corgarian Member


  • Best advice is to not rush the recovery! you will be non weight bearing for probably 6 weeks and in a boot for another 6 weeks. do your rehab and dont rush the ankle!!
  • I had an osteochondral defect in my ankle from multiple sprains during a short period of time. This is basically having bone fragments within the joint of my ankle that were causing me pain. I had arthroskopy surgery on it in March of 2016. For me, that surgery was one of the worst things to happen to me. Before, sure my…
  • If you eat less, but still over maintenance, you wont lose weight. You will just gain weight slower. Key is finding out where your numbers are and there are a lot of decent calculators out there for that.
  • I'm 186 5'5 and I gotta be pretty strict at staying at or below 1600 calories as well as working out 3-5 days a week for me to see a 1 pound loss a week, and even then I didnt start seeing good consecutive weight loss until about 6 weeks in. On the note of salt, are you drinking enough water that could help the bloat...…
  • That title made me throw up a little in my mouth. but I also hate Quinoa.
  • I drink my morning calories. I use heavy whipping cream and chocolate protein powder in my coffee. >4 carbs
  • Thanks! I'm passing on the info now!
  • Something to help you not get discouraged if the scale isnt moving fast enough is to take measurements! Especially if you want to start lifting. The tape measure doesnt lie, so even while your weight fluctuates on the scale you can know you are still getting smaller.
  • what podcast app do you use? is it free? available on android? I have a friend who suffers from binge eating and its something she has been struggling with for a long time and i think this would be great for her to tune into!
  • I had ankle surgery last year and was out of commission for 6 months. gained a lot of weight (hit 204). Finally got my act together in June, changed my diet and started to hit the gym and lost close to 20 pounds since then, but some shake ups in my schedule have messed up my normal weekly routine. If you need an…
  • I had to travel for a week a few weeks ago. Other than business dinners I tried to be really strict on my other meals and snacks. I also worked out in the hotel gym every night. It was hard because i was out of my comfort zone, but I'm glad i did those things because i was able to keep my weekly 1lb loss.
  • Obviously losing weight is best but when I found myself in the prediabetic waters i changed my diet and even before weight came off my new blood tests came back normal. Your diet is going to be key and funny enough weight tends to follow due to diet. Cut your sugars and processed carbs down, get rid of the junk you know…
  • You can do this! I totally understand, I recently had back to back work trips and my schedule got thrown off for 2 weeks, and now I'm struggling to get my daily gym motivation back! We just gotta keep at it and force ourselves back on track! Once we are back on our schedules the pounds will keep dropping!
  • I love Chile & Lime Pork Rinds with French Onion dip!
  • I'm on month 3 of Keto right now and the past few weeks have been my best so far. That being said, I've incorporated a cheat day into my week. Usually Sunday. Come Monday I've been a little bit heavier from cheating the day before but I've noticed that by Friday my body leans down (releases water?) and I will be down a…
  • I suck at running, so I roller skate instead.
  • I typically spend 45min- an hour tops at the gym. I super-set all my weights and only take 30 second rests so I am working as hard as I can in that time, but I hate spending hours at the gym.
  • I dont eat when I work,k I'm not trying not to eat, I just get focused and dont eat. So I try to I pre-plan my snacks throughout the day to be sure I hit my calorie goals. If I logged it I gotta put it in my mouth.
  • I drink my coffee with heavy whipping cream and a half scoop of chocolate protein for sweeter.
  • So so so so frustrated today. I've been going hard for 2 months now but my body has thrown me a wrench and given me 4 periods in 6 weeks. so my weight has been an absolute yo yo! I haven't written in my weight loss diary in almost a month and i realized that my lowest weight since starting has basically been the same for a…
  • I have a blue 50's style dress my husband bought me when we were dating. I'd give anything to get to wear it again. I'd also love to get in the single digits for jean sizes.
  • turned 28 last week! 204 SW 196 CW 150 GW Ive been Keto and working out consistently for almost 2 months now. It's been rough because my body is trying to kill me (ive had 4 periods in 6 weeks) so the weight keeps going up and down like a yoyo. could use some motivation to keep me going!
  • Up until last march I was a competitive Roller Derby player, then I had ankle surgery which took me out of the game and training. I went through a serious depression during recovery and gained a lot of weight. I pulled myself out of the slump in June. Before June that I wasn't completely inactive, but also not consistently…
    in Headaches Comment by corgarian July 2017
  • I agree with the eating more. Granted all bodies may react a little differently to diet changes. I felt my anxiety diminish when i switched to Keto and started working out more. I felt more productive than i have been in months.
  • I've started lifting and doing more leg presses and squats along with my diet. As I've been losing fat my legs have been getting smaller. So that's something to think about. If you get some muscle in your legs it doesnt necessarily mean your legs will get bigger, they may even slim down a little. But this is only personal…
  • Everyone has given great advice so far that you should defiantly take them up on. I would like to offer a slightly different thing to think about. Being a female, our bodies can be... troublesome. In the last month I changed my diet and exercise regime big time, and my body reacted, big time. Suddenly my lady parts are…
  • Just started period number 3 in 29 days
  • I've been reading some articles that make sense if I believe the science behind keto (not saying I dont just not fully sure i do yet either.) Since my body is using it's fat stores for energy, the hormones trapped in my fat are getting released into my body and it's throwing things out of whack.
  • Good to hear. After not having to deal with a cycle for 4+ years to getting 2 in under a month I was pretty freaked out. It's completely put a halt on weight loss, nothing in 3 weeks. But my body FEELS smaller so I'm holding out hope.
  • I just dont enjoy traditional cardio. Luckily for me, i'm a roller derby girl so I get about 7 hours of cardio a week in the form of skating, so when I'm at the gym it's pure lifts.