hazeljordan1974 Member


  • Being told by someone at the gym that I look like a "seasoned exerciser" because of my routine and he also said I had a great figure - hearing it from friends and my man is one thing, from a perfect stranger kinda made my day!
  • Okay - time to change this... 1 – I am now down 3 1/2 dress sizes 2 – My back is starting to look more toned 3 – The whole of my collarbone and shoulders are pretty slender. 4 – ! have a BMI of 20.63 5 – I can now run/walk on the treadmill just over 12 miles 6 – ! can HIIT up to 16.7KMPH 7 – My face is very slender - I…
  • How about a visualisation of how much you've lost? Maybe go to the grocery store and hulk out 80lbs worth of potatoes, or even 40lbs if you feel embarrassed to hulk too much around - then see how much that is. Or take a look here - http://hypno-slim.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/things-that-weigh-80-pounds.html to see how much it…
  • I hear you sister - thing is for me, even when I was at my biggest I didn't really have boobs - I think at my biggest I was a B/C cup and because the rest of me was so big they were hardly noticeable. Now I am down to goal I am a small A and always wear padded bras out - at the gym I don't, I have these little bra tops and…
  • So many of these I'm like "yeah, me too!" Although I weigh my breakfast cereal and various other things I can almost measure with my eyes. I won't eat anything new that doesn't have a barcode or is easy enough to count. If anyone cooks for me they will leave the packets out for me to scan!
  • I'm with the "weigh every day" gang for my own peace of mind - my weight has sort of stabilised over the last few weeks (even got on scales with cans earlier in the week to check scales were working - they are). I weighed pretty much the same despite eating more - but on a "damage limitation" course of gym sessions this…
  • I think the main reason is that each of us is so different and we are trying to use a "one size fits all" approach - yes in simple terms it is a case of a calorie deficit to lose weight, neutral calories to maintain and excess calories to gain but we are not cars with a "tank full/tank empty" gauge where we can calculate…
  • I am going to keep logging - I think it will help me get back on track far easier than if I just go "sod it!" and forget to log. I know I will probably overeat during the week but I want to know how many lbs are actual overeating weight and how many are normal water fluctuations. I am lucky, I have quite a few lbs in my…
  • Be careful, I wrote a post on my experience of losing weight too fast here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1130756-cautionary-tale-don-t-lose-weight-too-fast It can be very tempting to want to get to the finish line as quickly as you can, to get that body you are striving for, I get it I really do. Sure I have a…
  • For me every time I gain weight back it is a mix of:- Yay! I've done it, now I'm skinny I can eat what I like. Complacency, just not keeping my eye on the goal Destructive relationships when I just eat what they're eating and forget my own needs. It only takes 10 extra calories a day to put on a lb in a year - that is two…
  • I am at the beginning of my strength journey... For me I want to be able to lift my own body weight by way of a single chin up - I have a very long way to go before I get there, but I am hopeful. Oh yeah and I want to be able to do 40 squats without getting DOMS the next day!
  • I'm a member down in Southampton - been going for 3 months now. I really like it, there is a lot of kit there (more than at the Council gym I used to be a member at) and even when it is busy I've pretty much always managed to get on what I want to, although I know January will be different with all the new year…
  • Well he did talk about coffee and ask a lot of questions - but he talks to a lot of girls in the gym...
  • Thank you all for your advice and help... I will seriously start my weights regime - it is scary though as I know I can't build muscle with a calorie deficit so will need to eat more to build this muscle. I will take note of the PT in the gym - he knows better than me and has the body to prove it. Tomorrow is my first body…
  • I was trying them weighted (a 5lb weight across my chest) and did feel it in my abs and rest of my core. I am doing them on a mat as I feel sure I will fall off a Swiss ball!
  • Thank you everyone. I will continue with sit ups - but will ensure that I engage my core. I will also add in the plank (which I loathe).
  • I'm really looking to strengthen my core and maybe get a little more definition there. My personal trainer recommended them but another in the gym reckoned they were no good.
  • I had a really bad day and was sat on my bed crying and my then BF chose to tell me "I don't find you attractive any more, now that you're big" - he was the one who insisted on us eating junk (saying sometimes "it's this or nothing"). Thing is when I first met him I was really skinny - I looked ill, when I gained a bit of…
  • I have a cold that has gone to me chest now - I wussed out as soon as I started feeling poorly as I didn't want to lengthen the time I had my cold - because my workouts are pretty intensive I decided a rest would probably do me the power of good. Hope yours goes soon!
  • That I can do this... That one bad week will not make all the weight come back on... That I am strong, fit and able... The barcode scanner thingy is awesome in stopping me make really poor choices... I am learning every day... I love the gym! I love to run! And I am getting there with weights (give it another month!)...
  • Thank you for your responses - I think rest is in order, I have been working pretty darned hard and I think the gym would stop my recovery. A week is not going to kill my regime and I actually think it will help it. I think the stretching might be an idea - I'll do that this afternoon.
  • Thank you! That makes me feel better... It must be a "South coast sickness" I guess - I am drinking hot blackcurrant, eating soothers and just being kind to myself - I really don't think a week off is going to do me any harm - in fact I reckon that when I go back to the gym I'll have more energy.
  • I love running and for me a mix of walking when I was at my heaviest (217 lbs) and didn't want to risk my joints with running and then running really was instrumental in helping me lose about 60 of my 70 lbs. But when I was walking I was walking 13 1/2 miles at a time 5 - 6 times a week and switched to running to up the…
  • Saving this for later.
  • I've already been - but I will go back again - I did tell her my theory about losing weight quickly, not sure she realised though.
  • It was a mix of both - eating lots of highly processed stuff and low calories meant I didn't leave anything over for the good and nutritious stuff. For the last month I have been taking a lot of cod liver oil as I realised that part of the problem with my diet is that it has been too low fat. I can't do anything about what…
  • I've been to her already - she told me to take in electrolytes after exercise which I did. She checked for anemia which I don't have. I went for an internal to search for polyps - which I don't have. I'll go again but I know it is all diet related - you can't lose a stone a month for 4 1/2 months without impacting on…
  • Because I could and because I got results and positive comments "you look great!" that sort of thing really help with motivation. The health issues gradually crept in - I didn't wake up after a few weeks of eating like this and they suddenly appeared. You kind of brush them off - the toenails for instance, I've always lost…