Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    LIfe long dieter here (lost 75# and kept it off for 8 yrs now). I ran across another thread Monday and then this one Tuesday that both convinced me to try increasing my calories to 1750. Two days with the increased calories and I've gained back the 1 pound I'd lost.......:grumble: I do have to rely on the scale rather than inches. I've worked out for so many years, I doubt I'm still building muscle and losing fat.

    I still believe in this approach and expected a gain (maybe significant) since I've deprived my body of fuel for almost 10 years and burn 750-850 calorie 6x/week. Did anyone else experience an initial gain when they increased their calories?

    I'm hanging in there for at least a week and trusting the process. I've seen the same advice over and over again and am finally getting it through my thick head.

    All of the women on this thread eating real food are such an inspiration!!!!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    LIfe long dieter here (lost 75# and kept it off for 8 yrs now). I ran across another thread Monday and then this one Tuesday that both convinced me to try increasing my calories to 1750. Two days with the increased calories and I've gained back the 1 pound I'd lost.......:grumble: I do have to rely on the scale rather than inches. I've worked out for so many years, I doubt I'm still building muscle and losing fat.

    I still believe in this approach and expected a gain (maybe significant) since I've deprived my body of fuel for almost 10 years and burn 750-850 calorie 6x/week. Did anyone else experience an initial gain when they increased their calories?

    I'm hanging in there for at least a week and trusting the process. I've seen the same advice over and over again and am finally getting it through my thick head.

    All of the women on this thread eating real food are such an inspiration!!!!

    Many have said to expect a little gain the first couple of weeks but then it started falling off.... hang in there, I just started this as well and I have stayed the same.... but that might change and I might be up next week. Either way, I am working out and eating... I am happy, and that is what is most important !!
  • Annaflower
    Feel free to add me. I am 5'8" and over 300lb eating around 1600 to 2000 kcal per day. Just started exercising so that may change as I am set to sedentary and therefore will eat back some exercise calories. My diary is open so have a look. Most of my evening meals are recipes the my daughter and I cook and each serving usually has 3 portions of veg included in the recipe. If you want to have a go at any of them just message me and I can send you the info.

    Good luck.
    A x
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Thank you ladies so much! I thought it was just me who felt tired/ angry only eating 1200 calories a day. I am going to up my calories to a "normal" level now. Maybe my loss will be slower, but in the very least it wont feel like I want to sleep all the time.

    Yes, you will be amazed at the energy you have.

    Just as a caution to you (and anyone else who is upping their calories due to reading this thread).......

    1) you might want to up them gradually - like 150-200/day for a week or so, then take it up again until you get where you want to be

    2) do NOT freak out if the scale does crazy things. When I upped my calories the first week in January I had small but steady losses for about 3 weeks straight, then stalled out, then GAINED for a couple weeks, then went back to losing. This is especially true if you are lifting weights - those sore muscles retain water like no other! Give your body time to adjust to being fed.

    3) do not freak out if you suddenly feel like you are a starving monster. I had a few days on increased calories where I was like "Oh, I'm so full, how can I ever eat this much food?" that quickly turned into "OMG I'm sooooooo hungry, 2000 calories is not enough, I need to eat eat eat eat eat!" Best I can tell is that you are "waking" your metabolism up and the result is hunger! Don't be afraid of it....but do use your new, increased calorie allowance to even up your meals. I used to eat under 200 calories for breakfast and I always felt like I could eat my arm by lunchtime. When I initially upped my calories I only took breakfast up by about 50 calories or so and was still so very hungry at noon. Now I happily eat 400-500 calories for breakfast and I feel satisfied and ready to kill it at my morning workout session!

    I love that you reminded me about sore muscles. I did a 2 hour master circuit class on Saturday with tons of burpees, mountain climbers, jump rope, sprints, running stairs, and other calf-destroying exercises and my calves have gotten progressively tighter since. Today I can barely walk in flats. Monday I kickboxed and had the instructor as my partner. My right shoulder muscle literally cramped itself into a knot just holding hit pads for him. Tuesday I had to bend over to wash and dry my hair because I couldn't hold my arms up. Today I can barely put on my sweater or hook/unhook my bra. I work out a lot and hardly ever get really sore any more. The crazy sore calves and shoulders may well account for my 1# gain.

