tinapunch Member


  • No matter what your schedule, if you really want this, you have to make time. I have 2 boys and a husband at home. I work 50+ hrs a week. Weekdays I get up at 4:00-4:15, make lunches for the day, then my husband and I arrive at the gym at 5am. We spend an hour - then it's back home, make breakfast, get ready for work, take…
  • I want in.......is there a group to join????
  • Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!
  • We're here to help each other......keep your chin up! Let's get through the holidays and get focused on US.
  • I agree with all of you. I am 43, mother of 2 (17 and 9), and hold a very stressful job. Back about 6 yrs ago, I lost 80+ lbs and never looked or felt better in my life! I was working out 5+ days a week, running 3-5 miles at least 3 times a week. Even though I have slacked a bit on the exercise, I really think it is age,…
  • Hi Patty - I just turned 43 last week. Been on the diet/fitness merry go round for so many years! I need motivation and support to lose the 30 lbs I put "back" on in the last 2 yrs. I will send you a friend request. Have a great day everyone!
  • No change this week.....going to kick it into high gear!!! Have a great week everyone!
  • Wow....once again, I have not taken my measurements, but did get on the scale. After ALL that moving, I only lost .6 lbs!! OMG!!! Current weight 162 Measurements to follow HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!
  • Sticking with it (like anything) is the key.... 1. Your Current Weight (as of this morning) or tomorrow morning is fine: 162.6 2. The # of total lbs you are down since you started this group: 7 3. The hardest part so far: Controlling the weekend drinking - LOL 4. Your reasons for staying in this group: Everyone is…
  • Good News.....I found my scale!!! Weight as of this morning 162.6 - down 7lbs in 2 weeks~ I am curious about my measurements, but did not feel up to it last night. I think I will wait until this Sunday for the 3rd weigh-in! Happy Hump Day everyone!!!
  • I'm so with you on this~!!!!!!! :-)
  • Ok everyone....so sorry! We moved this last weekend and I STILL cannot find my scale. I located my measuring tape this morning before having to rush out the door to drop little one off at school and get myself to work by 8am. I am going to at least measure tonight, and hopefully can find that darn scale. I'll tell…
  • If only you could help me pick those 6 magic numbers!!!! LOL Seriously, my workouts and healthy eating are going great........my work - that's a whole different ball game!!! Been crazy busy.....always is at month end, but seems moreso this month. It's only Tuesday and it feels like 3 weeks in one! So, I haven't been too…
  • Happy Sunday everyone~~ Weight: 164.2 - (lost about 6lbs) Neck: 12 3/4" Waist 35" Hips 39" Bust 38 1/2" Chest 37" Right Thigh 24" Left Thigh 23" (the left is ALWAYS smaller than the right!!) Right calf 15" Left calf 14 1/2" Upper Arms 11 1/2" Forearms 6" Wrist 6" BMI: 26.5 BF: 27.04% Lost weight and inches....so this makes…
  • I walk at 4.0 and run at 5.6. But I have been running for a few years - just been slacking the last 6 months or so. When I was consistently running, I would run at about 6.5. Do what makes you feel the best.........speed will come later and only if you chose it. Keep up the good work!!!
  • I have completed my daily workout - 35 min run on treadmill and short arm workout. My challenge for today is to drink lots of water to ward off the hunger and for tonight......only 2 glasses of wine! OMG......that's going to be tough! Fridays are family steak night which always included a bottle of Merlot. TGIF everyone…
  • Great Job!!! Keep up the good work - and hope you feel better!
  • I just finished week 3. It is an awesome program. I used to run ALOT, and I've been out of it for months, so for anyone who is wondering if this program works and if it can increase your endurance, the answer is YES!!! I really look forward to my runs every day. I think C25K is just what I needed!
  • My main goal is trying to ignore this voice inside me that says I am hungry!!!! LOL Seriously though, I've already hit the gym this morning and completed week 3 of C25K and think I've eaten a pretty good breakfast - Special K cereal, banana, coffee, 1 slice wheat bread with 1/2 tbsp p-nut butter. So, here's to a HEALTHY…
  • November 23rd for me.....and this will be my second marriage - but this time to the RIGHT man! I am also hoping to drop at least 25lbs by then. If we are all consistent and determined, I believe we will all reach our goal by the time the love of our lives see us standing next to him all confident and beautiful!!! Good luck…
  • I already met my goal - W3D2 of C25K - then 10 min on the bike, and an arm workout. However.......for the remainder of the day my goal is to stay at or below my allotted calories. It's only 8:30am and I'm already hungry!!! I hope I can make it to lunch~~ Have a great day everyone!
  • I'm just finished W3D2 this morning. Trying to get back into running after slacking for a while. Believe me......progressing slow like this is the best way to go! When I first started running abour 4 years ago, I couldn't run for more than 10 seconds. Each time I went a little longer and before I knew it, I had signed up…
  • My fiance' and I are morning people. However, as morning people, we are also "early to bed" kind of people!! LOL M-F our alarm goes off at 4am. Up by 4:10 (after the first snooze). We drink coffee while I make everyone's lunch for the day (we have 3 boys and ourselves). Out the door by 4:50 (the gym is only 5-10 min away).…
  • Since I already did my workout for the day, I will try to do some at home yoga tonight after dinner. This......IS a challenge for me, since after getting up at 4am, working all day, cooking dinner, the only thing I want to do is fall into bed!!!
  • Completed W3D1 this morning. Feeling great to be getting back into running. I USED to run 3 miles a day during the week and then a longer run (6-8 miles) on Saturdays. I got away from it for a while and it is taking me FOREVER to get back to where I was. I now wish I never slacked off! Have a great day everyone and good…
  • Good Morning everyone~!!!! This morning, I met my goal. Did W3D1 of C25K (getting back into running), and did an additional 20 min on treadmill at a 5.0 incline and about 3.8 mph. Burned a total of 410 calories on treadmill. This afternoon we are having an office luncheon to celebrate "Administrative Professionals Day", so…
  • This morning - could not get up at 4am to go to the gym.......did not get to bed last night until 10:30 (which is WAYYYYY past our bedtime - LOL). However, I am off to a great start. Had yogurt and a banana for breakfast. I have to be at my part-time bookkeeping job this evening AFTER my 9 hours of my regular job, so I…
  • Here's to a great start..... Age: 41 (42 on May 8th) Height: 5' 6" Weight: 170 lbs Neck: 12 3/4" Waist: 35 1/2" Hips: 41" Bust: 39" Chest: 37" Thigh: 25" (left one was 24") ??? Calf: 15 1/4" (left on was 15") ??? Upper arms: 12" Forearms: 9 1/4" BMI: 27.4 BF: 27.69% Have a great week everyone - let's all be great…
  • Central Florida!!! Yep, I'm a beach bum!!!