1200 or 2000?! Help!

needing some knowledgeable input.. not googled input.. I have been seeing a nutritionist trying to lose weight the right way.. had some success at first but this week I gained a good chunk of it back. when I dieted by myself I stuck to a 1200 calorie diet
(using MFP) and lost very steadily.. She has me on approx 2000 calories and wonders why I gained this week?! Doing weight watchers years ago my points equaled out to about 1200 calories.. I am SO incredibly frustrated and am at a loss for what to do. I made an appointment to get my thyroid checked but in the mean time am following her guidelines.. should I stop? help.


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    How long have you been eating more? Sometimes, with an increase in calories, you'll see gains initially before it levels off and the weight starts going down.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    Today I started my 4th week so.. two weeks I lost weight third week i gained.
  • smithed812
    I increased my calories to 2300 recently. I'm a 5'3" female. I plateaued for several weeks before the scale finally started going down. I personally believe you should work towards fueling your body (eating more); 1200 seems to be really low for most people.
  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    It really depends how tall you are and how much you weigh.
    2000 sounds a bit too much .
    If i were on 2000 cals diet id gain a pound every 10 days.
    Are you active? Do you workout?

    The best way to determine how much you really should eat a day is to figure out your BMR: basal metabolic rate and your TDEE = total daily energy expenditure and to eat between those two numbers.

    A good tool to calculate it is: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    It would depend what your TDEE is. If you calculate that and then deduct 10-30% to get how much to eat (the more you have to eat the larger amount you deduct...ie if 5 pounds from goal you would go for a 10% deduction from your TDEE)
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    I had great success between 1,000 and 1,200 calories but I have to add that I was being monitored by a doctor on a regular basis.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    To lose weight you need have a calorie deficient. This can be created by either working out or cutting back calories or both... I'm 5'6" and 150 pounds and don't have a very active lifestyle. I'd have to eat around 1900 calories to maintain my current weight. I am for around 1200 net calories a day to create a 700 calorie deficient daily... If I work out I can eat more than 1200 calories.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    ok it said my TDEE is 2276.. my BMR is 1655.. I think the last number was what I should intake.. 1820 calories.. correct me if i'm wrong!!
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    2276-500= 1776 that 500 deficit adds up to 1lb a week loss.

    I would eat around 1750 if you want to lose a pound a week.
  • smithed812
    TDEE-20% (your 1820) sounds like a great place to start! I just don't see the need in depriving yourself if you don't have to. I recommend being patient though. Give your body time to adjust to the change!
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    So instead of 1200 or 2000.. I should keep in between 1700-1800. What a terribly frustrating process this is! lol BLAH
  • smithed812
    Weight loss is a lot of trial and error sometimes :)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    ok it said my TDEE is 2276.. my BMR is 1655.. I think the last number was what I should intake.. 1820 calories.. correct me if i'm wrong!!

    1820 would be your TDEE - 20%. Just keep your exercise consistent and don't eat back those calories since they should be figured in already.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would stick with the nutritionist's plan for a while. 2000 sounds very reasonable for you, It's a nice median between your BMR and TDEE. You probably could go as low as 1800 but since you're working with a professional I would stick with her plan. DEFINITELY NOT 1200. Weight watchers is a short term plan- it's designed so you can never leave WW completely- you'll gain and have to pay them again...by design. How much did you gain this week?

    Some things to think about:
    1) Is it close to your period due date, or some people even fluctuate during ovulation
    2) How closely are you counting calories? Are you using a digital scale and weighing EVERYTHING? you should be if you're not. And be very cautious with restaurant portions, generally the reported calories have ~20% margin allowable, so if you eat a lot of restaurant food you could be under counting up to 20%.
    3) Are you watching sodium?
    4) You really should be weighing everything. Not even using measuring cups and spoons (except for liquids), weigh it. Seriously. It makes a difference.
  • mightymousemom14
    I use to eat 1200 calories. Then I increase my calories to 2000. I also do the insanity workout. Your body needs the fuel to be able to work right. To get the best advice talk with a doctor. They will know what your body needs. From my experience, when I ate at 1200 calories. Then I had just two days of eating whatever I want. I gain 4 pounds! My husband told me I was starving my body. When I finally ate all those calories. The fat that was stored came out. I would recommend eating at lease 2000 calories. That way your body gets what it needs. Anyways like I said talk with your doctor first.
  • smithed812
    I would also like to second what MoreBean said. You really have to be accurate with your logging and weigh everything. It's way too easy to underestimate your serving sizes.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    This week I gained 2.5 pounds
    1) I THINK I start next week lmao
    2) I am using a scale for everything and I don't eat out-- saving for our dream home haha
    3) Not really watching sodium.. I guess 1&3 could be fluid retention

    I am sticking with what she says to do until my doctor apt the first week of Oct.. but darn it if I keep gaining I'm going to go INSANE. Baby weight is so hard to lose! What the crap?! :P
  • smithed812
    Have you also been tracking your measurements? Sometimes I don't lose a tenth of a pound but I lose an inch on my waist, and to me that's what matters because that means I'm physically taking up less space. That's what people notice! I highly recommend you take some starting measurements. You might be pleasantly surprised!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Have you also been tracking your measurements? Sometimes I don't lose a tenth of a pound but I lose an inch on my waist, and to me that's what matters because that means I'm physically taking up less space. That's what people notice! I highly recommend you take some starting measurements. You might be pleasantly surprised!

    Thats a really good point, too. When I started eating the right amount of calories and weightlifting, my weight didn't budge one ounce for 6 long-*kitten* weeks, but I lost 4" in my waist in that time.
  • cainisable
    cainisable Posts: 28 Member
    yes!! she is also measuring me but I will start my own at home too :) thank you SO much for the input! Hopefully patience is all I need (chyeaaaa right) lol.. time will tell