8 ounce drink. I found it at Costco in 8 ounce bottles. There is also strawberry in the box. Great to bring to work to have on hand for a snack or lunch supplement.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I love hummus, I think trader joes brand is the best, I like the garlic and the spicy one,I like to put it on healthy whole wheat crackers. I love lots of healthy foods some of my favorite are artichokes, any kind of squash, sweet potatoes, pineapple, watermelon
  • I am not a picky eater really, butter nut squash is a no go for me and liver, but that's about it. I love vegetables, but rather than trying new ones ('cause I've always eaten them), I try them new ways. Last week I roasted beets in the oven and sauteed the green tops with a little balsamic vinegar. I LOVE them! I had only had pickled beets, which I liked but was not crazy about. Now I can't wait for the beets in my garden to grow. I never grew very many, but I will this year. So I like to try to fix things new ways. Baked sweet potatoes is another one of new found loves. I had only done them candied with sugar and butter and stuff. This is for sure an adventure.
  • ratatouille its so yummy and great for dinner its like lasagna but in instead of using noodles u use eggplant, squash and zucchini (i didnt know before hand it had eggplant in it or i prob would have been a bit more hesitant) but it was amazing, I love hummus the roasted garlic with eating right pita chips sooo good!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I'm glad you started this thread. I'm also really picky and not very open minded. I think I'm going to make a goal to try a new healthy food each week.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Hummus = love. dumb_blondes is probably talking about Sabra, which is pretty darn good. I like their roasted red pepper hummus.
    I also like making my own hummus:
    1 can chickpeas
    1/3 c pistachios
    splash of lemon juice
    1/2 ts cumin
    1 ts chili powder
    2 Tb sundried tomatoes
    1-2 jalepeno peppers
    1/2 to 1 T roasted sesame seed oil
    all processed together, one ingredient at a time, until you get a satisfying concoction of joy.

    I also like the Harris Teeter Smoked Paprika hummus. It's cheaper, but tasty and smoky (and lower calorie).

    Healthy food that I recently tried: Kale. I made a kale salad over winter break, and it rocked! It really helped balance my pH after all the junk food, too.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Lentils. I add some to brown rice for added fiber and protein.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I have been eating red, yellow and orange peppers with my sandwich for lunch every day at work. I buy the 3 pack at Aldi's and they aren't too expensive. They are yummy and much healthier than chips or other sides. Sometimes I will cut up a piece of cucumber instead.

    I also have been using Almond Breeze alomond milk for my cereal instead of skim milk.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Greek yogurt! I'm obsessed with it. I thought the taste of it was so off when I first tried it.. but with some sweetness from fruit it's really good. I only buy greek yogurt now.

    Hummus is really good too! I love jalapeno, garlic, roasted red pepper, hummus.. Tzatziki sauce is really good too. It's a yogurt and cucumber based dip that you can dip veggies in or use in your wraps.

    Almond milk.. and recently soy milk to get more protein in the mornings. I use it in my cereal in place of milk. That way I can eat a dense cereal with high protein like Kashi and save calories in the milk.

    So speaking of cereal... kashi! I love it. It's really good for fibre and protein.

    Someone mentioned lentils! I just bought some but haven't tried them yet.. which is weird because I'm a vegetarian. I've had them in salads before but its been years since I've tried them. I think I'm going to have some brown rice for supper tonight.
  • I used to hate tomatoes.

    And now I'm obsessed! Love them. ha!

    I need to try more fruit and veggies but I'm not sure what to do with them sometimes. I would like to include them in a meal/dish not alone most of the time.

    I've been wanting to try Hummus! It sounds yummy.
  • Lcm726
    Lcm726 Posts: 19 Member
    my mom gave me a huge gourmet salad of mash (some kind of green), arugula, brie, pear, pecans, homemade croutons, and lots of other veggies. I've never had Mash before. Does anyone know about it? She said she got it from Trader Joe's. ;) Yummy salad to say the least.
  • Great post and great idea. I didnt realize hummus was a good diet food. I love that stuff.
  • I make hummus every weekend, sometimes two batches. This week I tried beet hummus. I saw a recipe that used beets instead of chickpeas. It. Was. Awful.

    I also made my own yogurt in my crockpot and it was so so so good!
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