Acid Reflux Suffers and Night Time Eating

Does anyone have issues with acid reflux?

I've discovered that I have acid reflux after I graduating from college (80 pounds over weight). My weight gain had a lot to do with it, according to my doctor.

Of course, eating right before bedtime poses a problem. I've have intense workouts and find that I am hungry right before bedtime. I don't want to risk getting up at night with horrible pain. So, I don't eat.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, how were you able to resolve it?

- VC


  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Yes, I got that within the last two years. Sometimes I think the acid makes us think we are hungry but its a false feeling. They say you shouldn't eat right before bed especially foods like steak, wine, chocolate, citrus fruit, tomatoes, mint gum, spicy foods, caffeine beverages that can cause a flare. If you must have a bed time snack, try something soothing like a glass of milk, fat free yogurt or cottage cheese, or if you really are hungry - oatmeal.

    I take Prilosec. I have a chronic addiction to diet soda, but I don't normally drink tea or coffee. If I give up the caffeine soda, I might be able to give up the Prilosec drug. Drinking lots of water also good for you.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I have had a lot of trouble with acid reflux. My diet definitely makes a big difference in how bad it is. I have tried a program called no flour no sugar off and on for about 3 years. I was so surprised to find that when I eliminated flour and sugar from my diet that I also eliminated acid reflux. The problem is I don't stick to the NFNS program faithfully, and as a result I again am having some problems with acid reflux.....mostly at night when I go to bed.

    I really think sugar is the thing that triggers my problem. Do you know what foods seems to make your condition worse......if not try to eliminate something like sugar and see if that makes any difference.
  • Jacy707
    Jacy707 Posts: 18
    I have acid reflux disease, here are some tips from my doc.

    Cut down or stay away from coffee, chocolate, fried foods, citrus foods, garlic, raw onions, tomato based food and caffiene. The caffiene (in my case) relaxes the muscle between esophagus and tummy, allowing acid from stomach to back up into esophagus. The other things I found is that dairy triggers reflux for me, so I cut WAY back and dont have issues anymore. Doc also suggested eating 3 hours before bed time to allow time for foods to digest. I take an over the counter acid blocker such as prevacid, and if for some reason you end up with pain in bed, sleep on a wedge to elevate esophagus, and sleep on your left side.

    Keeping a food log helps identify trigger foods for you, and I use the notes section of the food diary to remind myself of what worked, what didn't, what caused pain...etc. :) hope that helped! I found that if I follow these things I am able to manage my reflux fairly easily.
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    VictoriaFitness2010 Posts: 175 Member
    I am trying to pay more attention to foods that may trigger the reflux. I've been avoiding OTC medication, but I may have to consider it.
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I also suffer with this, and have found that as my diet has changed for the better my reflux has improved. Chilli still seems to be a trigger for me, which is a shame as I love spicy food! It also improved massively after I cut caffeine from my diet - going cold turkey and having headaches for 10 days was worth it!