Weight loss army!!



  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry Jenn, woke up late so I'll have to weigh in tomorrow morning, I'll do it first thing! It's not going to be pretty, this week was absolutely brutal but I'm trying to take solace in the fact that there will be a lot of water retention due to the huge amount of salt in the nachos I've consumed... :sad:
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Lovely TOM....I stayed the same!

    SW (3/1/10)- 241
    CW- 219
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member

    aprilchampalmer – Hahaha! Hmm, maybe you’ve found the secret to success. . .haha.

    yeah maybe....LOL
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    aprilchampalmer – That’s great! I’m so excited for you to be able to have this day done the way you want it! You’re going to look amazing, not that you don’t already.

    So Friday today, how’s everyone doing on the water, exercise and now fruits and veggies challenges?


    My water intake is great, and so is my fruit and veggie. i pretty much eat some sort of fruit or veggie with every single meal ( i eat 6 times a day so it works to have the challenge be 6 servings...)so im doing great at it. :)
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Okay, official weigh in this week: 135.9. Bleh, thought it may be worse though! Time to get back on track, it really was a horrible week, so little exercise, so much food... Yuck.

    Again, sorry for the lateness!

    Hope everyone had a great week!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I forgot to weigh in yesterday. Well I am still 191 which isn't so bad considering I ate out a lot last week.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    metfanlisa – Great job with your fruits and veggies! Very important! Looks like you were right on track with all of the challenges this week! Let’s keep it up!
    bowbee – What a great week you’ve had! Eating good, drinking lots of water and getting a lot of exercise in! Wow, looks like it has really paid off! Congrats on the doing the 10K! I did a 5K on the weekend.
    Plwarder – Well isn’t that exciting news! I’m sure you’ll be at the 8’s before you know it!
    blondie76 – I’m sorry that you didn’t have a loss this week. Is there anything we can do to help? Maybe you are on a plateau, 5 weeks and not much change. I think maybe some drastic changes in routine may be needed. If there is anything the army can do to help please shout it from the roof tops, WE’RE ALL HERE FOR YOU!!
    allislefttogain – You are so close to your goal! Let’s focus on that! So what are you planning on having to drink on the 16 (because I know you are going to do it!)?
    melbhall – I told you it wouldn’t be 10 pounds, haha. Ok let’s get back on track. I know that you just did a very healthy grocery shop! I can’t wait to see your leaps and bounds (in the right direction) now.
    fordbarth – Don’t be sorry, I don’t do the graph until about now on Tuesday’s anyhow so no biggie. Well, at least you know where you may have gotten off track, that’s a great step (back) in the right direction. I really wouldn’t beat yourself up to much as you’ve been doing so well.
    enromero – Hmm, that seems to be a popular “issue” this weigh-in, maybe we are all getting on the same cycle, haha. At least it didn’t go up, which means no catch up. I know you’ll blow next week out of the water.
    aml0484 – Did you have fun with all your eating out last week, because really, that’s what’s important. I’m all about having a great time!!

    Alright, the graph will be up in just moments. . . .
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Aww thanks Jenn, its just been a stressful week at home, not much anyone can do, I am totally on track this week, already drinking water like a pig and such lol, trying to get excersise minutes where I can, started walking to work again and such, so Hoping there is a change next week, plus Tom visited last week tooo! Thanks for all you do!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Chart looks great!! Looks at all the lines going down, down, down! Way to go WL Army!!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    blondie76 – I’m happy to hear that you are on track this week! That’s fantastic! Walking to work? Good on ya. I’m sure we’ll see positive results this week.
    bowbee – I think it looks great too! I love seeing the hard work pay off over the long haul!

    So, I started doing C25K a couple of months ago and I was doing really great. Then life jumped in the way and then the weather turned to crap (excuse after excuse after excuse), long and short, I stopped. I really want to get back into it. I’m thinking, it’s beautiful outside, ¾ of the house work for the day has been completed and it’s only noon. Maybe I’ll start after today after the girls wake up from their nap. Wish me luck!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    So, I started doing C25K a couple of months ago and I was doing really great. Then life jumped in the way and then the weather turned to crap (excuse after excuse after excuse), long and short, I stopped. I really want to get back into it. I’m thinking, it’s beautiful outside, ¾ of the house work for the day has been completed and it’s only noon. Maybe I’ll start after today after the girls wake up from their nap. Wish me luck!

