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AprilChampion Member


  • lol oooooooooooh....
  • how exactly do you get banned from here!? lol thats funny.
  • that was freakin conFUSING as hell. I didnt understand one thing. Ill stick with 1200 calories.
  • thank you all, i appreciate it. my default pic was when i only needed to lose those ten last pounds...i strive to get those 30 pounds OOOOOOOOFFF.
  • i hope you dont mind but I am going to repost this on my facebook page in my notes to remind myself since i dont often get into the forums here...it was very well said. :)
  • i definitely make sure that i get protein. i drink protein shakes, eat eggs, turkey, chicken....just feel GUILTY for eating...and for those that say i have an eating disorder, i HIGHLY disagree...i weigh 137 ( at last check a few days ago...i threw away my scale), i eat every 2 to 3 HOURS and eat ROUGHLY 200-250 cals PER…
  • i AM eating...and i dont keep up with my journal on a consistent basis which is why it doesnt look like i do eat. i am NOT depressed...just feel.......i dunno, i cant place it...Im actually the happiest that ive been since my late husband died almost 5 years ago...im just having an argument with food right now. I KNOW that…
  • yup, pretty much, though, i have hardwood floors and my mat tends to slide when using it dong this so i dont use it. my hand weights are 5 lbs but i would start with something smaller if youre just starting out. ive been working out with weights for a few months now.
  • sending all the positive energies that I can to you and your daughter...
  • As a p90x user, im going to tell you what they dont tell you....you are going to need either hand weights or a resistance bands and a pull up/chin up bar...the very first disk is chest and back and it uses those things through out the whole thing. Other then that......Take your time with it, DONT rush or push…
  • I completely agree with Steve (who's also, btw a FANTASTIC coach for P90X who i work with)...i was going to actually say that you need to do other stuff besides the treadmill but its already been said...
  • i love sushi too....i dont know about caloric content but normally when i get it, i get a bunch of different kinds and snack on it the whole day...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i LOVE it.
  • that article is full of crap...im sitting here READING the label....it has NOTHING in it....no "fine print" as the article talks about... http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/45386/its_true_i_cant_believe_its_not_butterspray.html http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-cant-believe-its-not-butter-i95578…
  • actually, the "i cant believe its not butter spray" has NO fat and NO cals in it AT ALL...you can use as much as you want without adding anything to what you are eating.... im not sure about the salad sprays as they tend to be to greasy for me, even though they may be "fat free" or say they are...
  • LW - 135 CW - 132!!!!!!!!! (change the 133...i actually weighed myself this morning just to see and i had lost ANOTHER pound...so put that in the chart instead of the 133 please!!!!!!!!!! As for this week's challenge: My top 5 1. To look good in clothes. 2. to be healthy 3. to be happy with the way that i look...period. 4.…
  • thank you!!!!! :)
  • Dang, i didnt even think of that!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!! ill do that later!
  • i weighed myself today because i wont be here most of tomorrow.............since my last weigh in - LW - 135 CW - 133!!!!!!! Water intake - 72 oz daily fruit/veggies - ? ( i havent kept track but i can say i get at LEAST 1-2 servings of SOME sort of fruit/veggie a day) Exercise - ALOT though i cant log most of it cause its…
  • Thank you!!!!!!!!! and yes, yes it is!!!!!!!!!!!! =-)
  • I am back from a haitus. I have had some personal issues here...my husband left ( FINALLY) and i have been trying to get into the swing of things........ But, I'm REALLY glad to mention that even though i stopped working out during that time and ate like a pig, i DIDN'T GAIN!!!! I'm still 135! So, i'm not exactly starting…
  • oh i TOTTTTTTTAAALLLY took it yesterday!!...saw Sex and the City:2 ( which OMG, was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOODDDD!!!!! im a total freak when it comes to that series and show) and then went to see a friends band play last night...It was fun....back to work tonight though...running around like a chicken with my head…
  • sorry i didnt weigh in and post yesterday...i worked 12 hours from 815 til 845 then went straight to bed because over the weekend, i worked 35 hours. i was BEAT...anyway....my weigh in is 135. :-) i believe thats one pound from last week.
  • youre not kidding about your feet killing you!!!!!!! my ANKLES were killing me....i tried it barefoot, with sneakers, with socks....nothing helped...so i just do the work out barefoot now...doesnt make any difference. lol
  • I cant wait to be able to wear it too! :-) im looking REALLY forward to being able to put it on and it fit NICELY. =-)
  • After looking at your food journal, i am wondering if maybe lowering your caloric intake would help? instead of 1600 cals, maybe bump it down to 1400-1500 and divide it into 6 meals of 250-300 cals each instead of eating big meals? I dont know what your work out routine is and i dont know how many calories you burn during…
  • i did the same thing with my wedding dress a few nights ago and it was HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE on me!!! i was ecstatic ( it was a 14!) so i feel your joy!!! congrats!!
  • hey...thanks...my husband and i are seperating and with all the stress of it, i ate like a frickin pig over the weekend but was surprised to see that im only 136 (which was a 2 pound gain from last week but i think that 134 was a fluke honestly...). so, im happy with that!...so- starting weight, 150 current weight 136.…
  • yup it was...it was REALLY nice. :-)