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Weight loss army!!



  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    LW - 135
    CW - 132!!!!!!!!! (change the 133...i actually weighed myself this morning just to see and i had lost ANOTHER pound...so put that in the chart instead of the 133 please!!!!!!!!!!

    As for this week's challenge: My top 5

    1. To look good in clothes.
    2. to be healthy
    3. to be happy with the way that i look...period.
    4. to fit into *tiny* clothes that i fit in before my oldest daughter.
    5. to look FANTASTIC in a bikini!!!!!!! :)

    Ah, the list could probably continue for a long time! Hope everyone has had a great week and that the one ahead is even better!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    LW – 186.5
    CW – 186.5
    Water – average 10 glasses a day
    Exercise – I didn't really keep track of how many minutes I exercised, but I was at least 30 minutes every day, somedays more than others.
    Fruits/Veg – I am having about 7 servings of veg and 2 servings of fruit per day. Really love my veggies.

    On Friday my weight was down to 184.5lbs, but I had my brother's Grade 12 Grad, along with a few lattes. I think it was the lattes that did me in. At the Grad I danced for a good 1-1/2 hours straight, along with exercising that morning. Pretty sure the scale will be down next week.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    blondie76 – I’ve heard that’s a great DVD. Don’t rush with the new challenge. I’m really doing to deep thinking. Obviously I have all of the normal reasons but I want to think of some reasons why in my heart that I want to do this.
    bowbee – Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I couldn’t be happier! I’m hoping this sparks a lot of ah ha moments. Take your time thinking of your reasons/wants.
    fordbarth – Don’t stress about the gain this week, I can feel a refocus coming on for you! I know you can do this! We’re all going to do this together! It we have to keep this group going for 2 years for everyone to reach their goals we will!! That being said, I know it won’t take you 2 years.
    chgraham – Oh I love dancing! It looks like you are rocking the challenges!
    enromero – I’m so sorry to hear about the broken bone, get better and don’t overdo it. Nice job on the loss regardless of the state your foot is in!
    aprilchampalmer – I have updated the chart for you, great work!!

    The graph will be up shortly.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I had to do a little shifting around with the names because there were some blank spots where people have left the group. I tried everything in my power to make sure everyone had the same design and colour. Just a note to anyone who joined after the first few weeks. If you have a request for a marker shape or a line colour let me know and I'll update the graph for you.

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Just got back in town, so sorry....
    Can't believe the scale reads 144.9!!! Can't be...
    That's a considerable drop from 148.4....

    Jenn, don't worry about including my #....I probably need to make certain I can keep it off! ha ha...
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    great chart Jenn!!
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Someone posted this website on another blog, thought some might get motivated by it to drink more water.


    Good luck all!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    jennmcpherson - i'd like to have mine as brown line with a heart marker if u could do that?
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    6/16 - CALORIES IN: 1270/ CALORIES OUT: 1663/ DEFICIT: 393/ STEPS: 2019
    6/15 - CALORIES IN: 1295/CALORIES OUT: 2046/ DEFICIT: 751/ STEPS: 6852
    6/14 - CALORIES IN: 1280/ CALORIES OUT: 1921/ DEFICIT: 641/ STEPS: 3658
    6/13 - CALORIES IN: 1405/ CALORIES OUT: 2128/ DEFICIT: 723/ STEPS: 7776
    6/12 - CALORIES IN: 1700 /CALORIES OUT: 1957/ DEFICIT: 257/STEPS: 3958
    6/11 - CALORIES IN: 1550/ CALORIES OUT: 1876/ DEFICIT: 326/STEPS: 5822
    6/10 - CALORIES IN: 1685/ CALORIES OUT: 1516/ DEFICIT: -169
    6/9 - CALORIES IN: 1550/ CALORIES OUT: 1516/ DEFICIT: -34
    6/8 - CALORIES IN: 1050/ CALORIES OUT: 1516/ DEFICIT: 466

