Weight loss army!!



  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    oh WOW... I may have only lost 1 lb but I just done my measurements and my waist is down 2.5 inches since 4/5....yay! Im happy about that :-)

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member

    I dropped 1.8 pounds since my last weigh-in! A total of 19.2 pounds so far!

    I had orignially posted on my profile that:
    "I'm debating whether I need to readjust that drop.
    Just trying to keep it real.....to make-up for my achy-breaky past couple of days.......
    I know/believe that I put on what I initially lost."

    Had thought: "What to do? Would it suffice to start true or keep it & work back.....???" So I'm keeping it, but I'm gonna need to really work it this week to keep those #s...!!!!

    Hope you're all going strong...ever closer...
  • christina_255
    I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday! Sorry about that! I was really scared yesterday to weigh myself after a long hard weekend! Texas Motorspeedway on Saturday for Nascar and Sunday was my 4 year anniversary with my fiance. So needless to say there was a whole lot of bad eating, over eating, and lack of exercise... soda's, cookies, funnel cakes, chicken on a stick! Well I guess everything i did good during the week helped me out. I went from 209.5 to 208! I lost 1.5 lbs this week!

    Starting weight on 2/17: 223.5
    Weight as of 4/19: 208
    Goal Weight as of 10/10: 150
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hello hello! I'm so happy with the graph this week! It's really starting to take shape. If you don't see your name on the graph that's because I didn't see a new post from you for this weeks weigh-in. Feel free to message me or post on here and I'll update it. Only takes a sec.

  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    barty – Down 3 pounds?!?! My goodness you are really giving it! Congrats!
    melbhall – I know you can do it!
    blondie76 – No change might mean you didn’t lose weight this week but it also means you didn’t gain any so that’s a positive. Next week will be your week, I just know it!
    fordbarth – Looks like you’ve had a good week. Use that as motivation on those night shifts!
    ykantoro – You are doing so well! Remember slow and easy wins the race.
    aml0484 – I’m loving the reported loss! Keep on working it!!
    sweet148angel – Down 1 pound is great!! Drink your water this week and let’s up that 1 pound loss to 1.5 this week!
    enromero – Oh my goodness! 2.5 inches and 1 pound down! You’re a rockstar!
    hooah_mj – I like the positive “I’m keeping it” and using that as motivation for this weeks weigh-in! You can do it!
    christina_255 – With all that and a 1.5 pound loss I’d be happy as pie!!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    no change for me still 180:(

    No loss is better than a gain! Be proud, maintaining is hard work too!

  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    So far, so good on the water!! I pulled out one of my Nalgene bottles, and keep that filled. It holds just over 32oz so I just keep in mind that I have to drink 2 bottles each day.
    how is everyone else doing?
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    So far, so good on the water!! I pulled out one of my Nalgene bottles, and keep that filled. It holds just over 32oz so I just keep in mind that I have to drink 2 bottles each day.
    how is everyone else doing?

    I'm doing good too! I have had about 4 cups of water so far today. A few weeks ago I cut out all the soda and most flavored drinks. It is much easier now to get my water in. Every other day I allow myself a bottle of the H2oh! bubbly water. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    sweet148angel - That's a great plan! I use a water bottle that holds 24 oz and I make sure to drink 3 a day. That brings me to 9 glasses a day. Monday I drank 10! I was so happy with that but yesterday I literally had to choke the last 2 glasses down to get to 8 but I did it! I kept thinking, I can't be the head of a group and not complete my own challenges, haha.

    aml0484 - That's fantastic that you've cut out sugary drinks! 4 down 4 to go for you today! I know you can do it! Woo hoo!

    I really hope everyone else is keeping up with the water challenge!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Okay, so it's not even close to our official weigh in day, but I'm going to be away from home for the next 2 weeks so I did my official weigh in again so I would have a new number to post for this up coming mondays. Last week I lost, and just in the last 4 days I've lost again....and I'm even on my period!

    The offical number I will post the next two mondays because I won't have a scale is 172.8!!! Yay! I just may enter the 160's by the time I get home!

