Havent lost a thing!!!!!



  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    looking at your diary it looks like you need to clean up your eating habits. remember weightloss is 80% of what you eat
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    its been one month! keep doing what you are doing and see how it is in 6 months also get someone to take a photo of you in the same clothes standing in the same position every month even if you dont see it on the scales you could well see a big difference! I really surprised myself this way!!! Dont give up!
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I took a peak at your food diary, I would watch carbs, and sugar intake, also sodium. Add more fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Suffer4beauty
    Suffer4beauty Posts: 44 Member
    I don't know what your maintenance calories are - but if you eat more than 500 calories less than your maintenance calories, your body goes into starvation mode and starts to resist letting you burn the fat calories. That being said - a deficit is still a deficit. You could also not eat back your exercise calories (to have a 1,00+ calorie deficit). Lastly - this may sound weird - but I don't lose anything until the week after my period. The scale says roughly the same number, plus or minus 1 pd, for 3 weeks. I have a monthly and then all of a sudden I drop 2 or 3 pounds - say 132 to 129.5. Then I see 129 for about 3 to 4 weeks, finish the next cycle and it says 127. So take heart - hormones play a huge role too.
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    I used to net 800-1200 calories a day, eating very similar to you. I felt that if I could fit pizza, Taco Bell, and Mcdonalds into my calories I could still eat how I wanted. I was stuck and frustrated!

    I had a personal trainer/nutritionist look at my food diary and he said I needed to revamp my entire diet. Fresh veggies, fresh fruit, eggs, chicken, tree nuts, low fat beef, dairy products became my staples. He told me the 90 calorie bars, and breakfast bars were not good for me despite being low in calories. I thought losing weight was based solely on counting calories, but I found that if you eat a higher quality of food you feed your body nutritionally, you can eat a lot more quantity of food, and you feel a lot better during your workouts.

    It was not what I wanted to hear, I loved fast food, and cookies and ice cream. I still wanted to eat that way, but I knew he was right so I tried it. It worked for me. I increased to 1600-1700 calories a day net, and finally lost. I personally try to eat about 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. I'm a distance runner and after playing around with several percentages that is what worked best for me in terms of energy to do 10 mile + runs. Of course I do eat back all the calories from these runs, so it's not why I lost. :)

    That's what worked for me, so I thought I'd share. Good luck!
  • helpthepiggys
    helpthepiggys Posts: 12 Member
    I went though your food diary and some of your callories counts are off... (1 cup of home fries 20 callories). Also 1 or 2 gallons of water a day is too much water too much of anything is not good and it does have weight. You are not eating healthy either all your foods are processed and I am sure the sodium levels are much higher then you think too...as is the carb contents. I love very slowly myself so I don't eat cereal...I like it...but the caloriesand carbs I consume at one meal of cereal and the fact I'm hungry 2 hours later...it's just not worth it. Don't give up just make a few "tweaks" in your daily eatting and the pounds should start to come off.
  • helpthepiggys
    helpthepiggys Posts: 12 Member
    I ment I loose weight very slowly.
  • Shaylam82
    Shaylam82 Posts: 25 Member
    I went though your food diary and some of your callories counts are off... (1 cup of home fries 20 callories). Also 1 or 2 gallons of water a day is too much water too much of anything is not good and it does have weight. You are not eating healthy either all your foods are processed and I am sure the sodium levels are much higher then you think too...as is the carb contents. I love very slowly myself so I don't eat cereal...I like it...but the caloriesand carbs I consume at one meal of cereal and the fact I'm hungry 2 hours later...it's just not worth it. Don't give up just make a few "tweaks" in your daily eatting and the pounds should start to come off.

    This...sometimes the recipes/listings in MFP are off. No way a cup of fried potatoes was only 20 calories no carbs and 1 gram of fat. Sometimes you have to use the make your own recipe option on here to get an accurrate number for things.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1200 - 800 means you live on 400 calories some days. It's not healthy. Eat 1200 and your exercise calories.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Where are your vegetables, fruit and water? You are mainly eating processed crappy foods. 1200 calories + burning that many calories will not help. You have to eat more healthy calories. Drink and log your water . Your body will appreciate it.
  • call me a baby but i can not stomache veggies lmao... i know its terrible! i will try a bit harder to cut all that other stuff out. i was under the impression as long as i wasnt going over my calories i would be fine... thank yall so much!
    Also for work is smart ones ok lol???? Im also thinking for breakfast ill start having a scrambled egg sandwich
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    i usually drink 1-2 gallons a water a day so i dont think thats an issue lol. and yes all my food is weighed and counted! I guess I just dont know how to eat healthy lol.....

    If you drink that much water STOP IT! You are bloating yourself. I know this because I used to do the same thing drink a gallon or more a day. I dropped back to 1/2 gallon and or added things like unsweetend tea etc to combat my thirstyness. Ive already seen a huge difference.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    i just made it viewable....

