

  • It's been 3 days and must say I'm feeling good - although did get the odd headache. The food has bee good and very surprised with the taste. The only thing so far wasn't huge fan of is the lentil and veg soup which was very bland! My stomach is less bloated and I like the portion controlled diet I am always under the…
  • my old car now sold - VW golf tdi porsche cayenne S - my hubby's
  • Thanks Shez! I just need to get rid of my baby fat then I'll be content. I guess the battle is keeping the weight off and not indulging. I did this juice fast and after the 3 days I had severe cravings for sugar especially chocolate - which I'm not a big fat and ate about 4 bars of the large fruit and nut over 3 days!…
  • I'm having protien with my food not a great amount - was thinking of investing in a post work out isolate protein shake which is a fruit drink and you just add water. I'm a bit hesitant as I've just purchased a 35 day meal plan. Any views? Cheers
  • Hi, From London and starting my plan properly as of today
  • Just ordered the supplements so it should come tomorrow and I can start the juice fast and will let you know how it goes.
  • I've just ordered mine and they are coming tomorrow. Just wanted to know how it is going for you ladies? Any tips and what have you noticed
  • It's doing 3 weekly sessions of 20 mins of kettlebells over a 6 week period. My kit arrives tomorrow so I can update you and be more precise.
  • Hi, Only joined yesterday and this sounds like a great plan. Count me in for Feb Good luck everyone
  • I just did the mat work this morning. OMG my arms were absolutely killing!!!!! It's worse than doing weights in the gym with a PT. I'm going to try and do it 4 times as TA has suggested and lets see how it goes. :o)
  • Hey, I'm stay at home of three ( 2yrs 10 months, 18 months and 6 month). I'm not worked out how to fit into exercise but determined to do it. I may alternate mornings and evenings when they are asleep. I have considered going gym at 6.30am but not sure if hubby would cope with all three! As for stress - its been fine until…
  • I'm going to try out the mat work out later today and if I enjoy it then I will join with the everyday matwork if you don't mind?
  • Hi Paula, I so know the feeling I'm on that road to recovery too! :o)
  • Hiya, Just added you! - it's def cool I need to download it on my iphone to makesure I stay on top of this! Good luck and let's see if we can keep it up!
  • Sounds Good! Have a look and then if yes we can start - also wanted to mention the Jason Vale juice diet - you lose 7lbs in 7 days. I am hoping to try this out and then do the kettleworx challenge. I have tried juice fasting and went with a juice delivery company - very expensive, not very nice tasting but drinkable. At…
  • Hi, Firstly congrats! Have you seen kettleworx? it has a 6 week programme to sculpt body. I'm thinking of purchasing it and giving it a go. I have looked at a lot of reviews and you tube videos and seem very positive. Take a look and see what you think www.kettleworx.co.uk - if you are interested then maybe we can start…
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