calling the macro gods

hey all.. first of all.. no hate.. second of all.. thank you for looking at this!
I've recently changed from a low carb diet.. to a low fat diet (preparing to get my gallbladder out) and I'm hoping to stick with the low fat diet for a while.. if not indefinitely.

I got my macros from using the iifym calculator for weight loss.
here are my stats:
I'm 24
guessing I'm about 38% body fat (ugggggh)

I started lifting about a month ago.. as heavy as I can.. normally 3x10 and I do normally around 15-25 minutes of cardio along with my weight lifting (normally do the stair climber bc it kicks my butt). I go to the gym 4-5 days a week.. mostly 5 but sometimes my toddler doesn't cooperate.

here are the macros I got from the calculator:
206g carbs
114g protein
45g fat
1674 calories

so It's about 50% carbs and 25/25 fat/protein

to all of the macro gods out there.. what are your opinions of these macros for my stats?

my goal is to get lean. I want muscle.. and definition and strength. AND I want to lose my size. I'm not so concerned about my weight so much as my body fat %.

my diary is open (don't judge).

I'm having a hard time coming from high fat to low fat.. if you could also suggest some less refined carbs.. I'd appreciate it! I've got oatmeal, potatoes (white and sweet), some rice cereal and I guess I could add rice, and pasta (I'm gluten free for thyroid purposes).. help!! lol am I going in the right direction here?!


  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Hmm, this isn't an easy question because you have some limitations (needing to go low fat). I'm no "macro god" or a doctor, but here's my opinion:

    I'd say get the maximum amount of fat you are recommended to have (whatever you can get away with and not cause problems with your gallbladder issue. Did your doctor specify what low fat is?)

    Then, I'd get plenty of protein (aim for 30%, more is OK too).

    Then, whatever is left is for carbs, which depends how much fat you are allowed to have.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    my goal is to get lean. I want muscle.. and definition and strength. AND I want to lose my size. I'm not so concerned about my weight so much as my body fat %.
    Good goal. If you aren't already, the way you do this is by weight training and eating a deficit (with a good amount of protein). As you lose weight in your deficit, the weight training and protein will help you to maintain your muscle, so that hopefully most of your weight lost will come from fat stores.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    thanks for the reply!!
    they didn't specify what low fat is.. they just said low fat. lol
    I'm coming off of a high fat diet.. which high fat, for me, was around 125g.
    so going from 125g to around 50 g.
    i do normally end up going over on my protein and struggling to get in 200g carbs.
    trial and error, I guess! lol it stinks but when I find my numbers.. I will be so happy!
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    they didn't specify what low fat is.. they just said low fat. lol
    They should really clarify... haha. My idea of low fat and someone else's might be way different!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    thanks for the reply!!
    they didn't specify what low fat is.. they just said low fat. lol
    I'm coming off of a high fat diet.. which high fat, for me, was around 125g.
    so going from 125g to around 50 g.
    i do normally end up going over on my protein and struggling to get in 200g carbs.
    trial and error, I guess! lol it stinks but when I find my numbers.. I will be so happy!

    That is what my macros were at up until yesterday...changed them a bit lowered carbs upped fats...Macros really are quite personal tho...

    Depending on other factors such as yours I was told to eat 0.8grams of protien for each pound of body fat...fats were LBM x 0.35 and the rest were carbs...with my TDEE of 2150 it worked out to 50/25/25..but I am always over on fats...