
  • So glad you're seeking help, and it does seem like a possible ED. But, they will help you and hopefully you will get a normal relationship with food again and you'll be a lot happier/healthier :) Stay strong <3
  • i'm sick of hating the way i look and not having any self-esteem/confidence, especially as i've always been fat and was bullied a lot Plus I'm short so i look stocky I want to look good naked and in clothes, not cringe at photos of myself and get upset by them and feel good in my own skin. i also want to feel/be fit and…
  • aw thanks! i may try that :) Maybe i do need to up eating with my working out, as i've been more hungry since upping the burn haha
  • thanks!! i do try to do some strength everyday but i'll totally check out your site :) & Well i weigh everything practically. though my mum makes my dinner but i try to put the cals up a bit or eat a bit under to take into account inaccuracies. i may be overestimating burns but i try to workout more than just a walk or…
  • i feel you! I'm the same but i have anxiety and my high school bullies live by me so I'm worried of bumping into them and being laughed at. saying that, i've jogged twice now. i basically got couch to 5k or set myself a little challenge of jogging a mile and getting out there and doing it! I see people jogging and have…
  • if i want chocolate i either have a few as a treat but be within my goal, some say Xcals per x amount so i measure or have a slither of chocolate or what i usually do is have hot chocolate, you can get flavours in low cal so it's great! I also like yoghurts, fruit and yoghurts (low fat vanilla with mango & Passion fruit is…
  • wales here :) feel free to add :)
  • if i crave something i try to fit it within my goal and only have a cheat on special occasions or every now and then so i don't fall of the wagon. everyone is different so it's up to you :) You could even just have one day a week where you bump your calories to 2,000 and have a cheat every so often Just have a few tests…
  • level 2 day 4 here :) Lost a little bit off my stomach, arms and legs but not as much as the first time i did it! Keep swimming guys :)
  • thanks so much for the feedback and advice guys! Will take a look at everything you've mentioned and will look in a week or two to see if anything happens :) Thanks again!
  • youtube is good, exercise videos are great, couch to 5k, going walking, swimming, gym, get your own equipment like an exercise bike and use it There's lots you can do :)
  • feel free to add :)
  • i was told BMI isn't really accurate for me as i'm very short for my age, making me an outlier. with my BMI i'm on the border of healthy/overweight, but i've calculated it using different sites and they're all different with the range of my 'healthy' weight. I think it's always best to take it into consideration as a rough…
  • YES! Haha i really struggled on my first round of MFP but tried going for healthy things like a bowl of veg etc and buying really dark chocolate to eat less of it but kick the crave. most of the time it didn't really work. i think it's searching hard for something that works best for you
    in Women... Comment by UNLESS19 June 2014
  • also 20 :) Feel free to add!!
  • you look fantastic!! Great work!! Thank you for putting down your workout as mine are similar so it's great to see it works!! Great going!!
  • I'm 4 ft 9ish and i eat 1,200ish or 1, 300 if i've done a good workout. it's doable but if you're getting too hungry/tired and so on i'd up the calories a bit to boost you :) Play around a bit cause it depends on how your body works. Hope this helps! & Nice to see a fellow shortie :) <3
  • have them with some low fat plain or vanilla yoghurt and passion fruit! :) Seriously yummy!!
    in Mango Comment by UNLESS19 June 2014
  • I was going out for the night! It calls for intense eyeliner! :) haha
  • THIS IS ME! It's so annoying and horrible! But you just need to try and get through it. Just look at old pictures where your face was at it's largest and compare it- any loss is better than no loss! I know sometimes it doesn't look much different or you can't see it but just remember, you're doing great and at least you're…
  • Despite still loosing weight i did find when i searched things a lot of it was incorrect (more lower than higher). some of them are accurate but i always try to check it if i can! Or i make my own, as it's a nightmare trying to find the accurate/correct version for what you've had. Especially with the amount of different…
  • porridge (oatmeal) is a good option! i use almond milk to lower the cals of what i have or make it so i can have more! i also tend to have shredded wheat or wheatabix. whatever i have it's under 250 cal and that's with honey or fruit. Dried/sweetened banana is great to top things :) ,3
  • hi there :) Everyone reacts differently with birth control methods- although i know a few people with the implant where although it's great it makes you gain weight! so warning for you there I used to use microgynon 30 and where i was fine on it (though i can't say about mood problems as i had them before the pill) my…
  • depends on how many inches you loose around your waist, hips, butt and legs and your structure weight doesn't mean much PLUS sizes vary from store to store (annoyingly) I can be size 10 jeans one place and size 12 others! Try measuring yourself and looking on your favourite store's website and look at their sizes and the…
  • i'm not sure! I TRY to do it in the morning, so it's a case of before or after breakfast for me! Sometimes i HAVE to eat first and wait a while as i wake up with a rumbly tummy! However, i then still feel a bit slugish even after waiting for my food to go down, sometimes feel ill and less motivated! However, if i do it…
  • WOW! fantastic job!! you look INCREDIBLE!! & i want your legs and booty! haha! Can i ask what kind of things you've been doing? Such as food, calories and workouts? :) Great job!! inspiration! :D <3
  • i feel the same! I LOVE swimming but i'm too self conscious to go.. i don't want to be the chunky chick at the pool, especially being a teen..ish haha <3