Karmarie24 Member


  • I start almost every run with dread, telling myself I really don't want to do this. After my first mile, I'm like, "I'm going to do 4 miles", then at 4 I say "okay I know I can do 6". You never regret working out, only not working out. Motivation is hard sometimes, you just have to get yourself out the door. A friend to…
  • I used to net 800-1200 calories a day, eating very similar to you. I felt that if I could fit pizza, Taco Bell, and Mcdonalds into my calories I could still eat how I wanted. I was stuck and frustrated! I had a personal trainer/nutritionist look at my food diary and he said I needed to revamp my entire diet. Fresh veggies,…
  • I found your post today! I signed up! I'm so excited! I ran the Goofy Challenge this year, I had a really hard time in the Full, but I know a few things to tweak for next year. Good luck!
  • Depending on which model you have you can do a fitness test (sometimes called an ownzone test in Polar). You do this first thing in the morning by strapping on the chest strap, and running the fitness test from the watch. This helps customize it to your specifications better. Also make sure your height, and weight are…
  • I was horribly addicted to Coke Zero, while it's zero calories I knew the chemicals in it were not the best for me. I went cold turkey because cutting down just wasn't working. I'd drink 6-8 cans easily in a day! The first 3 days were HORRIBLE! I was moody, and anxious, I had headaches, it was really bad. After day 3 it…
  • I agree get good shoes, not at ****'s Sporting Goods, or any type of big chain store, but a running specific store. Everyone runs differently, and they need to watch you run/walk to fit your properly. Also, if you need too, repeat a week. If you're not ready to move on it's better to move slowly. And speed comes later, you…
  • I've had several Polar brand heart rate monitors and I love them! Everyone has a different resting HR and max HR. The more aerobically fit you are, the more they will both come down too. There is an amazing book about exercising in your optimal HR zone. I'm a distance runner and I found the book wonderful! I continue to…
  • You may have a higher heart rate, everyone is different, and the 220 - age formula is very generic and is quite wrong for some people. You may be able to go for long periods of time in a high heart rate zone, and yes you burn more calories in that time because your heart rate is higher, but that shouldn't be every workout…
  • I get nervous for every race I run, like sick to my stomach, horrible nerves, but as soon as I start that race I'm fine. Crossing the finish line is the best memory and it makes everything worth it! I started using the couch to 5k too, and running 1 minute straight was so hard for me in the beginning, now I run several…
  • A 29:59 5k is a 9:40 pace, you running 2.3 miles in 28:00 is a 12:10 pace. I'm not saying it can't be done, because the adrenaline of race day is a powerful thing, but it will be hard. I know the desire to run under 30 mins! It took me 3 years of running to get there. Some people have natural running ability, I do not! I…
  • In your 600 calories a day what type of foods do you eat? Are you eating good quality foods, or a fast food value meal a day? When I started with a trainer a few months ago, I was netting (calories I ate per day minus calories burned per exercise) only 800-1000 calories a day. I was doing this while running half and full…
  • My trainer has me chart my heart rate and weight every morning. If my heart rate and weight are up higher than normal I have to have either a easy workout day, or a rest day depending on how high they are. He feels it's a signal that your body needs a little more rest!
  • NIce job!! I see from your shirt you did the Flying Pig! I almost did that race, but decided to race closer to home! I hear the hills are tough!!
  • I started running 4 years ago with the C25K program. The 3 min run still sticks out in my mind, it was so hard I didn't think I'd make it. I went through shin splints, ankle pain, knee pain, and sore everything! Somehow I made it, and I did a 5k 7 months later, 60 pounds lighter. I went on to run every 5k in my area, and…
  • I "save" 300-400 calories because I am the same way. I love to snack at night. I typically choose pistachios because they take forever to eat! On my long run days where I burn 1000+ calories, I usually have my "second dinner" after 8 when my kiddos go to bed!
  • I didn't read all the responses, but this helped me a ton! I had a plateau because I didn't have enough calories! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/538381-in-place-of-a-road-map?
  • Congrats on your journey! You look great! I'll be at Disney 2013 too, running the Goofy! I did the Marathon in 2011, it is the best Marathon ever!
  • I hated mine until I blended it in the magic bullet (or blender). That made a big difference for me. Sometimes I do 4oz of water 4oz of milk, which helps, or blend in a half of a banana, or some berries (I use frozen berries because they are cheeper). My favories is 8oz of water a scoop of vanilla powder and a banana, yum!!
  • I agree with the C25K!! When I started running I couldn't run 3 mins straight, now I do Half and Full Marathons! Have you tried running outside instead of the treadmill? I find you can pace yourself better outside. It's easier to slow down/speed up outside, than to try to get yourself to do a steady pace when you're just…
  • Vanilla whey protein shake with 4 oz water, 4 oz of milk, 2 ice cubes and a banana. Throw in the Magic Bullet and yum!
  • I didn't start losing until I upped my net calories! I ate 1200 net a day for a long time, I did lose at first but then started slowly gaining it back without changing anything. I did some research and decided to up my calories. I'm 5'5", 148 (started out this time at 162). I'm a distance runner and I do heavy weights 3x a…
  • I'm doing the New Rules all at home with a bench, bar, and adjustable weight dumbbells! I'm seeing awesome results so far!
  • I'd do a tech tank and capris/shorts! If it's only a drizzle rain bring a ziplock bag to put your iPod in (if you run with one). If it's going to be a high of 60 it might be chilly in the morning when you start. It sounds crazy but a ton of people bring a trash bag with a hole cut out for your head to wear as a poncho in…
  • I always have music, but depending on the race I pause it a lot! I ran my first marathon at Disney World last year and did over half without music. There were some long stretches of nothing where I needed my music though. Sometimes if my mind starts telling me I can't go any longer I turn up the music and make myself tune…
  • In a rack pull the bar is about knee level? Sorry for all the questions, I work out in my home gym, and while I have a ton of equipment thanks to my husband, there's no trainer to ask questions!! :)
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! It's so frustrating to me that I can't do something! I'm going to do some research on your suggestions and see if I can get some strength up in my back first!
  • It's very hard to get in your head you have to eat more to lose more! I did the typical diet of low calories and high exercise, only netting about 800-1000 calories per day when I first started. I did lose weight at first, about 10 pounds in 4 weeks. Then I started gaining. I gained 4 back, so after reading posts I…
  • Is 2000 your net? I'm training for a half right now, then a full in a few months, I net about 1400 a day right now, (so I eat between 1400 and 2600 depending on the workout that day). I'm 5'5 150lbs and I'm stuck! I'd love to be 135-140!