Eating 600 calories a day, want to increase but terrified...



  • I'm at a desk job as well and I actually gained 30lbs in 2 years from it because I used to waitress before that. And I know that it was because I stopped excersizing and would go out to eat because there were so many chains to go to around my office, so I just wouldn't eat healthy and then would sit back down for a 9 hour day. I'm just starting to take control again and I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and it set my calorie intake for 1200 and I've lost 2lbs already following these set guidelines :) So do not be afraid of the higher calories, if it didn't work it wouldn't be apart of everyones daily nutrition. It's working for me and it's what your body needs to function appropriately :)
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    In your 600 calories a day what type of foods do you eat? Are you eating good quality foods, or a fast food value meal a day?

    When I started with a trainer a few months ago, I was netting (calories I ate per day minus calories burned per exercise) only 800-1000 calories a day. I was doing this while running half and full marathons. I was running on empty and not losing weight, not gaining muscle, and not doing great on my runs.

    He told me to stop counting calories for 2 weeks. That TERRIFIED me! I still had weight to lose, and I didn't want to put any weight back on. He told me to eat good quality foods for 2 weeks. All the fruits, veggies, raw nuts, clean meat, fish, eggs and full fat plain yogurt, full fat milk, full fat cheese that I wanted. I was netting 1500-2000 calories a day (because I really couldn't stop counting, lol) I lost 5 pounds and several inches!

    After the 2 weeks I added back in healthy grains, and I have never felt better. My body is getting healthy foods for a change.

    I used to think that as long as I stayed under 1200 calories a day I could eat the McDonalds value meals, and cake, and all that crud. And I'm not saying that I don't have the occasional treat, or even slip up, but eating good foods has made me feel better and finally able to lose the weight I couldn't lose before.

    Don't be afraid of eating, just make good choices!

    Hope this helps a little!

    Editing because it sounded to me like I was saying it's okay to eat 600 calories a day as long as they are healthy ones. I don't think that way :) I also followed Hello it's Dan's advice on what I should be netting a day. Just adding my trainers advice in they types of food to get me there!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    This spreadsheet and instructions will help you find how much you SHOULD be eating, not how much you think you should be eating... and use anything in this folder... Follow Dan's rules for losing weight and you can't go wrong!

    Mike / BC
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would also add: you may find it difficult to get to your "goal" weight and keep it there, regardless of how low your calories go. It's a very low goal weight for your height.
    I just don't want you to be upset when/if the scale does creep up.

    You know you should be eating more. Find a way to do it in a healthy way.
  • I really encourage you to check out this girl's story on her blog. She was terrified just like you were that once she stopped moving all the time (due to an injury in her case) that she was just going to pack the pounds back on...but she didn't! I find her story really motivational, hopefully she can help you too :)
  • You need professional help, seriously, not being mean.
  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    Great news!!! You recognize that you need to increase your calorie intake. You recognize that you could be harming yourself... and YOU are doing something about it!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Also, you are still at a healthy BMI... so please do not go to low end of healthy BMI just now... perhaps just maintain current weight for a few months... see how it feels on your body... get back to healthy eating habits first... then perhaps just pace it down a notch to trim up the few extra pounds you may decide you want to lose... But you may be surprised... You may decide you like where you are... if you wear it for awhile and are able to bring yourself to a less terrified place regarding weight...

    Your plan to increase your calorie count ... slowly to ease yourself in... sounds on surface... a sound and thoughtful thing...

    But I think a wise lady commented earlier... we are not professionals here... just souls trying to get and maintain healthy also. We do not possess the wisdom or experience in dealing with Eating Disorders. I don't know if you have ED or not. As I am not a professional... but you sound quite intense in your terror of gaining even an ounce... so it is at least a yellow flag... which you so bravely recognize already.... Again... well done.

    You will get through this very well with the attitude which you excude in your post. These are just my thoughts... another soul searching for answers to his own challenges... smiling. Take them for what they are worth and the good intentions and spirit they are offered....

    Good luck!!
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    You may need to seek professional help. What you're describing has all the qualities of an eating disorder and a bunch of strangers on the internet can't possibly get to the root of your emotional relationship with food the way someone trained to deal with EDs can.

    Whatever you decide I wish you lots of luck in your journey.