    You gals are a fountain of knowledge.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I can't even tell you how good that run yesterday was and how STRONG I felt.... my legs were like pistons... bahahaha
    ( not really but felt like it)

    I am loving this thread and your comment. I lost 75# years ago with WW (and kept it off) and over the past 2 years started getting serious about losing 20# more. I've lost a grand total of 5# since June 2011. I've been a major gym rat and runner for about 4 years. When I started working out I saw amazing gains in my speed, strength, and endurance. Once I got serious about counting calories (started with Lose It) I noticed not just a leveling off but a decline in my workout performance. I was eating 1200-1500 total per day and burning 750-850 a day/6 days a week doing HIIT, cardio, and strength training. The math made no sense (not losing) and I assumed my performance was declining because of aging. This thread makes me rethink that, especially with so many 'shredded' girls on here eating so much food. I've lifted heavy for 2 years and see no definition like some of you are seeing. Yesterday I read a thread that convinced me to try 1750 a day regardless of exercise and I'm going to give that a month, even though it scares me to death.

    I wonder if I will see a gain in the beginning and how long it might last be\fore the numbers start going back down.

    If I only see an increase in my workout performance I'll be thrilled. In the past two years my running speed has slowed and my max number of pushups has declined. I really wonder if fuel could be the culprit.

    51 years old
    31.5% BF (in spite of working out hard 6-7x/week. This number has not changed in 2 years)

    PS, be thankful if you have a good nutritionist. I took a 29 page spreadsheet that included my calories eaten, exercise, macro nutrients, etc. to a nutritionist and all I got was, "You're doing everything right. I don't know why you aren't losing. That will be $150 please." I'd love to find one who understands fat loss and muscle building.

    This is how I feel, except I'm in the distance runner category not a gym rat (all my cross training is done here at home- plus pilates/yoga etc). :) The ONLY time I saw weight loss while running was when half marathon mileage peaked w/ long runs of 9-11 miles.... otherwise, it looks perfect on paper- but it DOESN'T WORK RE WEIGHTLOSS.

    I'm trying to net at least 1700 cal per day, which means I have to eat 1900-2200 depending on workout. I wish I enjoyed it more- perhaps if I actually start losing weight again at some point, I won't feel like I'm choking down food.

    I'm a distance runner as well and didn't see any weight loss while training for and completing a half marathon. I attributed that to GU's, gels, Sport Beans, etc.

    If only my body would read all the calories in/calories out data.
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories, work out hard 5x a week, and cannot fathom eating 1800 calories a day!! I just dont see how eating that much can help me lose weight??? Im scared to try because I dont want to gain any weight (although I havent lost any either) in a long time.

    [I do heavy weights, cardio and spinning classes]
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    LIfe long dieter here (lost 75# and kept it off for 8 yrs now). I ran across another thread Monday and then this one Tuesday that both convinced me to try increasing my calories to 1750. Two days with the increased calories and I've gained back the 1 pound I'd lost.......:grumble: I do have to rely on the scale rather than inches. I've worked out for so many years, I doubt I'm still building muscle and losing fat.

    I still believe in this approach and expected a gain (maybe significant) since I've deprived my body of fuel for almost 10 years and burn 750-850 calorie 6x/week. Did anyone else experience an initial gain when they increased their calories?

    Hi :D

    I just upped my cals from (at my lowest point)500 a day to 1200 a day (right before MFP) and then now to where I am plowing through 1900 easy :D 2500 on hard workout days.

    I gained TEN POUNDS in a week. Guess what? Week two and it's gone PLUS another pound :D So yep- give it time and enjoy eating and FUELING yourself! It does work and it takes time- so you're right to stick with it and wait.

    SO happy to be eating well and feeling energized instead of stagnant- it's amazing to feel my body growing after so many years of 'nothing' from lack of fuel and exercise. Love it!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories, work out hard 5x a week, and cannot fathom eating 1800 calories a day!! I just dont see how eating that much can help me lose weight??? Im scared to try because I dont want to gain any weight (although I havent lost any either) in a long time.

