calling the macro gods

hey all.. first of all.. no hate.. second of all.. thank you for looking at this!
I've recently changed from a low carb diet.. to a low fat diet (preparing to get my gallbladder out) and I'm hoping to stick with the low fat diet for a while.. if not indefinitely.

I got my macros from using the iifym calculator for weight loss.
here are my stats:
I'm 24
guessing I'm about 38% body fat (ugggggh)

I started lifting about a month ago.. as heavy as I can.. normally 3x10 and I do normally around 15-25 minutes of cardio along with my weight lifting (normally do the stair climber bc it kicks my butt). I go to the gym 4-5 days a week.. mostly 5 but sometimes my toddler doesn't cooperate.

here are the macros I got from the calculator:
206g carbs
114g protein
45g fat
1674 calories

so It's about 50% carbs and 25/25 fat/protein

to all of the macro gods out there.. what are your opinions of these macros for my stats?

my goal is to get lean. I want muscle.. and definition and strength. AND I want to lose my size. I'm not so concerned about my weight so much as my body fat %.

my diary is open (don't judge).

I'm having a hard time coming from high fat to low fat.. if you could also suggest some less refined carbs.. I'd appreciate it! I've got oatmeal, potatoes (white and sweet), some rice cereal and I guess I could add rice, and pasta (I'm gluten free for thyroid purposes).. help!! lol am I going in the right direction here?!


  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    You mentioned you were getting your gallbladder out, have you discussed your macro needs with your doctor and/or a nutritionist? That would be the first place I would go since there is a medical procedure involved.

    Aside from that, I would add more protein to your diet and do something like 40 carbs, 35 protein and 25 fat. Do some heavy lifting to maintain lean muscle and for body composition.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I agree that doctor should have referred you to a qualified dietitian to help you create a meal plan.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    thanks for the replies!
    my doctor didn't refer me to anyone diet-wise.. all they said was low fat to keep my gallbladder attacks under control. :/ Maybe I will call and have them refer me. I AM having trouble eating all of these carbs.. 200g it ALOT to me.. and I usually go over on my protein.