Weight loss army!!



  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Plwarder – My goodness, you are losing up a storm over there! What’s your secret?? How did you do on the water challenge?

    I forgot to log my water intake but I have a bottle that holds 32 oz and I drink 3 of those a day, plus what ever I drink during exercise. So I'm getting at least 96 oz a day.

    I make sure I do some sort of exercise every day and I'm drinking a protein shake for breakfast and one with my lunch which normally consists of fruit/veggie and sometimes fish. I also make sure I eat small snacks and small meals. So it is more like I'm eating every 2 hours.

    I did this same type of routine before and lost 30 lbs but I got lazy over the last 3 years and gained it all back. I love food. So now I'm just trying to make changes to my eating habits and lifestyle for good so I can keep the weight off. This site is really good for tracking all of my food and calories and keeping me accountable.

    I'm feeling pretty good about my results. I got my sister and friend to join too.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    All of you are so inspiring! I'm so thankful to have this group! I get so excited to weigh in on Monday's and have even stopped weighing myself every other day....I was a chronic weigher. I love the ideas of challenges and hope to get in my 210 min of exercise this week. I am still sick....I'm convinced I will never get better but I'm still trying to keep my water intake up and my activity level up too.

    Congrats to all of the losses this week and to those who maintained their weight. Both take a lot of hard work!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    LOL, I never thought I'd be looking forward to weigh ins but this group has actually made it kind of fun!

    For challenges - the water challenge went really well, for some reason working nights this past week seems to have actually made it easier to fit it in... I suppose because I have enough time to get the majority of it in before I even make it to work. I had a tough time getting any exercise in because I was so tired during the day but I'm going to try to change that this week, off to yoga this evening!

    Weigh in - Switching my schedule seems to have paid off! Down this week to 134.8!

    Congrats everyone on your awesome week!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Starting Weight: 131.2
    Last Week's Weight: 128.6
    Current Weight: 128.2

    Down .4 this week. I've been sick with a cold that's been making it hard to breathe since last week so I'm happy that I managed to lose. I usually drink 10 glasses of water a day but had a hard time even getting 8 last week. Somehow managed running a 5K race on Saturday but took off from exercising Sunday and Monday!
  • christina_255
    Lost 1.5lbs

    Girls wish me luck on my 1st attempt with Wedding dress shopping on Sunday. I normally HATE to shop becuase I get discouraged really fast! Hopefully with this 17lbs weight loss so far, that wont happen! Already I feel more confident about myself so im hoping for a great day of trying on dresses with my family and friends!

    Starting weight on 2/17: 223.5
    Weight as of 4/26: 206.5
    Goal Weight as of 10/10: 150
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    barty – Wonderful job on the loss, even while being sick! Congrats! How did you do on the water challenge?
    aml0484 – I like that you are pushing yourself!! Keep it going!
    blondie76 – I’m sorry that you didn’t lose this week, I know it’s frustrating. Maybe we can come together as a group to help you over this hurdle. Are you eating all of your calories? That’s probably the most common thing I see on here when people stop losing but aren’t gaining either. Make sure you eat eat eat!!
    hooah_mj – That’s awesome! Congrats and good luck at the doctor.
    Plwarder – Looks like you have a great game plan!!
    melbhall – I just heart you so much. Your message really touched me. Starting and being in this group has really made a huge difference in my life as well. Oh and the cure to get over your sickness is to move to Canada.
    fordbarth – Great loss this week! I’m so happy that this group is making your weight loss journey fun! I’m very much enjoying it too and it wouldn’t be so successful without people like you!
    allislefttogain – Woohoo! A loss and running a 5K while sick! You go with your bad self!
    christina_225 – Have fun while you are wedding dress shopping. It’s a great experience, if you have a positive mind set so you smile the whole day and make sure you get treated like the princess that you are!

    Alright recruits, we have a man in need! blondie76 has been stuck on a mini plateau (I say mini plateau because I don’t think it’s long enough to be called a plateau but we want to nip it in the bud before it gets there!), any suggests that might help her break through?

    The graph will be up in just moments!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks Jen :)
    I think TOM is gonna visit in a few days and that could be my problem!
    Been Stuck at 10 pounds lost for 2 weeks gotta get the scale to move!
    Yes I eat all my cals I eat ablout 1350 or so which is in my guideline plus excersise and drink all my Water LOL
    maybe next week!! Pray for me!!

    Yes Melissa should move to Canada ; maybe the Island ( west coast by me)

    wink wink lol!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Chart looks Great!!!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I'm so happy with it! I'm figuring out new things every week. This week I got rid of everything under 100. None of us weigh under 100 pounds so it was just taking up extra room, haha.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Hey Jen's army, I am wondering if you have room for a new recruit? After coming across your thread, I feel motivated. I would like to be a part of your group. I could really use the help, support, and suggestions.

    Current weight: 228
    1st mini-goal: 225
    Goal weight: 130
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    pressica - We would love love love you to join!! The more the merrier! Every week a couple of people disappear and a couple of new people jump aboard! We weigh-in on Mondays and I post a graph of everyone's progress on Tuesdays. I'm really finding the visual to be helping a lot! Right now we have two weekly goals going on. 1) Drink at least 8 8oz glasses of water a day 2) Get in 210 minutes of exercise this week. If you feel either of those goals don't push you enough feel free to post your own. Glad to have you join us! I'll add you to the graph on the next weigh-in!!
  • christina_255
    I could really use this weeks challenge because i am having a hard time getting motivated right now. I am still losing weight but not to my full potential :-/ 210 minutes here i come!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    sorry i havent been around! ive been super duper busy! weighed in this morning....

    Starting weight 150
    CURRENT WEIGHT 137!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIRTEEN POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooo freakin excited!

    i havent been this weight since BEFORE starting beauty school in 2007!!!!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    sorry i havent been around! ive been super duper busy! weighed in this morning....

    Starting weight 150
    CURRENT WEIGHT 137!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIRTEEN POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooo freakin excited!

    i havent been this weight since BEFORE starting beauty school in 2007!!!!

    Way to go!!!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hey Jen's army, I am wondering if you have room for a new recruit? After coming across your thread, I feel motivated. I would like to be a part of your group. I could really use the help, support, and suggestions.

    Current weight: 228
    1st mini-goal: 225
    Goal weight: 130

    Welcome!! I too started at 228 and my final goal is 133. Cool to have someone in the group with the same goals!!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    christina_255 – That’s where I was a couple of weeks ago so I’m glad that this challenge is going to pump us all up to our full potential!!
    aprilchampalmer – WELCOME BACK!! Also, a big congrats!! I’ll add your losses back to the chart! So proud of you!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Hey Jen's army, I am wondering if you have room for a new recruit? After coming across your thread, I feel motivated. I would like to be a part of your group. I could really use the help, support, and suggestions.

    Current weight: 228
    1st mini-goal: 225
    Goal weight: 130

    Welcome!! I too started at 228 and my final goal is 133. Cool to have someone in the group with the same goals!!

    That is so night of you to say! Congrats on your progress!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hey all, so as you may or may not know I spend a very silly amount of time playing with our graph to make it easier to read and more fun to look at. I have a new discovery to announce! I've figured out how to pick the colours (not a typo, I'm from Canada, that's how we spell colour) for each individual! If you have a request add it to the thread, first come first serve!

    See you all in a few days for our weekly weigh-in! I'm sure you're all doing great! Keep pushing the water and lets get those workout minutes up!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Jenn, The chart looks great but I don't mind what colour I am. I have got my exercise in for today but have not done so well with my water :ohwell: I will try harder tomorrow!!!