    [I do heavy weights, cardio and spinning classes]

    You have not lost any because your body is starving itself. you are eating approx 8400 calories a week and guess what, prob burning approx 3500-4000 calories or more just from working out. So your body is living on about 5000 calories a week. It prob needs at least 8400 just to support your breathing and blood circulation and your organs to function properly, that's at rest, before you get out of bed.
    Guess where those extra 3400 calories are coming from ?

    Your body is eating itself to survive, including your muscles.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Love this thread!!
  • clearly_ninja
    clearly_ninja Posts: 62 Member
    Just been on the fat to fit radio site to see how many calories it suggested I eat.
    It came back with the figure of 2106 which seems extremely high. And it worked this out via my bmr.

    Thats all well and good however one method (harris-benedict) had my bmr at 1847 whereas (katch-mccardle) only has me at 1067 which is what mfp puts me at.

    I have been losing steadily over the past month but if I can be eating more then i'm all for it I just wonder which of these methods is most accurate?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Put your stats up here and I am sure many of us will figure out your BMR for you or what your TDEE is. That low one (1067) does not sound right unless you are 5ft and weigh 100lbs ???
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks Tabinmaine. How many calories would you suggest? Im 5'5", 37 years old and weigh 150lbs. I exercise 5x a week at least. Im thinking around 1500? Thanks
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5' 4", 29 yrs, weigh 157, desk job, do 3 days cardio 30-45min and 2 jillian michaels workouts (strength/cardio combo). I've been trying to eat around 1370-1400 cal sometimes 1500 cal. Does this sound too low?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Thanks Tabinmaine. How many calories would you suggest? Im 5'5", 37 years old and weigh 150lbs. I exercise 5x a week at least. Im thinking around 1500? Thanks

    Your BMR is 1439 calories- at rest, no activity

    Your TDEE is 2230 calories - working out 5x wk.

    I would eat 1700 on rest days, and 1700 plus most of exercise calories on workout days.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I'm 5' 4", 29 yrs, weigh 157, desk job, do 3 days cardio 30-45min and 2 jillian michaels workouts (strength/cardio combo). I've been trying to eat around 1370-1400 cal sometimes 1500 cal. Does this sound too low?

    BMR is 1502 calories- at rest

    TDEE is 2328 calories

    I would think 1800 on rest days and 1800 plus exercise calories on workout days.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I have BPD which has a symptom of binge eating so most days I eat 1800 calories and not by choice but I end up working them off...taking walks and spinning usually melt the weight away quick for me. Just got over my plateau last week and lost another 7lbs too!
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5' 4", 29 yrs, weigh 157, desk job, do 3 days cardio 30-45min and 2 jillian michaels workouts (strength/cardio combo). I've been trying to eat around 1370-1400 cal sometimes 1500 cal. Does this sound too low?

    BMR is 1502 calories- at rest

    TDEE is 2328 calories

    I would think 1800 on rest days and 1800 plus exercise calories on workout days.

    Thanks for the suggestion! It's so hard for me to imagine eating more than 1500 cal! My sister--in-law has lost 40lbs eating around 1000 cal!!!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I'm 5' 4", 29 yrs, weigh 157, desk job, do 3 days cardio 30-45min and 2 jillian michaels workouts (strength/cardio combo). I've been trying to eat around 1370-1400 cal sometimes 1500 cal. Does this sound too low?

    BMR is 1502 calories- at rest

    TDEE is 2328 calories

    I would think 1800 on rest days and 1800 plus exercise calories on workout days.

    Thanks for the suggestion! It's so hard for me to imagine eating more than 1500 cal! My sister--in-law has lost 40lbs eating around 1000 cal!!!

    I would put money on it that her hair and nails suck, her organs are suffering and she is "skinny fat" her muscle is being replaced with fat..... and what happens when she stops eating 1000 calories a day? She will gain it ALL back....
  • twinklesparkle1989
    i've just started on here. On a normal (undieting) diet, I would eat over 2000, maybe about 2300, but i've gained weight. For me, to loose any weight at all, i have to be eating under 1500 kcals and be super strict! Ive limited myself so much today, and i've accidentally gone over by 400kcals!! still,starving though!!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    For those who think that they only lose weight at 1200 calories and they exercise ..... you need to read this thread below:
