Work out DVD

Hi there
I just started back on this site after being gone for over a year, I'm looking to lose 60 plbs by my wedding this July, 10 lbs a month I think is doable!
I'm looking to find a good work out DVD, I have the 30 day shread and although I love it, I find I can't do it more then a few times a week and I'd love to find something else to do on the other days.
Any suggestions?


  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Leslie Sansone - Walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk is excellant. It is five 12 minute miles. You can mix it up ahe whole 5 miles. I mix it up usually do 3 miles some days 4 miles and some days 5 miles depending on the time I have. It's a great workout. I got it at Walmart.
  • tina_h
    tina_h Posts: 22

    Firstly congrats! Have you seen kettleworx? it has a 6 week programme to sculpt body. I'm thinking of purchasing it and giving it a go. I have looked at a lot of reviews and you tube videos and seem very positive.

    Take a look and see what you think - if you are interested then maybe we can start together and see how e both get on - just an idea!

    Tina .
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Oh my friend mentioned that kettlebell thing, I'll have to check it out!! I would love a buddy to do it with so we can keep each other on track!
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Anything by Jackie Warner.
    She and Jillian actually co owned a gym back in the day, so their styles are similiar but different. It makes for a nice variety.
  • tina_h
    tina_h Posts: 22
    Sounds Good!

    Have a look and then if yes we can start - also wanted to mention the Jason Vale juice diet - you lose 7lbs in 7 days. I am hoping to try this out and then do the kettleworx challenge.

    I have tried juice fasting and went with a juice delivery company - very expensive, not very nice tasting but drinkable. At the end of it my skin was softer and clearer and felt good - although I had mad sugar cravings as your not supposed to ingest any food.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I like the idea of doing a kettlebell workout, too! My only concern is that I'll hurt myself. Is their a good beginner's DVD that teaches you the proper form and technique?

  • rmsnipes
    rmsnipes Posts: 20 Member
    I highly recommend any of the Chalene Johnson's Turbo videos. She just put out a new Turbo Fire, but also has Turbo Jam. She is an excellent upbeat teacher. She makes it fun and the workout flys by. You can find her vides on