lhprop1 Member


  • It's the instructor who should care if this is rude or disruptive to the class. If it is, she should address it. Otherwise, don't worry about other people. Worry about yourself and your workout. If these women aren't disrupting the class, this is between them and the instructor.
  • He certainly did. It was supposedly genetic and ran in his family. Regardless of how he died, his quote is one that rings true and inspires many strength athletes like myself. He left a legacy as one of the greatest strength athletes who ever lived and was a hell of a fun competitor to watch.
  • "There is no point in being alive if you cannot do the deadlift." -Jon Pall Sigmarsson Deadlift and squat compliment each other. Each helps improve the other.
  • Background checks are not required, nor are they feasible for private, person-to-person sales. Seeing as how private person-to-person sales are still legal, no new law will prevent what's trying to be prevented. It's also a illegal for a private seller to sell a firearm to someone they believe is legally prohibited from…
  • If you want to improve your grip for deadlifting without deadlifting, you need to work on your supporting grip. Any type of static hold will help with your supporting grip. You could hang from a pullup bar, hold dumbbells at your sides, or put the bar on the pins on the rack and do a partial deadlift and just hold it.
  • As said before, hook grip requires large hands and a pretty high pain tolerance and it takes a long time go get used to it. Chalk will definitely help, as will ditching the gloves. Wearing gloves actually increases the diameter of the item in your hand, making hit harder to hold. Unless you have a good reason to keep your…
  • "Shall not be infringed" That's what's wrong with it. And for the record, online sales are subject to background checks. Anytime you buy a firearm online, it needs to be shipped to an FFL who will then make you fill out a 4473. As far as gun shows go, the only sales that aren't subject to background checks are the private…
  • Day 1: Deadlift Day 2: Overhead press Day 3: Squat Day 4: Strongman events/agility drills One day of hill sprints/jog/interval sprints/etc in there somewhere
  • In the short term, yes. In the long term, getting your own stuff is much cheaper. Figure in the freedom you get to use your own gym any time of day and to play by your own rules and it's tough to beat having all of your own stuff. You don't have to get everything at once. Start with a kettle bell and a jump rope or…
  • Loosehead checking in. I started playing in 1996 and retired last spring after nationals. I still lace up my boots for our D3 side every now and then, but for the most part, I'm retired.
    in Intros Comment by lhprop1 May 2013
  • I'm Ben. I've been competing in the 105kg class since 2004. I've got 40+ contests under my belt with a few wins here and there. I took the last year off because of the baby and the new house, but I'm ready to start getting at it again.
    in Introduction Comment by lhprop1 May 2013
  • You don't just "start lifting heavy". It's something you start and work up to through many hours and years of sacrifice, discipline, and hard work. Slap some plates on a bar and pick it up. Start today. Just make sure you use proper form. Starting strength, as others have mentioned, is a great way to get started.
  • If this is her 2nd day in the gym, she's not overtraining. Overtraining takes weeks and weeks or even months of constant stress overload on the CNS with insufficient recovery. She is just sore, and that will happen. Being sore is just part of the deal. You're fine to train when you're sore, just go lighter with high reps…