

  • Well you could always stay home where you can be strict and know the exact calorie count if everything you eat.... Hey .... Now that you have an extra ticket you won't be needing... (wink, wink) Don't sweat it girlfriend, I would be much more worried about the sodium in the food than the calories at this point. See if you…
  • I've lost about 65 and my hubby has lost about 70. He says all the time it's more noticeable on me because I'm shorter, I'm 5'1", 121lbs
  • Thanks. Funny thing is: my friend suggested those puzzle piece things for my new to become "fitness room". I don't mind spending good money on good product, that won't need replacing after a few months. I've had experience with buyer's remorse and know now that doing it the old way just means I waste the amount of money I…
  • Super inspirational! I'm also 5'1", I was initially aiming for 130, then thinking of 120, now that I see your pics I wonder if I can reach that! What is your daily calorie goal? Also I noticed you don't have the dreaded drastic lack of boobage we all fear, how many sizes have you lost there? Sorry to get so personal, I'm…
  • 1) cigarettes and coffee :) 2) my hubby will rub my tummy and encourage me to make my poopies :) haha.... it's funny but laughter helps. :)
  • When I can't prepare everything I put into my body I get downright b!tchy because I'm so stressed out. I've eaten out 3 times since May 30th which was the first time since I started my new lifestyle in January. Here's how I deal: Get easy stuff you can add the individual items if the restaurant doesn't have nutrition…
  • I like vitamin water zero rhythm (starfruit and citrus I think) It's the only drink I've found that has 0 cal, 0 sodium (propel zero and sobe both have sodium) and 875 mg potassium per bottle, I have 1 a day and they're $1 each at Save Mart.
  • Eeeeeeee! I'll try my best!
  • Tilapia tacos with basil sour cream 136 c each. Yum! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmagnesium! Edamame roasted with coconut oil (zero calories and great for you!) salt, pepper, red peppers and tapatio. Maybe too much tapatio :) 360 cal total 2 amylu chicken patties, 1 80 calories and delicious bun, lettuce, tomato, pickles, brown mustard, 4…
  • How can it be wrong when it feels so right? :laugh: I don't have a drinking problem, I have a drinking solution! 2 beers (Allagash White) with lunch, 6 oz red wine after dinner. I drink my wine in marked pint measuring glasses I got from the dollar tree. Dorky but helps me keep track! Cheers! :drinker:
  • Hey you're looking good! Must run in the fam :) (everyone this is my wonderful sister, who surprised me with a birthday cake yesterday and slivered me the perfect size slice I couldn't refuse. :) )
    in Halp! Comment by Thexplodingirl May 2011
  • Yeah I'm aware of that but I can't get my mind apart from feeling like *kitten* if I eat like I used to, which is what got me here. Also it's party time, had a birthday last weekend, a grad party yesterday, a birthday tomorrow, MY big birthday dinner next sat which I have been planning for about a month now.... Thanks…
    in Halp! Comment by Thexplodingirl May 2011
  • are they pretty much universal, or do I have to find a new balance specific one? Can't find any online so far...
  • Ha ha ha ha:laugh: sorry, but if I took up cake decorating I'd just eat it all!
  • Yup, get out off the house and do some light excersize. Sunshine and feel good endorphines do wonders. Then if you're still hungry, you just earned yourself some calories baby!
  • My post heavy workout therapy. Everyone thought I was crazy but I wasn't walking around like a cowboy for a week again! Get in the tub first, then start the cold water and add the ice slowly as it fills. As a bonus you can chill your beers at the same time :) some (I'm sure bogus) study said beer was great for recovery.…
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again, a whole box of mac and cheese made mostly with butter and mustard. I still do mac and cheese with mustard (now and hot sauce and red peppers!) But I opt for the lean cuisine kind, keeps my portions under control. Also tortillas with butter, oreos with peanut butter, bologna with…
  • Gotta have some balance. I did ask the posh restaurant for a calorie count on that burger if they would please do so, I emphasized how much weight I lost and said I totally understand if they can't.... I almost always work out for 90 mins min on my days off. I think I might only be able to eat half anyway!
  • Ha ha so sleeping in and tv marathons then? My sister said she didn't do anything on hers either...
  • I would be interested to know who here has trouble with getting too much potassium in their normal diet. I would imagine if you're not taking supplements you shouldn't have a problem. I noticed when I started tracking my potassium and trying to get more of it I retained water less. But you still need sodium too. I try to…
  • Seriously I've almost come to blows with my sister over this, and I'll come back by telling her EXACTLY how many calories those carrots have. Those "points" people are just speaking gibberish to me!
  • Or I buy it for myself and thank my hubby later. Btw I have gotten flowers maybe twice and we don't celebrate valentine's day and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything but smoke and mirrors. My hubby shows me he loves me 365 days a year in ways that count for ME (like giving me a beer while I'm in an ice bath! Beer…
  • Have you tried telling her just that? Every once in a while I check in with my hubby to see if there's anything he feels is lacking in our relationship (luckily he thinks we're doing great too). We also are encroaching upon 10 years and are saving up for a week long vacation in Hawaii where we got married. Granted we don't…
  • It depends... does cyber SEX count? :laugh:
  • Yes but this is a good problem to have, no? It's encouraged me to run instead of walking and helps me challenge myself. But yes, it also does suck. "What do you mean I have to up my game?!"
  • Have you been exercising more? I noticed my metabolism haas gone into overdrive and feel hungry easier. It's a good kind of hungry! It totally feels different to me! Try three servings of egg whites (90c- totally satisfying!), a whole bag of steam in bag veggies, or a 100c bag of microwave popcorn! oh and run for 10 mins…
  • How much is in the glasses? A standard bottle of water has 2 8oz servings.
    in Water Comment by Thexplodingirl May 2011
  • Oh god I just had a nightmare that I was over my calories! *update* while it's true it WAS a nightmare it had to be based on reality. I checked and actually did go over last night by 69c. I blame it on the apfel schnapps, but hey, your best friends will only get engaged once right? Besides, I still lost some weight over…
  • Your special bday request for a local restaurant is a calorie count. You station yourself in the kitchen at every party you're invited to so you can get an ACCURATE count, and bring your own food scale!
  • I said "No" to going to work. And believe you me, I needed it! Instead I slept in and went hiking. Before anyone judges I got told I'm being laid off yesterday and they said I could take a personal day today if I needed it, their idea, not mine.