Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Okay I am jumping on board with this. MFP says my goal is 1700 cals per day if I want to lose 1lb per week. Is this what I eat even if I exercise or do I eat those in addition to this? I plan to do the 30 day shred and have no idea how many calories that will burn.
    I am 5'6, 218lbs, 24 yrs old.

    eat 1700 and if you exercise, eat those calories too, on top of the 1700
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I try to eat 1600 net calories/day, but sometimes I burn up to 1000 calories for exercise (I have an HRM - I do a lot of running, krav maga, strength training) so at most I am eating 2600 calories/day (average burn is probably 600 - 800 calories, so 2200 calories/day is a good average). I've lost an average of 1 lb/wk for over a year.

    Wonderful results !! and the best way to lose weight !!
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    why does it make me so nervous to eat more???? I'm sticking around the 1300 mark right now......and to eat more than that makes me so nervous I will gain more weight
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    1800 -2000 here. I am 5'9" and still have a lot to lose.
  • vannie18
    vannie18 Posts: 55
    Bump for later.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I eat anywhere between 1500-2300 depending on the workout....and basically just my hunger level!! I am maintaining 120 for 9 months now eating this way!!
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    People eating 1200 calories...or less. Don't you feel exhausted all the time?
    I mean. I cut mine down to 1200 a few years ago and was REALLY knackered!! And starving most of the time.

    I aim for 1700. Some days I reach it, some days not. Depends on how hungry I am. But I average around 1500 calories a day. More if I'm working out. Usually 2000 calories + if I'm working out.

    Can't survive on less. Wew. Starving munchkin most of the time!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I'm interested in this topic too. I've been using a BodyBugg which tells me I don't burn many calories. It tells me to eat 1900 cals/day and that my "goal" to burn everyday is 2400 (I want to lose 1lb/week). Even if I exercise a lot I'm not burning much (according to BodyBugg). So I feel like I've really confused myself in terms of answering the "how many calories should I eat?" question. All I know is I want to eat all the time!

    So I decided to shell out the $90 Kaiser charges to test what your basal metabolic rate really is. I'm tired of guessing and wondering if the BodyBugg really works! Hoping I find out I can eat more, but who knows...

    I have the body bugg too... I was told to burn like 2900 in a day. I KNEW that I could not do that consistanty so I change the burn number in the settings to my maintainence calories per MFP. So I take in 1920 calories and I have a target to burn 1920 calories. I average between 2100- 2300 depending on if it is a workout day. It has been working for me!!!

    **If you would like a more detailed explaination feel free to PM me any time.
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just cant believe the success stories while eating 1500 - 2000 + calories! It baffles me. I have never eaten that much in my life.
    I am 5' 5" and 150lbs, 37 yrs old. I have been eating 1200 calories for a few years and exercise religiously 5-6 x a week doing spinning or heavy weights. I have also ran 3 marathons. Even while training, I never ate that much. I guess that's why I never lost weight! I think when you eat 1200 your body adjusts. I make healthy choices and never really feel hungry. Im going to start eating 1500 calories/day (my BMR is 1450) but I dont plan to eat back my exercise calories. Im REALLY nervous to try this because I dont want to gain anymore weight.

    But seeing some ladies on here that are my age, height, activity level, and eating 1800 + calories and losing weight, I now feel inspired to give it a try. Here's hoping my years of struggling will pay off.......:)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Mainey (and others) - please don't get discouraged if you show a small initial gain! I think the problem is that women say "Okay, I'll up my calories", they try it for like 3 days, the scale shows a fluctuation upwards and they freak out. Your body will need 2-4 weeks to readjust! Trust it.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Mainey (and others) - please don't get discouraged if you show a small initial gain! I think the problem is that women say "Okay, I'll up my calories", they try it for like 3 days, the scale shows a fluctuation upwards and they freak out. Your body will need 2-4 weeks to readjust! Trust it.

    Great advice, I was just about to say the same! If you are use to eating minimal cals you have to give it at least 3-4 weeks to adjust. You more than likely will see a gain the first few weeks. You will be amazed at how much better you feel, how much more you can put into a workout and when the weight starts falling off it's going to be more fat than muscle. When you eat to low you're losing quite a bit of muscle. That's why these ladies with the rocking bodies that are eating 1800+ cals/day have that rocking body, they are preserving muscle!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Mainey (and others) - please don't get discouraged if you show a small initial gain! I think the problem is that women say "Okay, I'll up my calories", they try it for like 3 days, the scale shows a fluctuation upwards and they freak out. Your body will need 2-4 weeks to readjust! Trust it.

    i was just going to say the same thing.

    Take measurements and photos before upping your calories, then take more if you get discouraged if the scale goes up. You might see an increase on the scale, but I bet you won't see it in photos or on the measuring tape. Just fluctuation.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Dear Bushidomama,

    Were you eating 1400 cal and then just jumped to 1800? I hear that doing that, not gradually, can cause weight gain. Im a currently eating 1200 cal/day, exercise hard 5-6 x a week. No weight loss. I am going to up my calories to about 1500/day next week but Im nervous. Thoughts? Thanks :)

    I just upped mine from 1200-1400 up to 2000 the past 3 days, not gradual at all, and I woke up to half a pound gone this morning.... You can do it slowly or you can do it quickly.... good luck !!