    Don't worry, in case you don't see this Jenn, I will record my number on Monday as 172.8!!!
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    So no change at all!! 237.0
    I guess I should be happy that at least it wasn't a gain since the odds were stacked against me this week.
    Started my period :sad:
    Had girls night out complete with steaks and lots of drinks and a Carrie Underwood concert!:drinker:
    I did pretty good with the water though, only had one day that I was short of my 8 glasses!
    This week I really need to get to exercising........
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Well it was a good week. I am down to 194.6. Not a huge loss but i will take it since TOM came. I was able to get all my water in every day. Can't wait to see how everyone else did.

    Sweet148angel: I am always glad when I have a big week out with not the best choices and I am able to maintain my weight. Good job!!
  • Plwarder
    Plwarder Posts: 30
    Wiegh In

    SW 180
    CW 173.2
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Okay, it's Monday! I'm recording my weight at 172.8 this week. Although I'm pretty sure it's much less. I have been sick though so I don't really want to count that loss until I'm completely over this and know those pounds are gone forever. The good news is I have still been eating the whole time I'm sick (even a few bad meals at McD's...but kids meals) so I think once I bounce back my weight will still be down!!!

    SW: 180

    CW: 172.8!!!!!
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    ok, so after 2 weeks with only 1 lb lost I upped my food intake for this past week and lost a whopping 5lbs!!! So ladies if ur stuck try adding a few more cals! I excersise 6 days a week and hardly ever eat those cals so I changed my thing from loosing 2lbs a week to 1 1/2 lbs, so I got about 200 more cals. It worked for me, hope it helps you.

    SW (3/1/10) 241
    LWI (4/19/10) 226
    CW (4/26/10) 221

    Mini goal: under 200 and I get a massage (NEVER had one)
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    melbhall – Good job lady! I check this thread a few times a week and always look back from the last time I posted so don’t worry about me missing one of your posts. I’m so proud of you! How did you do on the water challenge?
    sweet148angel – That darn TOM getting in the way. Ahh! Frustrating! Like you said, at least it wasn’t a gain. I’ll take staying the same over a gain ANY day! Haha. I think you’ve inspired me for this week’s challenge. . .
    aml0484 – Hmm everyone seems to be having their TOM. Congrats on water challenge!!
    Plwarder – My goodness, you are losing up a storm over there! What’s your secret?? How did you do on the water challenge?
    enromero – Fantastic!!! Yes eating all of you calories is a good thing, that’s why MFP tells you too, haha! Great work! Keep it up! How did you do on the water challenge?

    My turn!
    SW – 208.3
    LW – 207
    CW – 205.5
    Holy moly, I’m a happy lady! 205.5, do you know what that means to me? That means that 199 is SO CLOSE!! As far as the water challenge goes, I got all my water in except one day. I was pretty upset about that one darn day but this is a new week and I’m going to keep the water challenge going and add another!

    So, CHALLENGE TIME!! We all know how good it is for us to be drinking water so I think we should keep it going and add a second challenge to the mix. Exercise! I have no idea what anyone’s life is like or how much you exercise so let’s just say we are aiming for 210 minutes of exercise this week. That works out to be 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter how you get it in (an hour one day, 45 min the next. . .etc), let’s just aim for that. I’m sure this challenge is going to be easy for some of you as I think you already aim for a lot higher but it’s a start. If you would like to put up your own personal goal for this week, please feel free!

    Graph time tomorrow! I can’t wait to see it! It looks like we are starting to thin out a little (no pun intended) as a group. We started at 28 but last week we were down to 15, hmmmm.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Everyone, Happy Monday!!! I have still not been very well this week but hope i will be feeling 100% again soon:smile: I have still managed to lose another pound this week even though i have not really been up for exercising much so really pleased with that!!

    s!tart weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................140 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................139 ..pounds
    mini goal by 4/26/10 ...................................................................140 ..pounds...... Made it !!!
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Luck to you all with your weight-lose
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    So I normally walk my son to school 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon and then I do an additional 90 minute walk during the day 5 days a week. That equals 750 minutes a week. I have not been exercising on weekends so I am going to try and get some in on the weekend and set my goal 250 above that and try and get 1000 minutes in this week. 120 done o far today. I like the new challenge and will continue with the water one also.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    still no change for me 180 still
    I am doing a big pout!!!

    Congrats to all great work!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    My turn...
    SW: 170.+

    LW : 150.8
    CW: 150.4

    0.4, not even half a pound and I'm takin' it........
    history has proven that a small drop one week leads to an awesome drop the next...!
    It better...doc visit one week from today...yikes:explode: