What are your Non Scale Goals?

I posted this because we all have weight loss goals in mind. We have an idea of how much we want to lose, etc. I have a number in mind but I don't know if I'll stick to it or adjust when I get closer. I just want to be happy with my body, muscle tone, etc. But I think lots of times lots of us get wrapped up in the scale too much. "OMG the scale didn't move this week, I did HORRIBLE, how will I go on!?" Maybe not that extreme, but you get the point :tongue:

Some of my NS Goals are:

- Be able to completely run a 5k (trying to run at all right now is difficult b/c I keep getting shin splints regardless of the different stretches I do!)

- Pick up some new winter activities next year such as snowshoeing and cross country skiing

- Hit the beach next summer and not be ashamed!

- Feel better about myself in general - this is already starting happen even though I have a long way to go both physically and mentally!

- Complete P90x and Insanity

There's more that I can't think of at the moment, I'll repost when I do!


  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    To be able to take runs with my Hubby!

    Not to have so much weight on my knee.

    To have toned arms! :)

    To eat what I want, but have a healthier substitution for it.

    To do a full rotation of Turbo Fire/P90X/and Insanity and not have it hurt (in the bad way lol)
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    To summit 10 peaks this summer
    To run a 5k (and hopefully a 10k too!)
    To hve to buy a new wardrobe (I'm a bit of a shopper!) ;)

    Thanks for reminding me of what's REALLY important!
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    To look in the mirror and think 'whoa babe alert!'

    To always feel comfortable in my clothes, no matter what I'm wearing.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    To do proper pushups(not lady pushups) at least 5 in a row!
    To look at my triceps and feel proud...lol
    To do some dynamic sport or something only when I get fit enough like sky gliding
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    My New Year's Resolution is to run a 5K ( we have one in June, for Cancer Research, here in the UK), so I started the COUCH TO 5K running programme this week... Day 3 tomorrow!!!

    I desperately want to be down a dress size ( I keep having to extend the month I want it to happen )

    To wear great summer clothes and feel gorgeous!!!

  • Jacy707
    I want to try snowboarding!
    I want to do a zip line tour!
    I want to complete level 3 of the 30 day shred!
    And hey, lets face it. I don't want to be the chubbiest chick on the beach

  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I would love to be able to bench press 200lbs. I'm at 180. But it's rough.

    I'd also like to be able to hold a hand stand for a full 30 seconds.

    And lastly, I'd like to be able to do 20 pull ups without having to nurse my right trap for 3 weeks afterwards. (grrrr)

    Other than that, I hit my non scale goal ever day I walk out of the gym - peace, health and a feeling of compassion for all life. Lifting for me is like meditation for a monk. It puts me into a totally different space.
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    To do proper pushups(not lady pushups) at least 5 in a row!
    To look at my triceps and feel proud...lol
    To do some dynamic sport or something only when I get fit enough like sky gliding
    I too want to be able to do 5 proper pushups in a row!
    My Goals:

    *Have my 54 miles for the month of febuary complete ( 11 miles to go)
    *Running my first 10k March 5th --- the most i have ever been able to jogg is 4 miles at one time so this is going to be difficulty 9 not to mention all the hills)
    * Participate in at least 3 triathlons this summer
    *Decrased my biking time
    *WIN THE WEIGHT LOSS COMPETIION AT WORK ( end april 29th) ****I am normally not so competitive but i wont last year so this year everyone at work said they were not "letting me" win this time HAHA i will show them!! :)
  • Splendidissimus
    To feel good enough to wear female costumes/cosplay rather than male ones.

    To not be squishy :P

    To actually have some self-esteem and self-confidence, which I haven't had since kindergarten. Having this confidence will hopefully help me leave my retail job, go to school, and do something fulfilling... so, basically, change my life. :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    To wear a skirt with bare legs this summer without having to wear cycle shorts underneath to stop my thighs chafing! :blushing:
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    mostly running goals, 5, 7, 10 then 12 k running at 6 min/km by september

    get my black belt in Karate

    get my blue belt in Koryu Uchinadi

    Guns and Abs :D
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    To get my butt off the back of my leg!! :noway:

    To not be squishy-

    To be toned head to pinky toe :smooched:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    What a great post, Courtney! I think it's great to focus on the NSVs - a lot of times they come before that number drops on the scale :wink:

    :flowerforyou: I want to be able to sit on my husband's lap, without risking injury (or numbness) :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: When my 3 month old son becomes a toddler, i want to have the energy to keep up with him
    :flowerforyou: I don't want to get "chub-rub" on my thighs in the summer if I wear a skirt
    :flowerforyou: Be toned
    :flowerforyou: To kiss my muffin top GOOD-BYE!!!
  • kyregi
    kyregi Posts: 55 Member
    To wear a skirt with bare legs this summer without having to wear cycle shorts underneath to stop my thighs chafing! :blushing:

    Same here!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I never was able to do a pull up...I am going to the park once a week to practice, Im happy if I get just 1!!:happy:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    To shop for short sleeve or even sleeveless tops this summer
    To keep up with my husband & kids when we go biking & hiking
    To enjoy the beach like a normal person
    To look younger
  • Hizzle85
    Hizzle85 Posts: 49 Member
    great post!

    - to not be embarrassed to see people I knew a few years ago.
    - to be able to wear a mini skirt again and look cute
    - to be healthy for when I have a baby
    - change my life style to be more active and healthy going forward!
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    Mine are:
    1. to be able to wear a bikini with confidence
    2. to run a 10K in June
    3. to get through a full round of Turbo Fire and start a round of P90X
    4. to be able to wear whatever I want
  • mfrano
    mfrano Posts: 16
    loose the belly pouch..and run a 10k