x3Amy Member


  • //www.fitbit.com/user/2RZG8G i'd love some new friends! :)
  • good luck guys! everyone's doing great so far..keep it up!
  • It doesn't seem like a terrible diet, but I know I'd get bored eating that day in day out :smile: What are you making the oatmeal with? milk/ water? & Are you weighing your quantities with a food scale to check they're the weights you're logging I personally would drop the olive oil for lunch, switch out the cottage cheese…
  • I haven't tried the cereals as i prefer hot breakfasts but the oatmeal just tastes more oatmeal(y)? if that's possible..almost thicker than normal oatmeal.. the pasta tastes exactly the same to me which is a relief! :smile:
  • Please feel free to add me.. I log daily and like to think I'm motivating without being too in your face with comments and likes..please no private diaries that friends can't see though :-)
  • Please feel free to add me.. I log daily and like to think I'm motivating without being too in your face with comments and likes..please no private diaries that friends can't see though :-)
  • Hey there You did great with the weight loss, maybe this time around you could try setting smaller goals, I personally find it hard looking at how far I have to go and not how far I've come :smile: I'm a sucker for cakes too, but please feel free to add me as a friend.. I like to think I'm motivational without being too in…
  • was always complimenting other people
  • Maybe you could try picturing the food that you're snacking on as dirty or not very tasty (hard to do i know!!) but if it's fallen on the counter try and convince yourself that the counter is dirty? or put it to the side or in a bin straight away- maybe try throwing it from a distance to make it in to a game instead of…
  • Please feel free to add me too! I'm not gonna turn down new friends :drinker: I'd like to think I'm motivational, I'm active on the app and I'll probably like or comment on a few of your things, nothing major or spamming though (annoying!!)
  • I just recently realised I was gluten intolerant too! no biggie though I promise.. just stick to what you've already been doing diet wise, use fresh meat and vegetables (not processed/breadcrumbed/battered) & there's a huge variety of gluten free foods available (breads/cereals/porridge), and i know i certainly get tempted…
  • Hey everyone! I'd like to think i'm pretty positive and hopefully motivating too, I've send out friend requests so hopefully I'll hear from you all soon and i'll be able to join you on your journey! :)
  • Hey, I sent you a FR! I can totally appreciate spending too much time on tumblr! i like loads of brain melting tv shows too (most of my down time is spent on netflix! )