Anyone tried a juice fast???

I'm thinking of trying out a juice fast by Jason Vale given it a shot and what are their thoughts? did they lose 7lbs in 7 days as suggested?

Would love to hear from you


  • tina_h
    tina_h Posts: 22
    Just ordered the supplements so it should come tomorrow and I can start the juice fast and will let you know how it goes.
  • wilds1
    To start the new year I fasted on water alone for 33 days. Lost 40lbs doing that. Then I fasted on OJ for 7 days. I was consuming about 1800 calories a day on the juice.

    My weight went back up another 5lbs doing the juice. I think with water retention, that was now back on, accounts for most of the return of weight.

    Now I'm doing around 1650 calories a day, and my weight went up to a total of lost 33lbs after initially eating, but is now going down again.

    About H20 fasting. It is not easy, but it is manageable for me. I worked throughout my fast, which is not recommended, but if I actually rested the entire time it would be fine.

    A juice fast is really easy in comparison. I think you will lose an average of a 1/2 lb a day if you juice fast, but most importantly for both fasts is giving your digestive system a rest, and letting your body focus on cleaning and healing itself.

    Begin H20 Fast 233lbs
    End 33 day H2O fast 193lbs
    End 7 day OJ fast 198lbs
    Begin eating: next 10 days went up to as high as 202lbs
    Now 20 days since I started eating again: I'm back to 198lbs and losing at a normal rate due to caloric intake restrictions.

    My goal is to get to 165 over the course of the next year or so.

    This website has been amazing. Love it.