Weight loss army!!



  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    starting weight 150

    current weight 138.

    yea, im bloated due to TOM coming. I hate being a woman sometimes. :(

    1 glass of water so far today but thats cause its only 9 am and ive only been up for 45 minutes.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Well I am super happy I am down 3.6 lbs to 191. This brings me out of the obese range and into the overweight range. YEAH for being overweight. HAHA. Such a big milestone for me. I was also able to get all my water in this week and exceeded my goal for exercise and did 1025 minutes. Hope you all have a good weigh in today.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Hey everyone, this is my first weigh-in Monday!

    Last week: 228
    Current weight: 225
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Checking In

    SW 180
    CW 170.6

    Met my mini goal (well with 1/2 lb to go). Goal 170 by 5/1

    Next Goal 160 by 6/1

    Sometime this week I shoudl start to see 16 somethign on the scale.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member

    SW 180

    Current weight 179

    yup I finally lost a pound woohooo!

    Hey Jenn, I used to live in Edmonton now I live on Vancouver Island!!

    Cheers and congrats to all!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hello All! Happy Monday!

    Jenn, please put me down at 172.8 again. I can't wait to get home and finally weigh in for real. I'm guessing I will have gained so next week you will be raising my line on the graph. I have hardly had any water this whole trip and my eating has been out of control. I'm embarrassed to say I bought a $3 cupcake and it was excellent. Tonight we are eating at Ruth's Chris and will be slowly making our way back to OH after the next couple of days. Please forgive me all for being so terrible the past two weeks.

    Oh, and congrats to all you "losers"! Hopefully once I get back on track that will be me too!
  • hotmomenay
    hotmomenay Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in. I'm so excited. This is going to be great. I need so much motivation.
    My current weight is 273.6
    My first goal is 263.6
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Is it too late to join the Army? I've re-committed myself to being healthy and I'm looking for motivation!

    CW: 154lbs
    GW: 145lbs

    My goal weight is really just a number to throw out there, what I really want is to lose inches and stop giggling! lol

    I plan on working out every day combining running, strength and yoga. I'll be doing the P90x strength & yoga dvd's. My boyfriend has already lost 20lbs on P90x and he's looking great. It's my turn!

    Looking forward to supporting others and getting some back!

    Congrats to all who've made it through the (almost) first month!
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Wow!! Everyone done such a great job this week!! Keep it up! Welcome to all the new recruits! Glad to see so many new faces! As for me Im down 2 lbs! Have another great week everyone! Remember to keep up on ur water and exercise this week also!


    SW (3/1/10) 241
    Last week (4/26/10) 221
    CW (5/3/10) 219

    Mini goal 199/200 getting my first ever massage and a meeting with a personal trainer
    Goal 170....new clothes???
    Maybe Goal 150ish....we will see how I feel and look at 170 :happy:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi all, Have had a better week and down 2 pounds :smile:

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................139 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................137 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Luck Everyone
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    bowbee – I’ve marked you down as green! This week we’ll be either adding another challenge or upping a current one. . .
    callie365 – We list how we did with our weigh-in but if it helps keep you on track please feel free, I’m on here every day checking out if there’s any new activity.
    hooah_mj – I’m not sure what Longhorn orange is but when I find it, it’s all yours!
    aml0484 – Sounds like you are doing so well!! Is there a shade of blue that you like better? sweet148angel also likes blue. HOORAY for being overweight!! I completely understand that, that’s one of the goals I’m close to as well. Great job on your water and exercise! Keep up the hard work!
    sweet148angel – My goodness you are just a superstar aren’t you! How did you do on the water and exercise challenges? aml0408 requested blue but I could see which shade they prefer and you can pick after that, how’s that sound?
    aprilchampalmer – Holy, that’s great water intake! I just upped mine to 12 glasses a day this week and what a difference it makes! boo on TOM! How did your water intake go for the rest of the week? Were you able to get in 210 minutes of exercise?
    allislefttogain – Great work!! Lost some weight this week, CHECK. Got in your exercise minutes (and some), CHECK. Completed the water challenge, CHECK. Looks like you are on the right road!
    fordbarth – Great idea for this week’s challenge!! Thanks! It will be a food one for sure! Congrats on your loss this week. Did you know that you are almost down 10 pounds since joining our army? Wow! So proud of you! I’ll keep you at that colour.
    pressica – Welcome to your first weigh-in Monday with us! It looks like a great start to me!
    Plwarder – Woohoo! Congrats!! How did you do on the water and exercise challenge?
    blondie76 – YOU DID IT! That’s awesome! Oh I’ve been thinking about you all week, I’m so happy that progress is starting up again for you. I’m from Edmonton! I’m living in Calgary now. I know, I know BOO, haha.
    melbhall – I’ve marked you down. I’m sure the “damage” is not as bad as you are thinking it is. We’re all rooting for you! Don’t worry about the $3 cupcake, haha, I’m sure it was amazing! Losing weight isn’t about never eating stuff like that again, it’s about not eating 3 in one sitting and not eating them every day. I can’t wait for you to get home and be a “loser” again too!
    hotmomenay – Welcome to the Weight loss army! We’re happy to have you!
    metfanlisa – It’s never too late to join the Weight loss army! Sounds like you are ready to work hard!
    enromero – Speaking of doing a great job, look at you! You’re almost down 10 pounds since joining the army! Woo woo!
    barty – Great week for you I see! How did you do on the water and exercise challenge??