    JUNE 16
    SW: 180
    CW: 179
    H20 SO FAR: 64

    JUNE 15
    SW: 180
    CW: 179
    H20 SO FAR: 64

    june 14
    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calories consumed so far: 1280
    hours of sleep: 8
    h20 so far: 64
    multi-vitamin: yes
    exercise mins: 30

    june 13
    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calories consumed: 1405
    hours of sleep: 8
    h20 so far: 64 oz
    multi-vitamin: no
    exercise so far: 62 mins

    june 12
    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calories: 1700
    H20: 64 OZ

    JUNE 11
    SW: 180
    CW: 180
    CALORIES: 1550
    h20: 96 oz
    sleep: 7 hours
    multi-vitamin: no
    exercise: 60 mins

    june 10
    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calories: 1685
    h20: 128 OZ
    sleep: 6 hours
    multi-vitamin: no
    exercise: 30

    june 9 ----
    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calories consumed: 1550
    water: 128 oz
    sleep: 4 hours
    multi-vitamin: no
    exercise: 60

    june 8

    sw: 180
    cw: 180
    calorie: 1050
    water: 32----32 to goal
    sleep: 8
    i sleep during the day and work at night...i'm up for the remaining part til 7:00 am when i get home
    vitamin multi----no
    130 mins

    june 1
    calorie 1325
    water intake 64
    sleep n/a
    vitamin multi----no
    exercise 90 mins
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    So my son is asleep, I've just finished lunch and have worked out. Now I'm thinking about my 5 reasons why I'm doing this. So here they are:

    1. My son. I was never a fat kid, but I was lazy. My parents never stressed the importance of eating right or exercise (and of course they are both thin), but I want to. I was always envious of those families that went to the park together.

    2. I want to have more kids! I love being a mom, just not a fat mom. I refuse to try to get pregnant until I'm back down to the weight I was before getting pregnant. Really, I want to lose more, but I am aiming to get down to 155. My husband wants another baby so bad and doesn't understand why I wouldn't want to lose ALL the baby weight at once. But I know in my heart if I can't lose it now, I won't be able to with 2 babies running around.

    3. My self esteem. I feel embarrassed to go shopping. I nearly cry everytime I'm in a dressing room. I know my negative self talk will eventually get the best of me and my relationship with my husband.

    4. To be honest, I have IBS. When I eat bad, I feel bad, REALLY BAD! I'm sick of being sick all the time because I choose to eat junk.

    5. My future. I want to be healthy and feel good. I want to look good when I'm on my husband's arm. I want to go on vacation and wear shorts, and a bathing suit and not feel like everyone is starting at how gross I look. I want to be strong and fit and confident!

    Thanks for the challenge Jenn. It's really nice being honest about why I want this. I know most of my thoughts seem vain and about how I look, but I'm hoping all the changes on the outside will connect with the changes on the inside!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    hooah_mj – Hey, sorry we missed you. When you weigh-in next Monday I’ll throw you back in.
    blondie76 – Thanks lady! I love how it’s really shaping up!
    metfanlisa – Great post, I read the same one and I was thinking of putting a link for it on our thread, great minds think alike!
    kizzym – I don’t think I can do a heart, I’ll have a look. Just make sure you weigh-in on Mondays on the thread. Don’t worry about logging your info every day. We generally just log our weight, water, exercise and fruits/veggies on Mondays. If it helps motivate you please feel free but don’t feel like you have too.
    melbhall – I’m glad you were so honest. I’m still thinking of my five. The challenge was actually fordbarth’s idea. I would love to take credit for it because it’s really got me thinking and I’m sure it’s got everyone else thinking too but that just wouldn’t be right.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    GOOD MORNING TO THE ARMY, And its a beautiful one here on the sunny I.O.W. Hope you are all doing well - i'm down another pound with only one more to go before I hit my Goal Weight YAYYYY can't believe it!!!

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................128 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................127 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds


    OH ! nearly forgot
    Water............... not quite (will try harder)
    Fruit and Veg..Yes made that one
    Exercise...........Yes just about!!!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Last weeks weight 186.5 lbs
    current weight 184.0 lbs
    final goal 150 lbs

    Water averaging 8-9 glasses
    Fruit and Veg every meal - at least 8 servings daily
    Exercise 30 minutes every morning and usually extra during the day.

