HLRoberts1987 Member


  • I am back..finally haha. I am so busy with work and school right now that I am only able to work out Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays. I am trying to fit in some running in there between classes on Monday and Wednesday but with finals coming up (and me wanting to make my grade higher) I am havin gto stay the whole…
  • I am doing a spinning class tonight. Wont be able to double up today but the spinning class on top of ab ripper x will def be enough for one day haha
  • Everyone stopped posting :o( I am going to keep posting though sooooo i did legs and back on saturday and man oh man am I sore!! I am going to do chest and back with ab ripper tonight :o)
  • Did shoulders and back yesterday and plan on running today :o) Maybe Plyo Depends on time....Always about time HAPPY FRIDAY ALL!!
  • YAY! haha did my first day of P90X Chest and back with Ab ripper is DONE :o) Will be doing plyometrics today or sprints inteval training with squats and lunges...Depending on time just because I have class today. Happy Hump Day All!!
  • Woop woop!!! So yesterday was super busy with work and school. So today starts my P90X journey (once again haha) SOOO chest and back with ab ripper x starting tonight..taking measurements and pics before hand will post measurements and then post before and after pics in 1 month ...then again on month 2 and then finally…
  • good morning all!! I hope everyone had a very wonderful and restful weekend. I am finally moved in!! woo hoo...Back to stepping it up and get this done. I am starting P90X today with my boyfriend. Should be fun working out together Will work out once today (because of classes) and will work out once on wed because of…
  • I would just try and make sure that while you are unable to do cardio that you make sure to eat clean and a few days will not change your physiique so much that you can really tell a difference. :o)
  • How are you likeing insanity? I am staring P90X again on monday but cant decide if I just want to buy insanity. Will probably just do what I have because I KNOW it works haha. Because I need to tone more than I need to lose now.
  • The only thing is for someone that is superskinny (anorexia, bulemia etc) Its hard to eat something because you feel like if you eat that you are going to gain ALOT of weight. What they see in the mirror is not what is really there...My interpretation of it is you know those funny mirrors at the circus or even at liek a…
  • Yeah mine was right before and during TOM. It hit me REALLY hard this time around. But has motivated me to step it up and stick with it. Will be starting P90X hopefuly by this coming weekend because I will be completely moved into the new place and My boyfriend is going to start it with me. and so that will help also the…
  • I am so sorry that happened to you but I am glad that you are on the road to recovery :o). Oh yeah I listen to my body and if it tells me it needs an off day (not a lazy day but an off day haha) I take it.
  • Hey hey hey Good morning! Lets just say that last week was rough for me and I dont know why. Weekend was good went to a concert with my boyfriend and a friend so that was fun. Buuuuuut its monday and its time to get back on teh horse. Have two tests this week in class adn so I will only be working out once today tomorrow…
  • Sounds like he is insecure with himself and doenst trust you completely. Is he working out as well and trying to get into shape? I know that when I was REALLY insecure I would always 'see' my (ex now) boyfriend 'check out' other girls. I would never say anything to him bc I knew it was my own insecurites. But I would just…
  • it is the middle of the week. Like its an up hill battle monday and tuesday and then wed you are at the top of the hill and then thurs and fri are down hill because they are closer to the weekend. :o) So Happy Hump day :o)
  • I am FINALLY feeling back on track...I am telling you it takes a WHILE for your body to catch back up on sleep after being awake for so long. Its awful. I hated not working out but I thought it would have been best concidering Hershel (my bf) was sick and i took care of him and I was so tired I didnt want my immune system…
  • oh yeah def join right in. :o)
  • Not at all :o) I am doing it until the end of May. I am not sure how long everyone else is doing it but we are here to support whoever wants to do it :o) So yes join right in :o)
  • You will love love love the results. I should be moving into my new place in about two weeks and will have room to do P90X on top of my gym routine and so I can not wait to get started again. I did two rounds of it last summer and you are going to LOVE the results. :o) make sure to weigh yourself now and take all your…
  • Thank you. I was feeling a little guilty knowing I wasnt going to be able to workout but right now with me being so tired I would probably injur myself trying to push through this exaustion. He is so worth it and so I dont mind in the least but I am def going to bed early tonight He feels better after some meds so he…
  • So in 30 min I will have been awake for 24 hours. I was up all last night with my bf because he was super duper sick. Had to come to work this morning and wont get off until 3:30. Will have class from 5:30-8:00 pm and I am so flippin tired its not even funny. To be honest I do not think I am goign to get a workout in…
  • yes take a rest day! Dont work out!! :o) hope you get to feeling better.
  • I am sure that my interval training yesterday on the eliptical wasnt HIIT but i am pretty sure it was close maybe haha. I was on the eliptical for 35 min and did 15 min of 20 sec rest and 40 second going as hard and as fast as I could, then went to 15 min 30 sec rest 30 second pushing..the reason I decided to step it down…
  • Haha I feel you there. I have about 200 cal I can have for dinner right now...(I still have to workout though so hopefully I can eat somthing good and yummy for dinner)
  • Thank you so much I am going to go ahead and put some of those in my workout routine today (as I am doing lower body strength training today) :o)
  • Last summer all I wanted to do was get lean muscle and so I bought P90X. As long as you do lower weight and alot of reps you will have the lean muscle you are looking for. Its a 3 month program and workout 6 days a week. however the discs are about an hour long each and then 3-4 days a week you have a 15 min ab video on…
  • I loved P90X. They have three different ones you can do (in the same package) They have 13 discs I believe and everyday is a different workout (they will give you schedule) but if you like the two a day thing and can do it they have the lean version and you do cardio first and then you do one of the strength training (you…
  • Awesome thanks so much. Maybe you will know the answer to this question because I am stumped. I am not trying to spot fat burn but I am wondering if there is something more I can do to just kinda help it out. I am wondering what would be the best (besides squats, lunges 'donkey kicks') would be the best for toning upper…