Type 1 diabetes

Looking for some other people with Type 1 Diabetes who are trying to lose weight. What food plan has given you the most success? How do you juggle insulin needs with exercise?


  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Well, you know, that's ME! Although I'm about 20# from goal, I'm about #25 down from my heaviest. I find seriously, kind of a pale0/low carb thing works the best (when I can do it). My carbs are mainly, fruits, veggies and high fiber/whole grain items.

    As for the insulin, for long workouts, I reduce my basal, and sometimes have a bite of something before I go out...
  • kareeta
    kareeta Posts: 27 Member

    I'm Type 1, and find its different each day (insulin requirements) but I agree with the low carb comment. In the past I have found it unsustainable but for the last few weeks I have been cutting down on carbs rather than being so strict and its more manageble for me that way.

    Feel free to add me, would love to chat to fellow Type 1's!

  • kelleyeg
    kelleyeg Posts: 1
    Honestly, I've heard the low carb thing is good for weightloss too but I can't do it. I lost about 15 pounds or so between December and April and I was eating b/w 130-170 carbs per day depending on the day. I have been told to only eat 70 carbs per day if I want to lose weight, but that was never really an achievable goal for me. I think the main thing is trying to stay active at least three times per week, log your food (helps to see how much you are really eating) and being OK with cheat days every now and then. I also found not eating foods that I loved would make me eat way worse, so I started including cupcakes or chips in my diet every so often and that helped me to do good on other days. Also, strength training really does work. I was also basal testing in March and April and did it 19 days so that was essentially 19 days of not eating much so I think that helped with a pound or two (but I don't recommend that) A little easier to respond when not given the 140 word limit...hope that helps some!
  • udlaurak
    udlaurak Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone!
    I've found that when I do low(er) carb, my sugars tend to rise. Logically, makes no sense. Right now I'm just focusing on my calories (1550/day) and exercise. And of course, having good BGs!
    I have a major issue with exercise though - I cannot seem to figure out a pattern regarding if my sugar goes up or down during a workout. It behaves differently every time. I kickbox, so it's a pretty strenuous workout. I kind of feel like maybe something that is less intense and more steady (like riding a bike or walking at the same pace) may be better but I'm just not quite ready to give up the kickboxing yet.