Cold Comfort - Carpathian Forest
Possible reasons you're not seeing a loss: 1. You're not giving it enough time. 2. You're retaining water. 3. You're eating more than you think you are. If you do not have one already, I recommend getting a food scale and weighing everything you consume. This will give you a more accurate view on what you're truly eating.…
^ Is an art model for painters. (You look amazing, by the way)
Reading, replying to random forum posts, looking at food porn.
Hero turned villain.
Not the best thing ever, but sure, I'll eat it. Sauerkraut.
I fixed the Daily Mail logo. Wouldn't want them to misrepresent themselves.
I've got to say, your calves look amazing. Nice work.
Why not both?
Steak, baked potato with sour cream, mixed vegetables.
My thoughts? There was a lot of projection in that video. This subject really isn't worth getting that worked up over. "Soft" people are not inherently better than fit people, and fit people are not inherently better than than the unfit. Individual men and women have their own individual preferences. Yes, there are certain…
Honestly? You look gorgeous.
Milano cookies.
Agreed. I also have 15 pages of recipes and it becomes tedious sorting through them to find the correct one. We should have had this feature a long time ago.
Echoes - Pink Floyd
I've struggled with self-harm throughout most my life. While the term "cutting" doesn't bother me enough to be a problem, there's an automatic emotional twinge because of the personal associations I have with the word. However, part of becoming healthier for me has been to notice my emotional responses, remind myself of…
There are unfortunately no magic weight loss foods, so they won't help you with weight loss. The only thing that will is a calorie deficit. If you enjoy using them in your cooking, however, there's no harm in it.
Now I have a powerful craving for chicken alfredo and bread sticks. Thank you for solving my dinner dilemma for me.
Megadeth, Dethklok, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin. To name a few.
Someone to cuddle me so I can finally fall asleep.
The Doomstar Requiem: A Klok Opera Soundtrack - Dethklok