Weight loss army!!



  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hey all, it's late and I promise to reply to you all tomorrow but I was just popping on quick tonight to see if anyone had sent any updates and I seen the message from Melissa and I really wanted to reply.

    Melissa, I don't know how to tell you how much you mean to me without sounding crazy, haha, which we both know I am so does that really matter? We met on here a couple of months ago and if nothing else, I'm so glad that MFP has introduced me to you. Having someone so real and honest to talk to all the time is the greatest thing in the world. I love my friends at home but they have no idea what I'm going through, you do. I started this group with the encouragement from you. I so look forward to everyone's updates and if it wasn't for you pushing me to do it then it wouldn't be happening. This morning when the thread went to 8 pages I couldn't stop smiling. To think that this many people are all working on the same goal together, with me, was one of the greatest feelings I've ever had and I have you to thank for that.

    You all mean the world to me. Love ya too.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hey all, it's late and I promise to reply to you all tomorrow but I was just popping on quick tonight to see if anyone had sent any updates and I seen the message from Melissa and I really wanted to reply.

    Melissa, I don't know how to tell you how much you mean to me without sounding crazy, haha, which we both know I am so does that really matter? We met on here a couple of months ago and if nothing else, I'm so glad that MFP has introduced me to you. Having someone so real and honest to talk to all the time is the greatest thing in the world. I love my friends at home but they have no idea what I'm going through, you do. I started this group with the encouragement from you. I so look forward to everyone's updates and if it wasn't for you pushing me to do it then it wouldn't be happening. This morning when the thread went to 8 pages I couldn't stop smiling. To think that this many people are all working on the same goal together, with me, was one of the greatest feelings I've ever had and I have you to thank for that.

    You all mean the world to me. Love ya too.

    Aw...what a great message to start the day off with! I feel all warm and squishy inside...and not just because I'm pudgy! Ok, so I weighed in this morning. I am happy to post that the damage is only a 2lb gain, which still stinks, but I was REALLY bad the past 2 weeks. My plan is to work hard this weekend to follow strict counting and getting in my water and workouts, the veggies will have to wait until I make it to the grocery. Hopefully I can shed a little bit of this gain by Monday's weigh in! You keep up the amazing work, Jenn!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    callie365 – Thanks, it’s fun to do and it keeps in me check!
    barty – I’m happy that you like your marker!
    christina_255 – Congrats on finding the perfect dress! I love that moment, when you know, you know.
    sweet148angel – I’m so looking forward to that too, I actually haven’t been clothes shopping since I hit my heaviest (225 pounds) and needed some jeans that fit. Hmm, I’m down over 20 pounds now, maybe I should get back out there. . .
    pressica – Bright orange is all yours and I’ve added an asterisk to it as well.
    aprilchampalmer – That’s great! I’m so excited for you to be able to have this day done the way you want it! You’re going to look amazing, not that you don’t already.

    So Friday today, how’s everyone doing on the water, exercise and now fruits and veggies challenges?
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Best of luck to everyone to have a fabulous weekend and stay on the weight loss track. Today I had a hard day staying away from my enemy - chocolate - but I ran to get extra calories and I'm in like Flynn!

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I just want it to be known that I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought some really yummy healthy things! I was so proud of myself. The only thing I felt guilty about when checking out was the makeup I bought...but you really never can have enough!

    I plan to get onboard with the fruits and veggies now that I have them!!! Oh, and I had several glasses of water yesterday and plan to drink even more today. I'm so thankful for this group and having to be accountable!!!
  • latinapride389
    Hey just found this and would like to join =) SW: 150 CW:142 (gained 4 pounds back being on a 2 week vacation :frown: ) GW: 125
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I just found this as well and would like to join. Already weigh on Monday, so that's perfect. SW - 196lbs CW (Thur) - 191lbs

    Going out for Mother's Day Brunch in the morning, so hopefully I don't gain anything. Heading to the gym early before brunch.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Hey just found this and would like to join =) SW: 150 CW:142 (gained 4 pounds back being on a 2 week vacation :frown: ) GW: 125

    Welcome to the army :-)

    SW 3/1/10- 241
    CW 5/3/10- 219
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Jenn and the rest of the Army!!!!, Happy Monday and another weigh-in:smile: Well I was dreading todays weigh-in as I have been away for the weekend but I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scales this morning to find i'm down another 2 pounds :laugh: well we did do a lot of walking!!! Not so well on the fruit and veg front over the weekend though!!! but i will be ok now i'm home! GOOD LUCK everyone with your weigh-ins!!

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................137 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................135 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I was a bit worried about todays weigh in with yesterday being Mother's Day and going out for Brunch, but with making the right choices and going to the gym before hand I still managed to lose 2lbs this week.

    Start weight = 196lbs
    Last week weight = 192lbs
    Current Weight = 190lbs
    Final Goal = 150lbs
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    starting weight 150
    current weight 134!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) WOOOHOOO!!!

    i guess drinking myself into an oblivion last night, then getting REALLY upset and throwing up makes ya lose weight. lol.
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    Not a very big loss this week. Only lost .05lb so down to 235.2.
    I did fine with the water, and about half of the fruit/veggies, and did horrible with the working out. So My goal for this week will be to get all of my exercise in!

