cainisable Member


  • thanks for the reply!! they didn't specify what low fat is.. they just said low fat. lol I'm coming off of a high fat diet.. which high fat, for me, was around 125g. so going from 125g to around 50 g. i do normally end up going over on my protein and struggling to get in 200g carbs. trial and error, I guess! lol it stinks…
  • thanks for the replies! my doctor didn't refer me to anyone diet-wise.. all they said was low fat to keep my gallbladder attacks under control. :/ Maybe I will call and have them refer me. I AM having trouble eating all of these carbs.. 200g it ALOT to me.. and I usually go over on my protein.
  • bump
  • I finally have my levels in front of me to share.. TSI (thyroid-stimulating immunoglobin.. not sure what this is): 1.2 [reference range <1.3] TSH with free T4 reflex: 1.777 [range 0.300-5.900] T3 free: 2.6 [range 2.0-3.5] TPO: 378 [range <21] these were taken November 6th.. so almost a month ago. my symptoms include.. but…
  • I finally have my levels in front of me to share.. TSI (thyroid-stimulating immunoglobin.. not sure what this is): 1.2 [reference range <1.3] TSH with free T4 reflex: 1.777 [range 0.300-5.900] T3 free: 2.6 [range 2.0-3.5] TPO: 378 [range <21] these were taken November 6th.. so almost a month ago. my symptoms include.. but…
  • Thanks for your replies! It definitely makes me feel better knowing there are people in the same boat and no one believes them! I thought I was going crazy for the last year.. it's extremely frustrating! But allergictodie is right.. experimentation is what I'm going through right now! I just started the AIP elimination…
  • thanks for the response!! I had all my lab work sent to me.. I will have to post the numbers tomorrow.. But I had TSH, TPO antibodies, T3 and T4 tested.. all came back "normal" to her.. except the TPO. I have an appointment to check for any deficiencies Dec 18 and it can't come soon enough!!! I will post my results from…
  • I'm dealing with the same thing right now! I just found out this week that my thyroid is messed up! I'm still not sure if it's graves' or hypothyroidism.. I have many different symptoms that are a mix of hypo and hyper.. I have put on 40+ pounds in NO time.. which is why I thought hypo.. but my doc said possbile graves'..…
  • Ok SO I just found the group lol.. I'm at 185. I'd CRY if I saw 170 by thanksgiving.. Let's effing do this!
  • I'm down! I think that sounds like a great goal for me too! I always have a tendency to rush myself with this process and weekends are hard when I'm away from home! It's getting easier though!
  • just an update.. I've stopped following what the nutritionist was giving me.. I am following 1400-1500 calories.. paleo (80/20) and feel amazing.. and finally have a difference on the scale! SO that just goes to show.. not every nutritionist is right ;) lol
  • I'm pretty sedentary at this point in time.. I'm still recovering from a back injury (so lame at 23) BUT I am now able to add in pilates and jogging.. She told me to get in at least 20 minutes of some sort of exercise per day. If it's more.. of course that's better.. but at least 20 minutes. the aim of my game isn't to get…
  • I'm a bit shorter than you (5'5").. I realized I do need to be patient.. my body has changed since having my daughter and I just cant grasp it sometimes.. I get a little heated about it lol.. I never had to put in the hard work to change it before.. It always came easier so this is going to be such a challenge.. but in the…
  • yes!! she is also measuring me but I will start my own at home too :) thank you SO much for the input! Hopefully patience is all I need (chyeaaaa right) lol.. time will tell
  • This week I gained 2.5 pounds 1) I THINK I start next week lmao 2) I am using a scale for everything and I don't eat out-- saving for our dream home haha 3) Not really watching sodium.. I guess 1&3 could be fluid retention I am sticking with what she says to do until my doctor apt the first week of Oct.. but darn it if I…
  • So instead of 1200 or 2000.. I should keep in between 1700-1800. What a terribly frustrating process this is! lol BLAH
  • ok it said my TDEE is 2276.. my BMR is 1655.. I think the last number was what I should intake.. 1820 calories.. correct me if i'm wrong!!
  • Today I started my 4th week so.. two weeks I lost weight third week i gained.