

  • You would have to relog all of your food but I used this site prior to discovering MyFitnessPal. It doesn't have as wide of a variety of foods that MyFitnessPal does but it shows all your nutrients. Only downside is you can't customize them.
  • That calculator gave me an extremely accurate result, but I think you need to just test out a calorie amount for maybe 2-3 weeks and see what happens. If you lose weight up it by 2-300 calories if you gain weight lower it by 2-300 calories.
  • I average about 300 calories and my usual breakfast is some oatmeal with a tbsp nut butter and 1 small banana. What I usually do is cook the oats on the stove, and while they're cooking mash half the banana and toss it in when its about half way done cooking. Then when finished cooking I pour into a bowl and top with the…
  • Any Fast Food Place offers options under 400 calories. Most salads anywhere are under 400, if your going to a place along the lines of burger king/mcdonalds. Most places such as Chili's/Applebees have a weight watchers menu as well. But For Example this is the list of things under 400 at Mcdonalds. McDonalds Hamburger…
  • I'm a meat eater, but I still consider myself a healthy eater. Junk food for me is a rare occasion. (Maybe once every 2-3 months) and I eat consistently healthy nutritious meals. Without meat I just can't get my protein in because I've tried going vegetarian before and I just can't stand tofu, tempeh or any of those…
  • You are 600 calories over your goal? Its a holiday. I wouldn't worry about it. It takes 3500 calories to gain one pound, and your probably eating at a deficit. Just don't do it way too often and you'll be fine.
    in Whoops Comment by awie11 July 2013
  • Thank you. I bought some because its one of the cheapest dark chocolates out there, and I really need something thats healthy and settles my craving. I personally love the lindt 70% but I can't always afford it.
  • THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. I've been on a few year long struggle with anorexia and when I got really bad I wouldn't eat for days at a time and then polish of 5 bags of cookies in one sitting. Another thing is when people call things "trigger foods" its not a trigger food unless you have an eating disorder.
  • Its your birthday. On my birthday I don't count calories. I eat what I want and get back on track the next. day. Just eat it and don't feel guilty about it. One bad day won't hurt you!
  • Planters Creamy Peanut Butter Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams Strawberries Kellogs Eggo Whole Wheat Low Fat Waffles Grapes Bananas Low Fat Philadelphia Cream Cheese- Whipped Arnolds Bakery Light 100% Whole Wheat Bread Gala Apple Wasa Crisp N Light 7 Grain Crackerbread
  • I absolutely hate greek yogurt but if you like it its super high in protein and really low in carbs/fat. Also, try to incorporate protein into your daily schedule. Like if your going to eat a fatty food, eat a fatty food that has lots of protein. Same with carbs.
  • What? To Maintain your weight you should be eating around 1600 if your lightly-moderately active. Your at the IDEAL weight for a person who is 5'2". I don't understand why you're eating 1200 in the first place. Calculate your TDEE and eat that amount everyday. You should maintain your weight by doing so. Here's a pretty…
  • I wake up at around 7:30 AM and I absolutely have to eat by 7:45 AM otherwise I'm starving but everybody's different. Some people only eat 2 meals a day, while I eat 6. It really depends on you and what you need. As long as you are eating at least your BMR everyday I wouldn't really worry about it.
  • I CANNOT stand Greek Yogurt. I've tried so many different times to eat it. So many different flavors, brands, recipes, etc. and I just cannot like it. I tried to have some for breakfast this morning and I just kind of ate the fruit of the top of it and ended up having a bowl of cereal instead.
  • Breakfast: 6 oz Plain Chobani Non-Fat Yogurt mixed with a mashed and warmed banana and 1 tbsp All Natural Peanut Butter I don't really get too fancy with lunch/dinner (mostly tuna fish sandwiches, boring salads, etc.) so you probably don't need to hear about that.
  • Because they for the most part are the ones living healthy lifestyles who would therefore know how to teach others about living healthy lifestyles.
  • 1. Peanut Butter 2. Whole Wheat Bread 3. Luna Bars 4. Bananas 5. Grapes 6. Peas 7. Brown Rice 8. Sandwiches 9. Whole Wheat Waffles 10. Diet Snapples
  • The "Obesity Epedemic" is a real thing actually. It is rude for people to say things about your weight right in front of your face but people really are fatter now then they were say 30 years ago.
  • Tomatoes (and anything involved with them. I won't even eat ketchup or marinara sauce or pizza) Mushrooms Cottage Cheese Greek Yogurt (It makes me want to throw up) and the Walden Farms products. I can't even stomach them.
  • Whatever you do DO NOT try the peanut butter. Its the most disgusting thing I ever tasted. A lot of the other stuff is disgusting, some of their other stuff is OK but personally I'd rather just spend the calories on the real thing.
  • For Snacks I suggest a ton of different types of berries and fruits. And for meals salads are great for this time of year. Another idea is DIY Popsicles. Take an 100% fruit juice, unsweetened iced tea, or any of your favorite healthy drinks and put them in a popsicle container then freeze them. Its delicious!
  • Peanut Butter or any nut butter really. They're high in healthy fats and protein.
  • Whole Wheat English Muffins, Sweet Peas, Grapes, and any type of nut butter.
  • My favorite lunch is Peanut Butter and Banana on Whole Wheat Bread.
  • Drink 1-2 Glasses Skim Milk so you won't have to add food but you'll get the calories in.
  • Snickers Bars and Twix Bars. I'm addicted
  • My suggestion is to continue to count your calories, but don't worry about the nutrition of the food your eating just think I really want this. It fits into my calories, I'm going to have it. And if you do go over one day, two days, or even all of the days don't beat yourself up. Honestly the most you could gain is like 2…
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