weight loss really slowed down/stopped- help!

This is my second time on here as uni got in the way a bit, but to stop gaining too much i did walk a lot more. i gained about 4-5kg over 9 months, and now i want to get back on track and keep this up through the summer and onto uni and get to my goal.

The problem is after 51 days, i've only lost about 2kg, then mostly nothing or the occasional .5inch off my measurements, 2" off my hips and waist. my first time around i was loosing weight faster (obviously), it slowed down about this weight, though this time around i did drop the kg and a bit, quite quick. Now i'm at a bit of a stand still which, along with other things, has made my motivation really unstable.

My stats are: 1, 200 cals a day (on average i eat about 1,150-1,300), the low goal is due to my height (4 ft 9inch) and I'm not very active, in case people very much against 1,200 is reading this. I do walking, cleaning at times and working out everyday with jillian workouts, maybe a jog. i burn 200-450 cals on average a day with this. I want to loose around 10kg (22 lbs).

Any advice to get me loosing again? It's just this is ruining my motivation, especially when my depression kicks in.
thanks so much! & Have a great weekend people! Also if anyone can recommend a good but quite cheap HR monitor that records cals burned, it'd be appreciated! thanks again :)


  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Try to start lifting any way you can.

    If you don't have access to a gym or weights then do bodyweight exercises to start building up as much muscle as possible. My favorite body weight exercise site is:


    It's 100% free and have a directional video for EVERY exercise, as well as workout plans.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    No diary/not enough info, so you get a generic reply of "you're eating more than you think and/or over-estimating calorie burns."

    I'm guessing a mix of both.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    thanks!! i do try to do some strength everyday but i'll totally check out your site :) & Well i weigh everything practically. though my mum makes my dinner but i try to put the cals up a bit or eat a bit under to take into account inaccuracies. i may be overestimating burns but i try to workout more than just a walk or workout to make sure I'm burning and i also try to cut this down. but it is the reason for asking about HR monitors :)
    Also my diary is only open to my friends. it's mainly private due to the past few days have been having more of cr@p like nuttella or something due to my depression kicking my emotional butt making me crave sweets. so it's not really representative of my normal days
    Thanks for answering though :)
  • Remaking_Me
    Remaking_Me Posts: 62 Member
    I am only 5'3" and I was eating 1200 and not budging.

    I am now working out a lot more and eating 15-1600 cals a day and seeing results.

    Maybe find a nutritionist and pick their brain, for your body type and size? :)
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    aw thanks! i may try that :) Maybe i do need to up eating with my working out, as i've been more hungry since upping the burn haha
  • rmb040
    rmb040 Posts: 20 Member
    I'd say start trying to incorporate some strength training in there too, even if it is just adding dumbbells to some of the usual Jillian workouts you do, or if you already use them, challenge yourself to use a higher weight!