

  • yogurt cheese
  • If you think you are hitting a wall, try changing up your workouts By lifting more at least 4 days a week for a while in a circuit style training alternating between upper and lower body exercises, so you can maximize your caloric burn. Try HIIT - high intensity interval training for your cardio. Make sure you are eating…
  • Your getting in better shape. You could try interval training, it a great way to burn lots of fat
  • YEP direct tv has fit tv, my favorite is namaste yoga, and dance fit
  • Floor prone cobra, cat stretches, anything to strengthen abdominals, supermans on the floor, back extensions on stability ball, and the back extension machine. I hope these help
  • All post are very good points, however, you wanna never stretch on cold muscles. When doing squats and lunges keep the knees in line with the heals, in which you should be pressing through. Also try a foam roller chances are your IT band is very tight and in great need of stretching. When they ache try ice it usually helps…
    in Knees Comment by Jennfit January 2010
  • So, I was thinking. If you are planning on eating a frozen dinner try to avoid the sodium with everything else you eat.
  • AGREED! I have been taking Zumba classes for about 3 years and i can't get enough of it. My Gym offers 4 different classes and they are always full. You burn a ton of calories and it doesn't even fill like exercise cause your too busy having fun. If you like to dance just a little i recommend it.
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