    Wow! The army is getting HUGE!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hello recruits (do you guys hate that, haha),

    My last post was so huge I decided to start a new one for my stuff!
    SW – 208.3
    LW – 205.5
    CW – 203.9

    Water - I drank an average of 10 glasses a day. I'm trying for 12 a day.
    Exercise - 404 minutes

    Looks like everyone is doing great!

    I'm really liking our water on and I think, pardon me, I know it's staying!
    Let's go two for two and keep the 210 minutes minimum of exercise in there too. That's 30 minutes a day or however you like to split it up.
    The new challenge added is for fruits and veggies per day. Let's get set it at 6 servings per day for this week. (Thanks for the great idea fordbarth)

    Alright troops we have a lot to focus on, my goodness! I know you can all handle it. As always, if you feel any of these goals won't push up please feel free to set your own. New graph will be up tomorrow!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    hey everyone I have had kind of an off week, I cheated a few times and did not drink enough water due to using my old crutch (diet coke). My goal for this week to wean myself off the diet coke again is to only have one a day and do much much better on my water. I have exactly one month left until my trip to CA and I'd like to drop another 10 lbs before I go so I have a little more energy. So my goal is no cheat days at all this month, which means no eating out unless it's subway or something like that that I can truly know how many calories I am eating. One of my big problems is we go out to eat one or two times a week and it tends to be places where I have no idea what the calories are so I can't track it properly. So anyways here are my stats, since I am new to this thread I will post my starting stats as well. I also need to get a consistent exercise schedule started. My problem is I don't want to join a gym just yet due to saving money for the trip and I really dislike doing DVD's.

    SW - 261.5
    LW - 246
    CW - 244
    Goal - 125
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Jenn, Yes I am doing much better with my water intake!!!!!! and have got in at least 500 mins of exercise the past week...so pleased with that!!! :bigsmile: the new fruit and veggie challenge is a good one, I love my fruit and veg:laugh:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey girls :flowerforyou:

    Just a fast run by... to log in my weight 155.5!

    I hope everyone saw the number they were wanting on the scale :wink:

  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    The water challenge is gonna be an easy one, exercise challenge sounds easy enough but it's getting off the couch that's the really hard part! Now 6 fruits/vege's is gonna be a big challenge for me but I will take that challenge and adapt and overcome! But as of 4:35pm on Monday afternoon, I've managed to consume only 2 3/4 of my daily servings. GULP...looks like dinner is gonna be vegetarian! :laugh:

    Have a great week troops, I'll be reading posts for support, ideas and motivation!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Everyone!!
    Thank you for the warm welcome. No change in my weight since I listed it on Friday when I joined. I did have a good week with exercise though: 408 minutes to burn 5553 calories.!!! Woo hoo!confetti.gif

    H20 isn't a problem for me as I usually can drink 10+ cups a day but I do think getting all veg/fruit will be challenging for each and every day.

    Wishing everyone an amazing week in all your goals!!!toyou.gif
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Jenn...Ummm maybe an electric blue.

    Fruits and veggies sounds like a good goal. I'm not even sure how many servings a day I consume so this should be interesting. I think I ate about 5 servings so far today and will try to eat another 1-2 before the night is over.

    Kimmrdodge-I am thinking about suspending my gym membership for the summer as I love walking, running and biking outside in the summer. Maybe try and get a routine of first thing in the morning go for a walk or right after work before finding the couch. This is what I try and do.
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Good Morning Troops!

    Found this quote and thought I'd share: "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

    Best wishes in creating good habits and breaking the bad!
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Challenge Update

    320 min of exercise for week
    99 oz of water each day