I want to hear about your C5K results please!!!



  • pearceda
    pearceda Posts: 29 Member
    Both my wife and I started this last fall. We were horrible at it to begin with and were struggling with it, but we kept at it, we even bought a treadmill so we could keep running through the winter. I was around 230 when I started and my wife was 196. I now weigh in at 195 and my wife is close to 145. She completed a 10K race last month and we are looking for another race to do together now. I also just had my personal best 5k time last night clocking in at 27:26! I have also completed 10K in 1:15:00 so I am now going to start focusing on getting that below an 1 hour. This program works and we both love running now. Would recommend getting fit out properly at a running store to make sure you are wearing the proper sneaker type.
  • huizenm
    huizenm Posts: 74 Member
    I started C25K a year ago in April. The first couple of days were the WORST! Running for 30 seconds or a minute? Tough! But I stuck to it - walked if I really needed it, repeated days...repeated weeks but kept pushing. I ran my first 5K in August (in 29.46!) and I'm prepped and ready to run my first 10K on Saturday! I am also signing up for my first 1/2 marathon in October and doing a 100K relay with some friends (For FUN! WHAT?!) in the fall. It is a very good program if you stick to it and it works!! Good Luck!

    Oh I echo the previous posters who said to get fitted properly for shoes! Also check to see if there is a Good Form Running Clinici around you or check out goodformrunning.com
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm thinking that I want to try this C5K program! I'm just curious about everyone's results. And is there anyone that has started this program being 300+ LBS. ? I'm currently at 308 :cry: and walk 3 miles every day now and I think I could possible do this. I would love to see people's results and hear how everyone has done! Especially people who have a great deal of weight to lose like me. All the support and encouragement would be greatly appreciated! And I know seeing people's results will inspire and encourage me to try it! Thank you everyone!! :smile:
    It took me much longer to complete than the 9 weeks...And when I started losing weight I was 301...but I didnt start c25k right a way I did a lot of cycling and elliptical until id lost about 25Lbs. This helped me with 2 things it helped better prepare my body that was not used to any activity and improved my cardio functionality
  • emgs52
    emgs52 Posts: 67 Member
    Are you running outdoors or treadmill or both??
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I was never a runner either but C25K is so awesome, I can safely say that I am now. I started in late February and breezed through the program quickly...I actually was doing two of the program weeks in one week's time. I ran my first 5K at Week 5 (early April). I wasn't fast but I got it done! I'm on Week 8 Day 2 now and I have no worries that I can run another 5K at any moment. I actually usually find myself running longer than the programmed times...I don't know how or why it happened but C25K changed the way I feel about exercise and running.

    I'm addicted to it now...I actually anticipate my after-work run time. And, my weight has dropped 20 pounds in about 6-7 weeks.

    My advice is take it slowly, repeat weeks if you have to, concentrate on your breathing from the beginning and get fitted for proper running shoes and size. You WILL have success with it!

    Good luck!
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    I've never been a runner. I have always WANTED to run, though. I'm hoping to eventually do this.

    Anyone that has done the C25K - has anyone gone into it with existing joint issues? I am hypermobile - I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome - and have some bad joints. I have had both knees operated on already.

    I know there are a whole bunch of people where I work that did the C25K, and LOVED it.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I started C25K late February or early March (don't actually remember!). The 60 second intervals at the beginning were tough, even though I had been walking for months. I've been going slowly, due to a tendency to develop shin splints. I've repeated weeks, sometimes multiple times. I have my first 5K in two weeks, but won't be ready to run the entire thing yet. I just completed week 6 last night. I ran for 22 minutes straight, averaging about 4.5 mph (yes, I'm SLOW). I ran about 1.75 miles last night and it was a huge accomplishment for me.

    My advice: First, get fitted for running shoes at a running store. Second, never run two days in a row (I did last night and now my knees are a little sore today!). and just do it!

