Going gluten free?



  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    I went completely gluten free about 5 years ago for 18 months or so...not b/c of intolerance but because of endometriosis and it was suggested to help with the symptoms. I'm now 99% gluten free and can feel the effects when I do eat something I shouldn't which keeps me off it again for a couple of months.

    (1) My biggest advice (and I've seen it here already) is to try and avoid being sucked in by the 'gluten free' processed foods. These have just replaced wheat with other empty calories and sugar. I've tried to rethink how I think about food most of the time. Try to eat as much unprocessed as you can. Learn to love fruits and veggies and meat. Instead of trying to find something to replace the mouth feel of a piece of bread, find new foods to try and replace in your menu.

    (2) READ EVERYTHING.... gluten is hidden lots of places. My secretary was just diagnosed with celiacs and I've been helping her learn to read labels and you have to be careful.

    Good luck!
  • x3Amy
    x3Amy Posts: 15 Member
    I just recently realised I was gluten intolerant too! no biggie though I promise.. just stick to what you've already been doing diet wise, use fresh meat and vegetables (not processed/breadcrumbed/battered) & there's a huge variety of gluten free foods available (breads/cereals/porridge), and i know i certainly get tempted when i see the gluten free shortbread eyeing my from the shelf...but if i wouldn't have eaten the shortbread on my normal diet, then it doesn't get put in to the basket :)

    Does the pasta and cereal taste different? My favorite foods are mini wheats and oatmeal :/

    I haven't tried the cereals as i prefer hot breakfasts but the oatmeal just tastes more oatmeal(y)? if that's possible..almost thicker than normal oatmeal.. the pasta tastes exactly the same to me which is a relief! :smile:
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    If you have celiacs then you will really have to research and learn about the disease. You cravings for pasta and breads are like your body craving something it is allergic to.
    I did find it is much more expensive to be gluten free. And I can't stress enough how right the poster was who said check everything because they hide gluten in everything.(including mustard and meat seasonings).
    Red Mill makes oatmeal that is gluten free. I am not a big fan of "gluten free " replacements(breads , crackers ) as they tend to be loaded with fat , calories and chemicals and as someone else said load on the weight and still may cause pain.
    Eat fresh. Fresh veges and fruits and meats. It is safest for your stomach. Also if you get a positive (and btw there are frequently false negatives because people stop eating gluten before the tests) don't play around with it. I did really serious damage to my intestines by ignoring this for too long.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    While back my wife read Wheat Belly and immediately went gluten free because she thought she was gluten intolerant. She started buying all this gluten free crap and our grocery bills went up a good 50-100 bucks a month. A few months after this I was cooking pizza for dinner and accidentally used the regular wheat crust instead of her gluten free crust. She ate a good amount and never complained.... Since this, I've noticed this happening more and more to people claiming gluten intolerance when they eat something they believe to be gluten free.

    Funny how people can fund a culprit in just about anything...salt, sugar, protein, gluten, fats etc.

    I would keep your diet the same until the test results. If you do have celiacs, learn to love fruits, veggies and meats :ohwell: