

  • I burn between 350-370 depending on how much I push it. I am pretty overweight though, 5'10 and 280. You have to pay attention to where the fat burn zone is though, which is a lot lower than what your max heart rate should be. Oh and I have a polar HRM that goes around chest. It pretty much rocks.
  • I got some new ones, Old Navy has some compression ones that I LOVE! And there is the added benefit of being excited to put on my new clothes when I'm getting ready, giving me that extra happy element to go out and start my workout!
  • I have jerky on hand for a snack throughout the day, its a very low calorie, filling snack.
  • I work 2am to noon, and I keep losing by eating small meals throughout my shift, and I excercise when I wake up. Definitely keep a routine. I also plan for meals and bring lots of healthy snacks and water so I'm not eating out for lunch break.
  • I have acid reflux disease, here are some tips from my doc. Cut down or stay away from coffee, chocolate, fried foods, citrus foods, garlic, raw onions, tomato based food and caffiene. The caffiene (in my case) relaxes the muscle between esophagus and tummy, allowing acid from stomach to back up into esophagus. The other…
  • I use mine to log what things give me heartburn cuz I have gerd.
  • Toasted Orowheat sandwich thins with a Tbsp peanut butter and either a banana or an apple.
  • Thanks for the suggestions, I will try all those things. Its good to hear its manageable...:bigsmile:
  • Ooh I love all of those ideas! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond =)
  • Maybe try swapping one of them daily with some water and see how that works out for you. I am a big believer in still being able to have the foods you love. So if you can eliminate them completely, that would be awesome due to the sugar levels, but if it is "essential to your happiness" then try just having one a day. Good…
    in question Comment by Jacy707 March 2011
  • Awesome NSV!
  • MFP Abduction (fun addictive game) Unblock me (puzzle game) Cryptogram (puzzle game) gstrings (guitar tuner) Password keeper (i would be lost without it)
  • I've lost approx 6 human brains. (17 lbs)
  • Jen 33 289 Oh yeah.
  • I want to try snowboarding! I want to do a zip line tour! I want to complete level 3 of the 30 day shred! And hey, lets face it. I don't want to be the chubbiest chick on the beach :happy:
  • I love stir fry, a cup is only about 200 cals. I chop up some chicken breast and veggies (broccoli, celery, onion, bell peppers) and stir fry it all up together with some olive oil spray. I season mine with Newmans Own Sesame Ginger Dressing and it is seriously awesome.
  • Measure measure measure! Don't get discouraged by the scale sister, sometimes my weight will go up a couple of lbs, but my pants are looser, so I know I'm ok. Then a few days later the scale catches up :) Better to judge by the way you feel and the way your clothes fit than that stinking scale. 2 exercise sessions a day is…