    4.5 mph is NOT slow at all for 2 months of running. That's actually pretty fantastic.

    Aw, thanks! I feel really slow LOL....
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    For me, the most important result from finishing C25K is the fact that I now LOVE to run. I don't just force myself to do it because I need the exercise or because I have to (like I did in high school track). I seriously LOVE it! I could never say that before. That, in and of itself, is still amazing to me. Every time I go for a run and actually enjoy the experience I marvel at it all over again. The built in short term goals really worked for me. They were close enough together that I didn't get discouraged in between. The first time I ran for 1 minute straight, then 5 minutes straight, then then ran an entire mile without stopping made me feel SO good! I didn't want to stop! And that first race is an incredible experience! It's SO worth it to feel that good about yourself!

    Don't think you have to stick strictly to the plan for it to work. Adjust it as you need to. Definitely go SLOW. Short, small strides are usually best. And be reasonable about how much you can comfortably increase each week. If the increases feel like too much too soon, it's ok to add smaller chunks of time or repeat weeks until you feel ready to move on. Running three days a week does seem to be the most important part for me to see progress, but I've know people who only ran once or twice a week. Do what works for you but stick with it and you WILL see and feel the results!
  • monkeyriley
    monkeyriley Posts: 51 Member
    I looked at the C5K, but did the Runner's World Beginning Running plan. If you Google for "runner's world beginning running" it appears as the top choice.

    **~Edit: A lot of the Runner's World stuff costs $, this was the free version.~**

    I choose it because it incorporated walking twice a week so that I was a little more active. I thought that was important to me because I have a desk job; I generally don't move a lot during the day.

    Prior to starting I wanted to break into 199 lbs. I did this because I have tried running before and found myself prone to injury when I weighed more (knee problems, ankles, etc). I also wanted to make sure that I was on track with watching what I was eating and semi-successful. By the time I got to 199 lbs, I had lost approximately 27 lbs. I did this by walking and was capable of doing so for 40 minutes solid. I also made sure that I got fitted for shoes where my gait was checked and my shoes fit correctly. The last part of the pre-training, I met with my Doctor and she sent me to a couple of physical therapy sessions to strengthen my hips and legs. That helped immensely because I learned how to properly stretch and simple strength training so that I would avoid injury and not over stretch, which I didn't know was possible.

    All that out of the way, I just finished running my second 5k at a time of 24:37. I am starting to do the marathon rookie training plan for a 10k. I also signed up to run a marathon in October, which has been a life long goal. I begin the 17 weeks of training for it June 11th (I'm a little nervous about this), but I think I can do it!

    So go for it! I have lost 41 lbs and feel good. I am amazed at what a little walking (eventually leading to running) and watching my calories can do.
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I just finished the program today and I have to say, it's an awesome thing to run! I will say that I haven't lost a ton of weight while doing it, but the inches have melted away pretty quickly! Since the day I started back to this program, March 5, here are my stats:

    March 5 May 8 Loss
    Weight 235.2 lbs 230.2 lbs -5 lbs
    Neck 12.25 in 12 in -.25 in
    Chest 45.5 in 44 in -1.5 in
    Waist 33 in 32 in -1 in
    Hips 45.25 in 43 in -2.25 in
    R Arm 13 in 13 in -0
    L Arm 11.75 in 11 in - .75
    R Thigh 21.5 in 21 in -.5 in
    L Thigh 21.5 in 21 in -.5 in

    Total loss:
    Weight: 5 lbs
    Inches: 6.75 in
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I actually started it yesterday!

    One thing I never realized is the importance of a good exercise/jogging bra. Oof.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I'm in week 5 right now :) It's actually my 2nd week doing week 5, I chose to repeat because I didn't feel totally comfortable moving on quite yet. I'm enjoying the program and never thought I'd run again!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I started C25K around Sept. 2010, was about 60 pounds heavier than I am now, I ran my first official 5K in Dec. 2010, my first 5 miler in May 2011, first 10K in Nov. 2011, first half marathon Dec. 2011 and finished my first marathon this past March. Now I'm running my first repeat races and have PR'd two of them by at least 3 minutes...next is the 5 miler this Saturday that I hope to PR by 3-5 minutes. In short...the program worked for me!
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    I started running 4 years ago with the C25K program. The 3 min run still sticks out in my mind, it was so hard I didn't think I'd make it. I went through shin splints, ankle pain, knee pain, and sore everything! Somehow I made it, and I did a 5k 7 months later, 60 pounds lighter.

    I went on to run every 5k in my area, and even a 10k. 3 years ago I decided to try a Half Marathon, and went on to do 4 more! Last year I ran my first full marathon, and I am signed up for another full marathon in 8 months!

    I think everyone can run if they want to! Somedays are hard, somedays are wonderful, you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. After you are running for a few months, join a running group. You can find others like you, learn how to train properly, and get motivation.

    Go at your own pace, repeat weeks if you need to, sign up for a race a few months out. You can do it!
  • allielite11
    allielite11 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing!! Lots of awesome stories and lots of good advice, I appreciate it! :) And congrats to you all that have started and or finished the program and all that have ran 5ks or more!!! You are all very inspiring! I'm trying to talk my walking partner into trying this program with me but she doesn't want to try it. :( Right now we walk everyday 3 miles in about 55 minutes. I wish I could just get her to try this, but if not I was thinking maybe I would just keep walking with her and then start the program on my treadmill at home. I will for sure take it slow and not rush it! I know I've got a runner in me, I've just got to find her! :smile:
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I started C25K late February or early March (don't actually remember!). The 60 second intervals at the beginning were tough, even though I had been walking for months. I've been going slowly, due to a tendency to develop shin splints. I've repeated weeks, sometimes multiple times. I have my first 5K in two weeks, but won't be ready to run the entire thing yet. I just completed week 6 last night. I ran for 22 minutes straight, averaging about 4.5 mph (yes, I'm SLOW). I ran about 1.75 miles last night and it was a huge accomplishment for me.

    My advice: First, get fitted for running shoes at a running store. Second, never run two days in a row (I did last night and now my knees are a little sore today!). and just do it!

    ^THIS! Don't be afraid to go slow! (No one is chasing you & you certainly don't need to keep up with anyone else.) Don't run 2 days in a row! Most importantly- get fitted for proper shoes. The right shoe makes a WORLD of difference to your entire body. You can do it!!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I'm on week 5 day 2 and plan on repeating that day a few times before doing day 3. Running for 20 minutes non stop is a little intimidating. Anyway I saw someone ask if anyone had knee problems and YES I DO! I was in a car wreck as a child and shattered my knee and the growth plate which later required surgeries on both legs to get them to growth the correct length. Unfortunately this required the growth in my "good" leg to be stopped so I wouldn't be walking like someone from the v8 commercials. Anyway back to the topic at hand. I have had a little knee aches but nothing excruciating or prolonged so I've been keeping at it and not over doing it. I'm seeing myself progress so much and have done a mile run to benefit kids charities. Yeah I know a mile doesn't seem like much but if you've never run a mile is like Mt Olympus. I have also made plans to run the 5k next year during the same weekend and may do the 10k the following year. This really is a great program that eases you into running. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to run. Like others have said. Get good Running shoes and stay with it. If you do this you have to commit to it. Good luck and happy running.
  • scadoodles
    scadoodles Posts: 110 Member
    I am by no means a "runner". However I started week 6 of the c25k program today! It feels great to have made it this far. More motivation to finish now, I have plans to run a 5k in June! I've lost almost 10lbs since starting c25k. That's including good healthy eating as well. The beginning was the hardest, I've had to repeat a day here and there. It doesnt have to be easy, you just have to finish! Make sure you invest in good shoes for your foot/gait & stretch well after! Good luck!
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