kareeta Member


  • On day 2 of T25 , did Speed 1.0 before work this am and it was a great one!
  • Age 37 HW 167 CW 167 GW 147 Started T25 & Low carbing this week!
  • Hi Everyone I'm Type 1 (16yrs) and battle blood sugar swings daily. I find great results while low carbing but haven't been able to sustain that way of eating successfully to date. Restarting today, wish me luck! Will add you all now Karen
  • I'm a relative newbie to T25, on Alpha W2 D3 today, Speed 1.0! Looking forward to a colder shower after that! :)
  • Ditto! Found a lot of the V sit moves difficult 1st time round, but overall enjoyed this the most out of the 4 days so far!:smile:
  • Hi Again! I have not been on here for the last three months almost as I have been recovering from a back injury (bulging disc) which was incredibly painful and allowed for zero exercise. The knock on effect for my blood sugars has been hard to deal with, and I know my HBA1C will be elevated this time around. I have not…
    in Type 1 Comment by kareeta March 2014
  • Fellow Yorkshire Girl here too! Feel free to add me
  • I have done both, I too am in Month 2 of Insanity (two and a half weeks to go!) and by no means am I in peak cardio condition but I have definitely improved over the last few weeks, you can't not improve really! I am going to do P90X again when I finish this, I found the yoga x incredibly boring, ridiculously long and…
  • Hi I'm on Week 3 Day 2 tonight, was my 2nd Fit test yesterday and I had improved in most areas but not the push up jacks!! I hate them with a passion. No weight loss yet but feel a real difference in my already muscular legs. I am loving it but agree that it is a bit hard on the knees, I wear a support for my right knee,…
    in Insanity Comment by kareeta August 2013
  • Sore after Day 2 last night! Thighs are killing, and those suicide drills are aptly named! Day 3 tonight...groan
  • Hi Everyone! I am Karen , 35, England. Currently 157 . aiming to lose another 10lbs. Looking forward to starting this challenge! Just started Insanity, Fit Test kicked my behind, so hoping I survive the next 59 days :)
  • Hi Everyone! I did the Fit Test yesterday so day 2 today. Wow....I thought I was pretty fit till I did this, have never been as red in the face , loved it though Feel free to add me, 59 days to go :) Karen
  • Hi! I agree with all of the above, being Type 1 is certainly challenging! I am (luckily) finding so far that I have tighter control now that I am using this website to monitor everything alongside the exercise. That said, there is nothing more annoying than having a good day calorie wise and then having a massive hypo that…
    in Type 1 Comment by kareeta July 2013
  • Hi I'm Type 1, and find its different each day (insulin requirements) but I agree with the low carb comment. In the past I have found it unsustainable but for the last few weeks I have been cutting down on carbs rather than being so strict and its more manageble for me that way. Feel free to add me, would love to chat to…
  • Yes , I loved the martial arts element, and could definitely feel it this morning!
  • Are there burpees in the 2nd half? Groan..they kick my *kitten*, in fact that is a part of my anatomy that is feeling it today lol
  • [/quote] I think it is supposed to do it 5-6 times a week the level 1, 2 or both if you are a badass (as she says). I think we should incorporate level 2 in some of the days when we feel comfortable instead of level1, and then do just level 2. How much weight/inches did you loose? [/quote] Hi, gosh thats a lot, hopefully…
  • Hi Day 5 Done, did all 70 in one go before work, but looking at how high the numbers go up towards the end of the month I doubt I will be able to crawl to work if I try and maintain that! Legs are shaky :) Feel free to add me , I'm a newbie on here
  • I too have a weighted hoop (the one with the nodules on the inside that sounds like a rattle when you use it!) I've been doing a couple of mins a day for the last three days since it arrived. I'm a bit bruised but looking forward to mastering the hoop. My issue seems to be hula-ing too fast? When I try and slow down I…
  • Hi Everyone I'm Type 1 diabetic and have been trying low carb for a couple of weeks now. Its having a great impact on insulin reduction making it easier for me to manage my condition. i'm just hoping I can sustain it! My typical food includes, lizzies granola blueberries and greek yoghurt for breakfast but the last two…