When are you strong enough?



  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Why do I want to be strong?
    Because I do this:

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    and this


    I also fight in the Heavyweight (195-208) divisions, so I am facing some seriously big and strong fellas most of the time.

    When am I strong enough?

    Uh, never. There's always somebody stronger out there, and he will likely be at my next tournament, so I better work as hard as I can right now.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    The zombie/alien/EMP induced/solar flare/twerk apocalypse is coming.

    I intend to be the muscle of the group. So NEVER

    Tweak apocalypse, wtf lol

    I'm beginning to ask myself the same thing. I hurt myself in the gym, and while I would have told you before that the sky is the limit, I'm concerned that too much weight (whatever that number ends up being) might not make me better, but run me down. Now, despite how careful I was being (believe me, ridiculously careful), I may still have done too much weight too soon, but it really makes me wonder. Good thread.

    I HAD a doctors appt for today to get checked out, but ****ing insurance hadn't updated their list to exclude this one guy. Fml.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I've set goals for where I'd like to be with the big lifts. Once I hit those goals that's good enough for me.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    To be honest I just lift now, I have no goals for how strong I want to end up being or how big I want to end up. I set micro-goals here and there and enjoy the ride.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I'll be strong enough when I'm dead.
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    I'm a powerlifter so never strong enough.

    For a good general strength level I think 1rm aound 2x bw squat, 2.5xbw deadlift, 1.25xbw bench and .8xbw SOHP are good goals.

    ^^^^ This x 2

    Fellow Powerlifter, in one of the most competitive weight classes going at the moment!!

    The above markers are good, maybe I'd adjust down to a 1.5x BW squat and 2 x BW Deadlift.. (Just my 2 cents though)
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'll never be as strong as I was 8-10 years ago, but I don't need/want to be any more. I still want to progress, and still have goals, but they are no longer doing 1 rep max competition lifting at meets like I used to do.

    You just started lifting in March. Soon you'll find that your progress will slow down drastically as you reach your natural limits. When you struggle for 6 months to put 5lbs on a lift or get 3 more reps to finish that 5x5 of a weight goal, that's when the real lifting starts. Where you have to reach down deep and work thru the mental aspects of why you aren't improving like you used to, but you keep going because you love doing it so much.
  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm a powerlifter so never strong enough.

    For a good general strength level I think 1rm aound 2x bw squat, 2.5xbw deadlift, 1.25xbw bench and .8xbw SOHP are good goals.

    Based on your numbers I feel like I am a bit off. I am at 1.625x Squat, 1.825x Deadlift, 1.325x Bench and 0.8x OHP. My squat and deadlift really need to improve, but I think that everything does.

    I don't think that I will ever become strong enough. Goals will always be set higher.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    In case anyone is still following this thread, I have determined the answer to the question for ME. My goal is to hit 1,000 lbs total between DL, squat and bench. No particular reason other than I need a goal to keep me motivated and that is as good as any. When I hit that, I will evaluate what I want to do next.

  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 46 years old. I want to be strong because I don't want to lose muscle mass (as is typical at my age).
    I do not believe I will ever be strong enough.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm always striving to be stronger. I remember wanting to do a proper push up on my toes. I did them on the wall and on the desk while I was building up my upper body strength. One day I tried to do one on the floor and was able to do three in a row. I kept going until I was able to do at least 20 non-stop.

    Then I moved on to wanting to hold a plank. I did the same thing above and with lots of practice I am now able to do more advanced planks with ease.

    Now I'm wanting to do proper chin-up and I will get there.

    I'm always growing and wanting to challenge myself - not just regarding fitness but with life in general. I can't see myself ever saying "I'm strong enough so I will stop". There is always something else I can try to conquer. :)

    It's been over 2 months since I posted the note above. I'm happy to report that I now can do 5 chin ups in a row! I'm now working toward being able to complete 10.

    With practice, patience and dedication you all can achieve your personal goals...no matter how small it may seem to be.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    So I started barbell lifting in March to see what that's all about. I liked it and set some simple goals: Deadlift 8 plates, Squat 6 plates, bench 4 plates and overhead press 2 plates. No particular reason for those except they are easy to remember and they seemed high enough to challenge me for a long time. I've made good progress and those goals are within sight. But then what? I don't need to be that strong. I don't need to lose weight. I don't need to add muscle. I don't want to keep beating the crap out of my body going for ever heavier weights. I would be perfectly happy getting to 5x5 at each of those weight goals and staying there forever.

    So, why do you want to be strong and how strong do you want to be?


    When someone says 4 plates, that means 405. I think you are meaning a 2 plate bench (225.)

    That being said, its never enough. Short term goal is 600lb deadlift. As soon as I hit that, it will be a 635 deadlift and so forth.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Hasn't happened for me yet.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I became strong enough a long time ago. But that doesn't mean I have to settle for that level of strength forever. While I no longer focus on going super heavy on the main lifts, I am trying to achieve other feats of strength. Whether it is a particular gymnastics hold or a certain number of reps of a difficult movement.
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    I am at the beginning of my strength journey... For me I want to be able to lift my own body weight by way of a single chin up - I have a very long way to go before I get there, but I am hopeful. Oh yeah and I want to be able to do 40 squats without getting DOMS the next day!