too much excercise?

I have a daily calorie count of 1400. I treadmill in the morning to my couch to 5k program and burn about 290 calories then at the end of the day I do another treadmill session and burn another 240 calories. I have done that for 2 days in a row now and still have had about 300 calories left at the end of each day! Been drinking a gallon of water a day! I have gained weight each day! Could it be cuz I am burning too many calories and not eating them all back! I am gettin so frustrated cuz I had a weight goal I wanted to be at by the weekend and am way off!


  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Always get a NET of 1200 or more. This will keep you out of starvation mode city.
  • Abrilj
    It could be the water you are drinking... If you are drinking a ton of water and then hopping on the scale, you've got a lot of water weight being included in that... I learned it the hard-way as I guzzled water all day on weight watchers and then was up at the weigh-in.

    Wait a few hours after your last drink before you weigh yourself to give your body time to get rid of some of the water
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    So long as the net is above 1200 min you should be ok, running and drinking more water you may see an initial weight gain as the body will hold more water at first until you are consistently drinking enough, and when you start running it will initially start muscle gain to help you do the exercise so do not be discouraged. My advice though is to eat those cals back as it will be needed to fuel the muscles properly for recovery, if you have a lot of weight to lose then I would say just stay at the net amount needed for 1200 cals/day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    That is not too much exercise, some MFP users exercise 2-3 hours a day burning well over 1000 cals. The important thing though is to fuel your body for the amount of working out you do.
  • Jacy707
    Measure measure measure! Don't get discouraged by the scale sister, sometimes my weight will go up a couple of lbs, but my pants are looser, so I know I'm ok. Then a few days later the scale catches up :) Better to judge by the way you feel and the way your clothes fit than that stinking scale. 2 exercise sessions a day is fabulous! Keep up the great work!
  • MXZDrew
    While that is a good rule for general health reasons, starvation mode is a myth. At least in the sense of a daily caloric requirement. Your minimum net calorie intake is more a factor derived from your personal BMR. It is an individual number not a generic one that applies to all.

    You will hit plateaus and judging by your ticker you might be near one, seems to be once we get off to a good start things often slow down. Might be a good time to switch up your exercise routines to keep your body fresh and guessing. Another reason for this is as we improve in a specific exercise the bodies caloric requirement to do that exercise goes down. It really does help to keep things fresh.

    Biggest thing is just stick with it. An calorie intake/output deficit combined with exercise WILL bring results. Just be patient, stick with it and it will come.
  • mfrano
    mfrano Posts: 16
    I only weigh myself in the morning. I get up, pee, strip down to nothing and weigh in!
  • mfrano
    mfrano Posts: 16
    Maybe this is too much info..but I have read where PMS can play a factor in gaining a pound or 2..however in my case I cant tell if it may be that! Do most women find this to be true? I had an ablasion done last march so I dont get a period but occassionally get period like symptoms../maybe I am just reaching for a solution to the problem