Chrissee Member


  • Great idea but I think I would go bonkers! Whether I should or not, I RELY on that scale:tongue: I work with sophomores at our church and they all have to come to Ash Wednesday mass next week prepared to give up or do something extra special for Lent. Problem is I have to set a good example and have no idea what I will…
    in Lent Comment by Chrissee February 2014
  • Bad week, last week. Not that I ate horrible but I didn't exercise as much as I should have and over the weekend was slightly higher in calories. This week looks like it may be a gain- I hope not!
  • Brian, Thank you for sharing your story! It is so impressive how you took control of your life and your actions and began doing what is best for your body. You are an amazing individual! If you can do this, think of everything else in your life you can do! Congrats=-)
  • Thanks for keeping this group going! It helps to see how others are doing "spreadsheet style" once a week. I use Friday as my second weigh in of the week. I weigh in for MFP on Monday or Tuesday. Anyhoo, I'm just happy to see a lot of people are committed for February! javascript:add_smiley('wink','post_body')
  • Yeah I can't figure it out either....any suggestions?
  • Great challenge! If there is a group, please include me. My goal is to lose 15 lbs to reach my goal weight before or by the end of this 100 day challenge!
  • Yay! I met my monthly goal. I wasn't sure I would since I was a little bit up last week. I kept pushing on and it paid off. I love the accountability of the Friday weigh in for this group. I record my weight on MFP on Mondays so the two times a week keeps me honest! :tongue:
  • Congrats! You look amazing and have come so far! People who have been successful and post their successes are extremely motivating so thank you and thanks to MFP for making this sharing of ideas and stories possible!
  • Love this post. As others mentioned, it's nice to see what size others are at comparable heights/weights. It is interesting at how we are all different which is what we need to expect and understand. I am currently 5'41/2" Current weight: 156.4 Hips: 42.5 Navel: 32.5 Bust: 39.5 Don't measure under ... Thigh: 24.5 My goal…
  • I'm compelled to add to the many others...Great post! Right on target! It's all about us and we are the only ones who can decide what is best for us as well as commit to it! Thanks bards33!
  • I'm about 2 lbs from my monthly goal and hoping I will make it there. I started 30DS about 2 wks ago. I have noticed inches lost but I think the muscle build has slowed my weight loss. I KNOW that happens but it's hard for me not to focus on the scale. Anyway, I am trying hard and have my fingers crossed to make it and…
  • I have struggled with my weight for a couple of years now. I kept blaming my age, now over 40, on the reason I couldn't lose. I finally decided I needed to make a change. Just like in the past when I lost weight on Weight Watchers, for me it is all about recording what I eat and drink, all of it! It's easy to think I am…
  • I started "again" 12/30. The first time around I really didn't take any of it seriously. This time I'm all in, I need this to be weight loss than maintain for a life time! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • For me it was almost too mother and I were shopping and she saw someone that she goes to Weight Watchers ahead of us. She told me that this woman used to be severely overweight but now looks marvelous! She apparently has kept the weight off for over a year. Well, this woman is in her late 50s, early 60s when…
  • Ha, ha! I can't even remember how much I had put down on my DL (in WI) but was thinking about this the other day and how nice it would be to put the correct weight and be proud of it! It is such a silly thing to put on there since so many people lie about it, even if we didn't, it's not like a police offer would likely be…
  • I had to be using Google Chrome to link to the spreadsheet. Copy and paste in your address bar: The Group is "A Goal A Month" and is there but I needed to search for it a bit. Good luck.
  • I am joining as well! Added my name to the spreadsheet and will go out to look for the group next. I am hoping we have a reminder to complete the weekly weigh in on the doc...
  • Good for you! I love how you turned feeling down about yourself into a positive thing. Could have been a binge day but instead you looked at what you have achieved!
  • Wow! I can't believe the number of posts! I am 43, to be 44 in June. I agree, losing weight is harder for me now. I think part of it is that I struggle staying motivated. I have been successful at losing weight in the past, but have been struggling the last few years. In fact, I just recommitted myself to losing weight and…
  • You are such an inspiration for me. Thank you for posting your story! I am impressed by your dedication for 2+yrs! I appreciate the motivation!!!!!!
  • Hello, I am in the same boat. Have done this before but just started up again (yesterday). I need to lose between 20-30 lbs. and hopefully keep it off this time! Good luck to you, I'd love to support you along the way...