

  • It's got to be the new Fitbug Orb (http://fitbugorb.com) Low price, high spec, really small to carry and great online coaching. It measures weight, activity, even sleeping patterns.
  • The hardest thing to do is keep motivated. Thats why some people choose to hire a personal trainer.Another option is to get an activity tracker like the fitbugorb.This can motivate you as well as help you progress through weight loss and fitness targets. This new tracker is also partnered up with myfitnesspal.Good blog to…
  • You are making great progress but don't just measure yourself by weight alone. Your attitude to life is so important too,Feeling happy should be your goal. If you put a pound back on it isnt too important.Small strides to improving your overall health is the way forward. Check out MFP/Fitbugorb as a way forward.It works…
  • Totally agree with shezzl. These fat binders are nothing more than laxatives. If it's handholding or motivation you need then for a modest sum an activity tracker program might be for you.There are a few on the market but fitbugorb offer coaching on diet, sleeping patterns and fitness tasks, all designed to get you in…
  • Motivation is usually what stops us in our tracks. You need some handholding.Myfitnesspal have teamed up with fitbug to help in cases like yours.Check out the fitbugorb site for details
  • Hi Huda, Don't worry, you are living a healthy lifestyle which is the most important thing. When I had my first I was discouraged all the time.When I used my tracker (fitbugorb) I had more focus and it helped me to lose weight and keep it off.
  • Hi Jamie, welcome back to MFP. Just wanted to offer you some encouragement. Don't despair if you don't reach your goals, we can't always attain them, not every time anyways. Maybe an activity tracker would suit you. I totally recommend them as a way of reaching goals, small steps at a time. The one I use is fun and easy to…
  • Sign up to an activity tracker program. Fitbugorb is the one i use.They measure your activity, offer advice and encouragement and generally handhold you to enable weight loss, health improvement and lifestyle changes. Can't recommend them enough.
  • Take Small steps to achieve great things. When I signed up for an activity tracker program, this is what they advised. I took it to heart and have been losing small amounts of weight regularly.
  • I totally recommend the FitbugOrb tracker. It can be worn as a bracelet or clipped onto underwear. The program is really easy to use, offers loads of advice and encouragement and you can track your progress on your iphone or iPad.There is even a set of scales that weighs you and uploads the data onto your personnal program.
  • Have you considered an activity tracker? It might help you stay focused. If you email me @ availles15@gmail.com I can advise which one i use. Maggie
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