    OH!! Good Luck Jenn!

    I hope you got a chance to start again! I just started again last week ( for the 2nd time after a short stint last year) and over the weekend I kinda tweeked my back when I went for a hike last Sunday, so i haven't been a able to go into week 2 yet. I'm really going crazy waiting but know that I have to make sure I'm 100% before I start up again or I will be out for longer than a couple days. Definitely don't want that so I'm trying to be good!!
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    The Weekend Fight! They're always so hard for me and I found this snippet and wanted to share.

    "In general, I think we tend to eat out more on the weekend, and find ourselves in situations where temptation is going to be lurking around every corner. Do your best to maintain control. Be a weekend warrior (for lack of a better phrase).

    I find that in the health conscious world we live in, 9 times out of 10, whenever a food temptation is present, a healthy alternative is present as well, even if we have to look a little harder to find it. Travel with an apple, some almonds…..whatever it takes. Sounds a little corny I know……but, trust me……you will feel sooooo good, when you begin a new week and realize that you have continued to lose weight throughout the weekend……or even just maintained your weight. Our mini goal, or desired weight is the “light at the end of the tunnel”, not the weekend."

    So best of luck to you all this weekend in keeping up the good fight! :wink:
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    The Weekend Fight! They're always so hard for me and I found this snippet and wanted to share.

    "In general, I think we tend to eat out more on the weekend, and find ourselves in situations where temptation is going to be lurking around every corner. Do your best to maintain control. Be a weekend warrior (for lack of a better phrase).

    I find that in the health conscious world we live in, 9 times out of 10, whenever a food temptation is present, a healthy alternative is present as well, even if we have to look a little harder to find it. Travel with an apple, some almonds…..whatever it takes. Sounds a little corny I know……but, trust me……you will feel sooooo good, when you begin a new week and realize that you have continued to lose weight throughout the weekend……or even just maintained your weight. Our mini goal, or desired weight is the “light at the end of the tunnel”, not the weekend."

    So best of luck to you all this weekend in keeping up the good fight! :wink:

    This is definitely gonna be my test this weekend! I'm going out of town for my daughter's swim meet this weekend. This will be the 1st time since I started this journey (AGAIN!!) 8~) that I will have many temptations and not the easy access of healthy foods stocked in my fridge from home.

    I have prepared myself with a cooler full of nutritious things, which is the norm since we have to have good foods for her to fuel up on throughout her meet but the snack bars at these things always have tons of junk, too.

    I will stay clear of those and make good choices if we eat out at restaurants. I will not have access to the computer so I will have to bring the ol' journal to log all my daily food intake.

    I'm working too hard to start blowing it now! I will let you all know how it goes on Sunday night when I get back. Lisa, I'll try my best to be that weekend warrior!!!:wink:
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Weigh-in tomorrow everyone! I'm down right nervous about it to be honest. Oh well, positive thinking, it's going to be ok.

    Can't wait to see how everyone did!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Good morning everyone!!! My week wasn't spectacular. I didn't lose much, but I made it through without gaining. I like that I feel accountable here and that it stops me from making unhealthy choices over the weekend when I know that I will have to answer to all of you.

    CW: 224.5
    LW: 225.5
    SW: 228
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    CW: 173.8

    I'm down 0.6lbs. Nothing big, but a loss is a loss and it's my TOM :( This is my birthday week, I guess I should say month but I don't want to give myself that much room for damage. My goal is to do great this week and enjoy a yummy bday dinner out Thursday, then back on track again. I'm hoping to have a 1lb loss next week. I've been doing better with fruits, veggies and water AND even getting in my exercise. I'm not where I want to be so I will step it up as much as possible this week. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Good Morning.

    CW = 189.0

    Down 1lb from last week. Ended up having a small DQ Sundae Saturday night.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Reporting in.... Last week was TOM week so no loss, this week Im down 4lbs!! Have a good week everyone!

    SW (3/1/10) 241
    LW (5/10/10) 219
    CW(5/17/10) 215
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    178 woohoooo, finally lost a pound!!