    I was feeling really good this past week. Getting in my exercise, eating properly, getting lots of sleep. Tonight I start Dragon Boat Training for our big festival in August, so that is a good hour of excellent exercise. I can't wait.
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Wow, so far it sounds like it's going to be a pretty good week for our little group! barty, way to go on getting so close to your goal, that's awesome!!

    My week was pretty good, back into the swing of things with exercise which made me feel so much better. It's funny how once you get one thing on track it's so much easier for the rest to fall into place. Still around where I was Wednesday (broke the rules and weighed in mid-week) but that damn restaurant food on the weekends, too much salt! Still a loss from last week though.

    LW - 135.8
    CW - 133.6
    Water - Saturday was a little short but at least 10 glasses every other day this week
    Exercise - I've done something silly and decided to try for a full marathon in Sept so my exercise will be good, as l keep up with training like I did this week.
    Fruits/Veg - Did pretty well with veggies, made sure to take lots to work, about 7 or 8 servings during the week, dipped to about 4 or 5 on Saturday though.

    Graph looks awesome Jenn! Have a good week everyone!

  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    At work so this will be quick
    LW 232.2
    Cw 230.2

    .2 from my first goal!!!
    That pedicure is almost here!!
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and had a good Father's Day! I had my brother, niece & nephew in town for the weekend and we had a great time!

    Stats for this week are good and bad, good on weight loss bad on fruit/veges...again.

    LW: 149.6
    CW: 147.6
    Water: avg 8/day but really I drink most of my water M-F while sitting at my desk at work, Sat/Sun are barely a trickle unless I'm running.
    Exercise: 238min for the week, I slacked on Thur/Fri using the excuse I had to rest for my race on Saturday which I didn't because it was just a 5k.
    Fruit/Vege: avg 2/day. YIKES! And again, mostly during the week.

    5 reasons, took me awhile to think of these.
    1) Just getting older and realizing I need to take care of myself NOW and to have exercise be a part of my life not a requirement to get back to healthy.
    2) Just want my weight/BMI to be in the healthy range, not on the border.
    3) Genetics, both sides of my family have overweight (some obese) people and I don't want that to be me.
    4) I've been pretty comfortable in my own skin all my adult life but I found myself not liking what I saw in the mirror especially in the Fitting Rooms.
    5) I really have no reason to be out of shape; I'm healthy and young and should take care of myself. No one else is gonna do it. :tongue:

    Wishing everyone a successful week!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    no change from last week....life's getting in the way of my life!
    Start weight January 2010........................................................... 170+lbs

    Goal weight.....................................................................................130lbs

    Last Week........................................................................................145lbs

    Weigh-in Monday 6/21/10.............................................................145lbs
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    LW: 122.4
    CW: 121.4

    So close to my final goal...I've been saying that forever though. The last few pounds take SO long...but at least I've yet to have a gain :) Current BMI of 21.2...WOO!
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    hey Im checkin in really fast..we have been havin internet problems so I havent be able to get online and Ive been using my iphone to log...but we r up and running again :-) LW I was 207 this week 204!! 4 lbs and I get a session with a personal trainer!! My foot is still injured and I havent done ANY exercise!! Done much better on fruits and veggies though!!

    SW 3/1/10- 241
    LW 6/14/10- 207
    CW 6/21/10- 204
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    A quick update from me too:

    LW: 172

    CW: 172 PS. I'm still on my period, UGH, so who knows if I really lost anything or not. I guess it's a good sign that I didn't gain. I will re-weigh in mid-week just so I have peace of mind.

    Water: Still working on it.

    Exercise: I did over 210 minutes last week, not sure of the exact number without looking back at my journals, but I know I did over 210! Oh, and I got a heart rate monitor so I can now start really tracking my calories burned. From what I've seen so far, MFP has over-estimated my burn by almost 100 calories....that sucks!

    Fruits/Veggie: I still haven't figured out how I'm going to track this. I have had a fruit/veggie at some point each day but I'm no where near meeting the challenge servings.
This discussion has been closed.