    This, and truly I hope you do.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Here's the kicker -- everything you have done so far, losing weight, that's the easy part. Maintaining the weight loss is going to take work and I recommend starting to think about that now. What calorie level are you planning to eat in maintenance? You sound like you are shooting in the dark as far as how many calories you need -- to lose the last 8 lbs, tell MFP you are sedentery and set it for a 1 lb per week loss. Eat some of your exercise calories, monitor your loss to make sure it is around 1 lb per week. You might need to change this to a 0.5 lb per week loss as you get closer. Yes, it will take you a couple of months to lose it, but you will be using that time to adjust to maintenance.

    An eating disorder is a state of mind that has nothing to do with how many calories you eat. I totally understand being afraid to gain it back -- I feel the same way. I am in maintenance now and watching myself like a hawk. You can do it, you just need to look at the big picture and work towards a sustainable calorie level that will only require minimal adjustment once you reach the weight you are happy with. Good luck.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm still battling anorexia, and I think people on here may assume you have an eating disorder but people don't really understand that it's not based all upon how little you eat, it's about the mindset of the individual. How are you around food? I'm just going to use myself as an example, for years I struggled with consuming a simple glass of water, it has no calories and logically I knew that but I feared drinking one glass would make me gain weight and I would lose the control I had. I would throw tantrums, cry, anything just as long as I didn't have to drink it, I was scared of water and if I was forced it I would throw it back up again.

    Having anorexia is not necessarily about weight loss, it's about being in control, and if you are displaying any strange symptoms then I would definitely consider talking to your doctor. If it's about just being afraid to eat more in case you stop losing weight then, check out the eat more to weigh less group. You can EAT, lose weight, maintain it and live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Good luck though:) xxx
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    I have had a desk job for 10 years. When I started, I was thin (and 21 yrs old). I put on some weight a couple of yrs later. I now however, realize why. It mainly started when I began a serious relationship w/ my bf. I was dependent on mom of cooking. I didnt really cook, per se. He cooked a little. We ordered a lot of take out and ate out alot. Also I parked my butt on the coach a lot. I would come home and be tired. I never thought I would gain weight b/c I had been skinny my entire life. It really was the bad food and lack of exercise that did it. I got comfortable in my relationship and didnt even realize all the weight I gained. I kept thinking I was bloated all the time and why dont my pants fit ? I was a stupid young person ignorant to consequences. Then I got on the scale and wow, okay. Anyways, moral of the story is, it wasn't the desk job, it was the change in my lifestyle and diet.

    I have since lost weight by tracking what I eat and working out however I can (walking is a must but I recently started the gym too before my work day). I am 5' 2'' and almost 32 yrs old. When I am very conscious of my diet and exercise, I average about 1200 - 1400 a day and then I subtract my exercise. I also take fiber pills w/ breakfast and sometimes dinner.

    Honestly, you know what you did wasn't the best idea, it happens. People do the same thing day after day overeating or eating horrible food. There are consequences to their choices just as if you continue eating too little.
    Your body deserves to be treated better. Best of luck!
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    I used to eat about 1,300 calories but ever since I got a desk job I became terrified at the thought of gaining weight due to not moving around so much during the day so I cut my intake to about 650 and have been living like this for a few months.

    Don't you get hungry?

  • MMB5222
    MMB5222 Posts: 19 Member
    bump for later
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    you could focus on what your eating rather than calories

    eat so your body doesn't starve

    eat mostly fruits and veggies and lean protein

    after a while- slowly induce whole grains

    like quinoa-
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    with a waist like that

    17 pounds is too much to lose

    in my opinion
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    you could focus on what your eating rather than calories

    eat so your body doesn't starve

    eat mostly fruits and veggies and lean protein

    after a while- slowly induce whole grains

    like quinoa-
    Holy necroposting batman!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You may need to seek professional help. What you're describing has all the qualities of an eating disorder and a bunch of strangers on the internet can't possibly get to the root of your emotional relationship with food the way someone trained to deal with EDs can.

    Whatever you decide I wish you lots of luck in your journey.

    This. You have some seriously disordered thinking about your body and food. Food is fuel for a healthy body, not an enemy. Please get some help.
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    hopefully you can apprreciate how beautiful you are and you'll be fine

    stay healthy
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get a grip!