pitty party day SUCKS!!

So I had my pitty party days last week. It was awful. I went swim suit shopping and looked in the mirror and was SO disappointed with myself. Heres a little back story. I was in GREAT shape last summer. Had the body and confidence I always wanted. Well, I had surgery on my feet the right in august 2010 and then the left in november 2010. I was not completely healed until about the end of Febuary. My feet are still sore but am able to workout on them (thank god) Well, I got soft throughout that time because I was not able to workout really at all because my feet would swell and then I had to go prop them up. So I had about 3-4 days of pitty party for myself. it was awful. BUT i am finally over that and am looking foward and have a goal of being where I want to be in 2 months. I can do it I knwo I can and I know my body can (because I have done it before) just going to take dedication and percistance. :o)

Have any of ya'll had this type of pitty party?

(its awful I am not a pitty me type person but man it really got to me this time I just felt like crap about my body :o( )


  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Yes, that usually happens when I go clothes shopping.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I was almost to my goal weight in Dec of 2009 and I herniated a disk in my neck and had a partially torn rotator cuff. After all the treatments, cortisol injections, and lack of being able to lift anything that weighed as much as my coffee cup I gained a ton of weight.

    I still struggle with my shoulder hurting, but I am able to life small weights. Be careful do not over do it, and remember you will get back to where you want to be.

    Good luck!!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I was almost to my goal weight in Dec of 2009 and I herniated a disk in my neck and had a partially torn rotator cuff. After all the treatments, cortisol injections, and lack of being able to lift anything that weighed as much as my coffee cup I gained a ton of weight.

    I still struggle with my shoulder hurting, but I am able to life small weights. Be careful do not over do it, and remember you will get back to where you want to be.

    Good luck!!

    I am so sorry that happened to you but I am glad that you are on the road to recovery :o). Oh yeah I listen to my body and if it tells me it needs an off day (not a lazy day but an off day haha) I take it.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Oh yeah I've had those pity parties. Usually for me it's right before TOM, and anything can set it off, but usually my perception of my body.' I'm striving to get back to where I was in 2007. I was a size 2, and i got there only because I had a very traumatic experience that left my very depressed for months. I had a lot of trouble eating and dropped about 20 pounds unintentionally. Regardless of how the weight came off, I really liked how I looked then. I wasn't too skinny, I was about 115 lbs and I am only 5 feet tall, so I feel that was a good slim size for me.

    Since 2007, my weight has crept up. I'm now in a size 6 or size 28 jeans. My ultimate goal is to get back into my size 26 jeans, but this time the right way, through exercise. I would be estatic to wear those jeans on my 32nd birthday :D
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Oh yeah I've had those pity parties. Usually for me it's right before TOM, and anything can set it off, but usually my perception of my body.' I'm striving to get back to where I was in 2007. I was a size 2, and i got there only because I had a very traumatic experience that left my very depressed for months. I had a lot of trouble eating and dropped about 20 pounds unintentionally. Regardless of how the weight came off, I really liked how I looked then. I wasn't too skinny, I was about 115 lbs and I am only 5 feet tall, so I feel that was a good slim size for me.

    Since 2007, my weight has crept up. I'm now in a size 6 or size 28 jeans. My ultimate goal is to get back into my size 26 jeans, but this time the right way, through exercise. I would be estatic to wear those jeans on my 32nd birthday :D

    Yeah mine was right before and during TOM. It hit me REALLY hard this time around. But has motivated me to step it up and stick with it. Will be starting P90X hopefuly by this coming weekend because I will be completely moved into the new place and My boyfriend is going to start it with me. and so that will help also the two a days will help I would really like to be as toned as I was last summer by the end of may (probably wont happen but it will be close I believe :o)).
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Oh yeah I've had those pity parties. Usually for me it's right before TOM, and anything can set it off, but usually my perception of my body.' I'm striving to get back to where I was in 2007. I was a size 2, and i got there only because I had a very traumatic experience that left my very depressed for months. I had a lot of trouble eating and dropped about 20 pounds unintentionally. Regardless of how the weight came off, I really liked how I looked then. I wasn't too skinny, I was about 115 lbs and I am only 5 feet tall, so I feel that was a good slim size for me.

    Since 2007, my weight has crept up. I'm now in a size 6 or size 28 jeans. My ultimate goal is to get back into my size 26 jeans, but this time the right way, through exercise. I would be estatic to wear those jeans on my 32nd birthday :D

    Yeah mine was right before and during TOM. It hit me REALLY hard this time around. But has motivated me to step it up and stick with it. Will be starting P90X hopefuly by this coming weekend because I will be completely moved into the new place and My boyfriend is going to start it with me. and so that will help also the two a days will help I would really like to be as toned as I was last summer by the end of may (probably wont happen but it will be close I believe :o)).

    Another one here who has famous pity parties at TOM. It didn't used to be this bad, honestly. I think I'm in the dreaded peri-menopasual phase and even though I know that intellectually, it doesn't stop the pity parties each month! I would never have believed this was possible a few years ago. I used to be one of the lucky women who really didn't have problems at that time excepting that just about anything, from a sappy commercial to a dropped plate, could make me cry the day before. But it's a whole new ballgame over the last year or so.