Tips for eating after 8pm



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    joking right? sounds like you had a late dinner, nothing wrong with that
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    every night at 8 or 9pm i eat a granny smith apple and 2-3tbsp of peanut butter, and i enjoy every second of it. I go to bed at 10pm. I dont care that i am eating that late, and if i didnt plan for eating that snack, i might make poorer choices.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Yeah, that's a small meal/snack. I eat that in calories at least five times a week after midnight. Great thing is that calories can't tell time.

    ^^^^^^^^^One of the funniest things I have read ^^^^^^^^^^
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    I "save" 300-400 calories because I am the same way. I love to snack at night. I typically choose pistachios because they take forever to eat!

    On my long run days where I burn 1000+ calories, I usually have my "second dinner" after 8 when my kiddos go to bed!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I will eat a whole cantelope, or half a watermelon, or 1/2 cup of egg beaters and a 6oz chicken breast, before bed. If I know I'm going for my run then gym session the next morning, I might eat more than that. I am no expert, so i don't have broscience statements. Good luck!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    not horrible if consumed at 5pm but terrible after 8pm.

    Fine any time, assuming it fits your calories and macros.
  • emilypsb
    emilypsb Posts: 16 Member
    I know everyone on here says time doesn't matter, but I notice that it is better for me to eat most of my calories during the day and only have a small meal at night. I tend not to be hungry at night, but quite hungry throughout the day and I always think it is best to listen to your body. However, I sometimes snack at night too, or have a larger meal than I wanted because others are. If this happens, I do some intervals for 10-15 minutes. My favorite is running up and down the stairs.

    Some other things I have found to stop late night snacking are tea, sparkling water with lime and gum. Good luck!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    There's no reason not to eat late unless it disturbs your digestion. It has no impact on weight loss. (Unless it puts you over your goal... but then the timing still doesn't matter.) Sounds like a nice meal.

    PS That's not a binge.


    If you need tips anyway, here's what I have...if I have cals left and want to "snack" I have a small serving of cereal with skim or 1% milk. (This is in theory, in practice sometimes I don't measure and that's bad, but I'm being honest.)

    If I have no cals left but I get a little pang, I take my fiber gummies and drink a big 12oz glass of water (slowly sipping) to keep my mouth occupied.

    I also paint my nails at night after the kid is in bed. If I keep myself busy by dloing a home mani/pedi or clipping coupons while watching TV, I skip the mindless snacking.

  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    It is a myth that eating after a certain time will effect weight loss. Sometimes I have no choice (If I dont get off work until 7 or something). It wont effect your goals, just try to make sure your still eating within your daily limits for sodium, carbs, fats, etc.
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    I don't think that is a problem at all.
    There is nothing wrong with eating at night unless it was truly a "binge" and what you mentioned does not appear to be.
    But if you are at your calorie intake level and you want to snake at night, try hot tea.... I take mine plain or with a pinch of honey, it seems to take the edge off for me.
    Good luck.
  • SVMR17
    SVMR17 Posts: 33
    When I'm not hungry but want to eat something, I drink chai tea. It's fulfills my craving for something sweet and fills me up with water.
  • Doesn't really sound that bad. Probably around 300-400 calories right? I usually snack on peanut butter, cereal, skinny cow ice cream all right around 200-300 calories except the skinny cow. Snacking at or after 8 isn't that bad especially if you are active.

    I am the same the Last two nights ive been bad and it really got me bummed out but what i did today was set minor goals for myself i have weekly goals for food and excercise and then i just started daily goals for today example of my daily goals:

    -3 things of the 33.8 oz smart waters
    - Abs + 1more strengthening
    - More fruits and veggies (you can never have enough!!)
    - Smile in the face of negativity

    and under that i have written Todays accomplishments... at the end of the night i will go over and see how well i did on my goals and what else i did well and accomplished today so that even if i had a bad night the night before i see how much i have accomplished today.. i plan on doing this a little after dinner time so i can read it and be encouraged by myself not to snack!! WISH ME LUCK

    i hope this helps you too im trying it out since i have the same thing ive tried all the tricks and sometimes they just dont work. so lets see hopefully youll join me :)