    SW 250
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Good morning army!! This week I am up to 225.5. I am suspecting that it is just because TOM came to visit last night. I am doing well with the drinking, but will focus this week more on getting my exercise minutes up.

    Start weight = 228 lbs
    Last week weight = 225 lbs
    Current Weight = 225.5 lbs
    Final Goal = 135 lbs
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    metfanlisa – Congrats on running “away” from your enemy chocolate. We all need to indulge once and awhile.
    melbhall – It sounds like you’ve made some great choices! Glad to have you back on the wagon with us.
    latinapride389 – Welcome to the group, we weigh-in on Monday’s and I post a graph of everyone’s progress on Tuesdays. Stay tuned for this week’s challenges.
    chgrahm – The “army” is happy to have you! Great work on the loss, this week on the graph I’ll just add today’s weigh-in and next week you’ll start to see your progress. Looks like you are on a great path already.
    barty – Woohoo, look at you! Getting close to that goal!
    aprilchampalmer – Hahaha! Hmm, maybe you’ve found the secret to success. . .haha.
    sweet148angel – A loss is still a loss, let’s celebrate every success as if it were a mountain (even if it feels like a hill). I know you can get your exercise in!
    pressica – That darn TOM, maybe with all of us ladies in here we can get on the same “schedule” and just skip that weeks' weigh-in, haha. Next week your body will kick it in high gear!

    Well I’ve had a (lord who knows where it came from) GREAT weigh-in this morning! I couldn’t be happier, literally!
    LW – 203.9
    CW – 200.4
    Water – average 10 glasses/day (going for 12)
    fruits/veggies – average 5 servings/day (going for 6)
    exercise – 204 (going for 210)

    So I didn’t do horrible with my goals but I didn’t reach ANY of them yet I just had my biggest loss, hmm, maybe I need to relax a bit (like I did this week) and I’ll get a few more of these big jumps!
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Well, my first week back to MFP and no weight lost but that's no big deal. I've added fruits/vege's that I wasn't getting so there is a bright side. :wink:

    I can't say I did well on eating over the weekend but those PMS cravings are a killer! :mad:

    Last week: 154lbs
    Water: Goal achieved (if not exceeded) each day
    Fruit/Vege: average 5 serv./day - goal is 6
    Exercise: Group Challenge reached and personal goal achieved

    Good luck to everyone this week keeping up the good work and getting back on the horse if need be! :flowerforyou:
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Army!!
    I hope everyone had an amazing week and fabulous weekend! Mine went really well. I did pretty good with the fruits and veggies--only a couple days didn't quite reach goal.

    Water intake is never a problem which is good since sometimes I'm not always as careful with sodium intake as I should be. I don't ever salt my food but I do love deli meats and boca burgers which definitely have lots of sodium...we all know how it can add up quickly!!

    Had a great week with exercise: 404 minutes. This weekend I did my very first ever 10k walk. I was so proud of myself for doing it!! bighug.gif

    I loved every minute of it. I walked most of it but did jog a bit, too. I walked it with my 12 yr old daughter which was so fun!! We kept up a pace of a 15 min. mile which I couldn't have asked for better. Now I'll just have to work on beating my time on my next walk!! I'm addicted!!

    MFP SW 232.8
    LW: 228.4
    CW: 224.2 (-4.2 lbs)
    Total weight loss (-8.6 lbs)

    1st mini goal: 214
    Total WL Goal: 110
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Checking In

    CW 169

    I went through my clothes last night and put all of my 14's in a bag to give away.

    I'm officially in my 10's, most of them, but still have some 12's.

    Cant' wait to get into the 8's. I have a huge stack of 8's........
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    no loose but no gain, still 179
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Last week I kicked some serious *kitten*. Unfortunately, my workouts burned way too many calories and I was below 1000 net calories except for 2 days. I think I seriously slowed my metabolism down a lot...so I'm going to try and calorie cycle this week and burn a bit less calories during my workouts. I got at least 10 glasses in a day (one day I hit 15!) and I always get in 6-7 servings of fruits/veggies a day. 857 minutes of exercise and burned 5290 calories last week. So technically, considering I never went over my calories...I should have lost at least 1.5 pounds. Bummer. Oh well, I'm getting real close to my goal :)

    Starting Weight: 131.2
    Last Week's Weight: 126.8
    Current Weight: 126.4

    Final goal is 120. But I set a mini goal of myself of 125 by May 16th. I reallllllly want it. Plus I get to drink when I hit it, and I haven't had a drink since March 18th!
    Keep up the hard work everyone!!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Bummer, no good news to report. This is my official weigh in after being gone two weeks, and my CW is 174.4

    I gained some back....but I guess it was to be expected considering I ate like a pig and drank like a fish! Now to get back on track for good (although I did eat a bad lunch out today), I plan to log everything and will get in exercise each day. Next week be prepared to see a big loss from me!!!

    Congrats to everyone!