    Well, I got pregnant, and stopped counting calories. Then after I had the baby, when I was ready to start exercising again, I focused on nutrients (especially protein). I actually lost almost 30 pounds not counting anything, just focusing on getting in enough protein, fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc. It's only been in the past month or so that I joined MFP and have been logging my calories again. Since I've done that, I've seen that when I get everything I need, I take in more calories.
    I also meant to say that 1700-1800 is my total caloric intake, not my net intake. I normally burn off 350-450 cals from exercise. I've got my goals set to lose 0.5 pounds a week.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I'm loving this...i am the typical MFP did what it said--ate the 1200 net cals and worked my *kitten* off. worked for a little while and then hit the brick wall. Stalled out and actually started gaining fat. I haven't had any energy lately and been feeling like crap. My mood has also evidently suffered and I've turned out to be an overall beotch. It's also coinciding with our gloomy winter weather so i've been blaming it on that.
    31 yrs old...5'4 and sitting around 128-130lbs.
    I'm not so much concerened about the scale--never really have been. I just want to look "harder" vs. "soft and fluffy"
    Upping my calories and ordering NROLFW today!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I haven't had any energy lately and been feeling like crap. My mood has also evidently suffered and I've turned out to be an overall beotch.
    Someone in our 2000+ group just coined a word for that - "hangry"
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just cant believe the success stories while eating 1500 - 2000 + calories! It baffles me. I have never eaten that much in my life.
    I am 5' 5" and 150lbs, 37 yrs old. I have been eating 1200 calories for a few years and exercise religiously 5-6 x a week doing spinning or heavy weights. I have also ran 3 marathons. Even while training, I never ate that much. I guess that's why I never lost weight! I think when you eat 1200 your body adjusts. I make healthy choices and never really feel hungry. Im going to start eating 1500 calories/day (my BMR is 1450) but I dont plan to eat back my exercise calories. Im REALLY nervous to try this because I dont want to gain anymore weight.

    But seeing some ladies on here that are my age, height, activity level, and eating 1800 + calories and losing weight, I now feel inspired to give it a try. Here's hoping my years of struggling will pay off.......:)

    I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and 122lbs. I also have run marathons (4 done, in training for #5) and could have written your exact post not too long ago. I've been eating around 2000/day (give or take a couple hundred) since January 1. I lost a couple pounds, then the scale went up a few and now I'm back down and actually have hit the lowest weight I've seen on the scale in a LONG time.

    And (I hope this will catch your eye as a fellow runner) - my runs are ROCKING! I've got more energy than ever before and I'm running faster with less effort. I feel like I'm on track to easily run my fastest marathon ever this spring. And no wonder....I'm finally giving my body the FUEL it needs to perform its best!
  • Green_Eye_Girl
    Green_Eye_Girl Posts: 25 Member
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    For those of you who are afraid to up your calories or to gain back the weight, I am right there with you. Here is what I have told myself over and over....

    I was not losing weight anyway the past 3 wks on 1200-1400 calories so what do I have to lose?

    I feel much better, stronger for my workouts, I am not hungry and my body can't do anything BUT change because of the workouts I am doing, I work hard and long and lift heavy..... things have to change. There is no way they could stay the same.....
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    That's great EbayMommy! Im hoping you have your PB this marathon!

    So, to be clear, when you upped your calories, you gained a bit at first? I shouldn't be too worried when I weigh myself next
    weekend and the scale is up? Maybe I should eat more than 1500 cal? Maybe aim for 1600 or 1700...
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just cant believe the success stories while eating 1500 - 2000 + calories! It baffles me. I have never eaten that much in my life.
    I am 5' 5" and 150lbs, 37 yrs old. I have been eating 1200 calories for a few years and exercise religiously 5-6 x a week doing spinning or heavy weights. I have also ran 3 marathons. Even while training, I never ate that much. I guess that's why I never lost weight! I think when you eat 1200 your body adjusts. I make healthy choices and never really feel hungry. Im going to start eating 1500 calories/day (my BMR is 1450) but I dont plan to eat back my exercise calories. Im REALLY nervous to try this because I dont want to gain anymore weight.

    But seeing some ladies on here that are my age, height, activity level, and eating 1800 + calories and losing weight, I now feel inspired to give it a try. Here's hoping my years of struggling will pay off.......:)

    I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and 122lbs. I also have run marathons (4 done, in training for #5) and could have written your exact post not too long ago. I've been eating around 2000/day (give or take a couple hundred) since January 1. I lost a couple pounds, then the scale went up a few and now I'm back down and actually have hit the lowest weight I've seen on the scale in a LONG time.

    And (I hope this will catch your eye as a fellow runner) - my runs are ROCKING! I've got more energy than ever before and I'm running faster with less effort. I feel like I'm on track to easily run my fastest marathon ever this spring. And no wonder....I'm finally giving my body the FUEL it needs to perform its best!

    Is 2000 your net? I'm training for a half right now, then a full in a few months, I net about 1400 a day right now, (so I eat between 1400 and 2600 depending on the workout that day). I'm 5'5 150lbs and I'm stuck! I'd love to be 135-140!