

  • Thanks for the tip! Will definitely log all my "cheats". I will then be more inclined to turn things down if I don't know the calorie count in them, I imagine.
  • Thanks again, especially to the previous poster who listed all the suggestions. Very interesting to consider all those factors that it could be. I did start a new account when I recently changed my diet approach/calorie intake so I only have two weeks to go by. I will continue to monitor my weekly totals rather than my…
  • I haven't logged today's. But thank you all for the kind words. It is all just food and I do need to change my approach to it. I probably am still in a deficit. I just know I've been overindulging, and would like to limit that back a tiny bit more Oh well. I am human :) I will never be perfect and I definitely enjoyed all…
  • I try to refrain from the words cheat meals but it's in the community a lot so I repeat it. I usually eat clean everyday then have a day where I let myself go over my calories and have something I wouldn't normally like refined sugar or pizza. Every Thursday at my work we have an hour where we are able to drink and we have…
  • Thanks everyone for the feedback and support. My boyfriend wants to take me out for sushi tonight, so it will end up being my weekly cheat anyways so I don't feel bad about the excess calories anymore :tongue: Back in the weigh room tomorrow and eating clean! Thanks everyone.
  • This is a great post. Thanks. I am doing TDEE-20% and yesterday really pushed myself for my chest workout - maybe this is why? I'm going to try to wait it out and see how I feel. I usually have my cheat day Friday or Saturday so I am not opposed to giving in today as it is Friday but this would be more of an issue to me on…
  • I don't use it as a meal replacement, as it lacks the other macronutrients, but I love Promasil by Rivalus. It's super low carb, low calorie and sweetened with Stevia. So it's the cleanest product I have found. I just mix the Vanilla in water for a 90cal protein boost after the gym, or if I do want a more complete "meal" -…
  • I always do bench press! But I will add bent over rows and over head press! Thanks so much! And for the above poster, thanks for the link - I will check it out. I am trying to lose a bit of weight - or should I say - fat. I don't care what the number on the scale eventually says, but I want to be measurement-wise smaller…
  • Feel free to give me compound lifts for all my days. especially chest and back as those are not my strong points. I am good for legs!
  • Right now I am doing: Day 1: Back and bis Day 2: chest and tris and shoulders Day 3: Legs - notes: sometimes i split shoulders to their own day and do abs. - i try to do 20 minutes of jogging afterwards - my rest days are whenever i either cants get to the gym or am feeling sore and need it.
  • I had always seen 12-15 as a guide but I will definitely up my weights for the 8 rep range. Thanks! I'm way more into weights now than I ever was cardio. I am just not a cardio girl. But it's nice to be assured that my heart rate/calorie burn is not as important as building strong muscles :)
  • Yeah. Frankly I know most of the benefits of lifting actually happens out of the gym and in the process where my body has to repair muscles that have been broken down. I just wish I could see higher burn so I knew I am taking in the right amount of calories, etx. But the more I train, the less I care about numbers and the…
  • Okay I think I'm just going to roll with moderately active and eat the suggested 1700 range calories EVERYDAY. It's still not my maintenance cals so it's not the worst thing in the world if i do this for a few weeks and see where I end up. Thanks everyone. Oh and just for those confused, i don't eat my exercise cals back.…
  • But I'm not sedentary. I take sedentary to mean that I work a desk job and then don't work out. That you literally don't do much at all. I do 3-7 hours of exercise a week, that's hardly sedentary. I'm trying to determine my exercise level, not my work level, for TDEE-20% approach.
  • That's what I need to be reminded of - that 100-200 calories isn't really that big of a difference for my goals. I'm only 15-20 pounds away anyways. Right now I am aiming for 1500-1750ish a day, and will probably eat back about 80% of my exercise calories if I do 1500. That way I am in between light and moderate. Thanks!
  • Have you been losing accordingly? (jzammetti)
  • Anyone else have any feedback? If I only burn 300 cals 5 days a week, am I moderate? that's a mixture of weights and cardio. If I set myself to Light, then I would be eating 1500 on rest days, would I eat 1700 on work out days. Does this make sense? or should i just decide to eat 1700 and set myself to moderate always?
  • In my opinion, if BMR is the amount of calories that a hospital would feed you in A COMA - that is the BARE minimum to be alive - is that what you want to sustain your work days? Your time with your loved ones? THEN exercise? I don't think anyone should eat below. You are burning more than your BMR daily regardless of what…
  • Good to know that most think I'm moderately active though even with my desk job. This summer I will probably be very active! Since I bike to work and I just enjoy being outside doing stuff.
  • Thanks girl. I appreciate the feedback. Are you doing TDEE-20% too or just MFP and eat back your exercise?
  • This is a great approach a mix of light and moderate. I like it!
  • Hate to bump - but anyone?
  • Thanks guys. You're all so helpful. I am enjoying being able to eat more. I'm still concerned I am not moderately active as opposed to lightly active. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a range of calories burnt through exercise that would give me an idea of which I am? I'm 5'7 and 140 lbs. I lift weight 3-4 times…
  • I can see why it would work in theory. Honestly, I would rather eat TDEE-20% on all days. I have a huge appetite and find it hard to eat under 1300.
  • I LOVE Quest Bars - they are the cleanest protein bar I have found that also satisfies my sweet tooth! Baking them is also amazing if you want that extra indulgent feel. I honestly am so glad I tried them. I order mine off bodybuilding.com since I'm in Canada but I know you have way more options if you are in the States -…
  • Try baked Quest bars :) They help me! Or Google "clean" versions of whatever you are craving - there are so many. You may even burn a few cals in the kitchen while cooking them up and shopping for the ingredients! Then you won't even feel guilty indulging. But you know what else? Sometimes you just need to eat whatever it…
  • Thanks so much. I am no longer afraid of eating more and am more concerned with my macros (protein specifically) than my calories being low. I am excited to fuel my body properly. And will definitely give that link a look over. I wil try not to freak out in the process :)