    Too many processed foods..too many carbs, not enough food...
    Eat more fresh veggies and lean proteins...boiled egg whites should become your new best friend..and raw almonds and fresh fish!

    I agree -- I have lost over 20 lbs. since April 1st. My diet is very low processed foods, no fast food. My drinks are water, black coffee, green tea. I know this sounds strict. I just decided after 15+ years of regrets that I no longer eat junk. I havent changed my mind. BUT... I do need some advice from you. I need to exercise more! So feel free to give some pointers to me.
    Best of luck to you!
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I just took a look at your food diary, and you're eating a lot of processed foods. While you're doing fine in terms of calories, you're not giving your body adequate nutrition. Try adding fruit (raw, not canned) to breakfast and snacks, and add vegetables (fresh or frozen, but watch canned and presauced/seasoned ones) to lunch and dinner. That alone should make a difference.

    -Try the eat clean diet by Tosca Reno: www.eatcleandiet.com - you only need the basic book, not any of the journaling products she sells, as you're here at the best place to track. I struggle with it a bit as I'm vegetarian and she loves meat, but the principles are the same. If it's cooking that's daunting, here are some tips:

    -cook once, eat multiple times. I have a home salad bar that I fill every few days and we eat from (my blog is non-monetized, I get no money from clicks, nor do I seek it...): http://veggiebentolove.wordpress.com/2013/06/30/whats-in-the-salad-bar-this-week/

    -food prep... www.theleangreenbean.com hosts a weekly food prep post and there are literally hundreds of ideas by now on how to take one day and prep for a week's worth of healthy snacks and meals

    -make lunch and snacks the night before when you're making dinner - once in the kitchen, one clean up, multiple meals. Prepping is the key to avoiding fast food, which even if you go for healthier options can often contain hidden sugar and/or fat and/or salt.

    -keep it simple if cooking is tricky. Use pre-made spice blends and sauces until you're in the habit of cooking real food for yourself, then branch out a bit more.

    Friend me. I will support you :)
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    That is not enough calories, your body is holding on to anything it can because it doesn't think it's getting enough. Try eating closer to 1500-1600. And when you don't eat healthy foods, you tend not to like them. Try adding a veggie with every meal for 2 or 3 weeks and you'll start to crave them, I promise. Your tummy might not be happy but it will adjust and you'll feel a LOT better.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    call me a baby but i can not stomache veggies lmao... i know its terrible! i will try a bit harder to cut all that other stuff out. i was under the impression as long as i wasnt going over my calories i would be fine... thank yall so much!
    Also for work is smart ones ok lol???? Im also thinking for breakfast ill start having a scrambled egg sandwich

    My son has autism and sensory issues around food, so I have experience with not liking new foods.

    Try just one at a time. Take a tomato and cut it up into slices. Aim for one slice at each meal. Go slow. Figure out if plain, seasoned, or in a dip is going to work best for you. Tell yourself positive messages about the food, and how the food is good for your body and will make you feel good. Remember that you might need multiple exposures to new foods before they're familiar, or you might surprise yourself- my son wanted to try celery and liked it on the first try.

    Pay attention to texture. I like grape tomatoes, but am not good with bigger tomatoes that can be less juicy and more 'mealy'. My son will eat raw crunchy carrots, but not cooked ones. I like any vegetable roasted (with a drizzle of good quality balsamic vinegar... oh my nom!).

    Dip is your friend. There's a reason ranch is so popular - it's helped kids eat their veggies for generations!
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    call me a baby but i can not stomache veggies lmao... i know its terrible! i will try a bit harder to cut all that other stuff out. i was under the impression as long as i wasnt going over my calories i would be fine... thank yall so much!
    Also for work is smart ones ok lol???? Im also thinking for breakfast ill start having a scrambled egg sandwich

    1200 calories of processed food is not the same as 1200 calories of real, healthy food.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    I also struggle with the fast food and sugary snacks, but this only happens when i havent when grocery shopping, i tried 1200 calories and OH GOD
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    i just made it viewable....

    Too many processed foods..too many carbs, not enough food...
    Eat more fresh veggies and lean proteins...boiled egg whites should become your new best friend..and raw almonds and fresh fish!

    I agree -- I have lost over 20 lbs. since April 1st. My diet is very low processed foods, no fast food. My drinks are water, black coffee, green tea. I know this sounds strict. I just decided after 15+ years of regrets that I no longer eat junk. I havent changed my mind. BUT... I do need some advice from you. I need to exercise more! So feel free to give some pointers to me.
    Best of luck to you!

    I am doing the same thing. I thought it was unlawful to NOT but creamer and sweetner in coffee but now I drink it without.
  • yea 1200 is tuff lol... i will be going up on my calories to 1500. now if i excercise should i eat the calories back?

    and what do yall mean by processed foods?