Hello everyone. Team Orange Igauna recruit here. 30F 5'11" sw 279lbs cw 229.2lbs competition gw 219lbs ultimate gw 165lbs Near the beginning of last year was when I began to lose weight. Shortly after starting college, the worst year of my life, I gained almost all the extra weight I have. Then it just stayed around. I…
Today I'm finally over some random cold or something that made me sick for the past week. Haven't been able to exercise and was barely able to keep my appetite up. Appetite has returned with a vengeance, yikes. Being sick may have helped me lose some weight but now I bet in week 3 I won't show up as good. At least I'm…
I finished C25k earlier this year and am working on doing my runs 3x/week. Running is a lot of fun and for my mental health it is phenomenal! Once I feel more set, a month or so, I will think about if I want to increase that to a 10k training. Also started DDP yoga, but I'm still super noob at it, first week at it.
Did my first 5k today. 35 minutes, not too bad. I was exhausted and pathetic by the end, but as this year gets warmer and running doesn't involve freezing cold I'm looking forward to how much I can improve. Since I was a genius and started C25k as soon as winter started.
Day 66 here, full keto, no transition period. Tiny flu around day 28, quickly remedied with salted broth. I've slipped a few times,though, mostly because if I was in a pinch it can be inconvenient to be keto. Learning adjustments. I do seriously love the Ketogenic food-style of everything. I will be a lifer in this.
No, don't do that. The carbs you eat that might be coverted to human fat stores in no way, shape, or form replace the need for dietary fat. Animal fats and plant oils have a completely different composition that are needed by our body because our body can't make them. Obviously it is more complicated than that, but that's…
I just tried these, as far as I know it's the first time I've had these noodles. I used a 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil for dry frying them. I didn't time it for 8 minutes, so I might not have, have them on high heat for that long. I was worried about burning them, but with the oil that didn't seem to be an issue. Then I…
Warning: MATH If you are lucky there will also be an option for the entire package under My Fitness Pal. So if the Manwich with says 7 servings, but you end up using 5 or 6, you find the right percentage based off the whole package entry in the food diary. 5 is 1/5 of package, so 0. 20 of the whole package. 6 is 1/6 of…
- I hope I did the image right. Nope, well kinda, I suck. The image came out HUGE so I changed it to a link. This is my purple salad. 1 large roasted and peeled beet, raw beet greens, 1/4 head purple cabbage, minced purple onion, 1/4 cup mixed nuts & seeds, topped with Brianna honey mustard dressing.…
if the cauliflower was roasted I bet that would help with the flavor. I love roasted cauliflower. I'd put in some water with tinfoil to soften it too... I will try this.
I like Part of why I like this site, is that it crosses over with other websites and their best recipes all the time. George Bryant does a lot of leg work to add neat stuff. You can even sign up your email for shopping lists and recipes (which can be handy but he will email you almost…
I'm still wowed by summersbe on the first page! Anyway, I think keeping it simple is usually the best way to go. Have at least 2 to 3 options you can keep in your cupboards or fridge all the time for variety. I will promote my guys recipe that is like a homemade shakeologyhttp://…