whats your workout split look like

AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
Hello what does your workout split look like mines is this below iv made a few changes to fit my goals.

Monday- chest+biceps+calves
Tuesday- Back+triceps+forearms
Saturday- shoulders+Triceps+calves


  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Monday: Legs (pistol/skater squatting, hill sprints)
    Tuesday: Upper Body Dynamic (handstand pushups, weighted pullups, ring dips)
    Thursday: Legs (pistol/skater squatting, natural hamstring curls)
    Friday: Upper Body Static (handstand, planche, manna, front lever, back lever progressions)

    Wed/Sat: Run outside
    Sun: Yoga
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    Day 1: Delts/Biceps
    Day 2: rest
    Day 3: Back
    Day 4: rest
    Day 5: Chest/Triceps
    Day 6: rest
    Day 7: Legs/Calves
    Day 8: rest

    Rinse, repeat.
  • lhprop1
    lhprop1 Posts: 14 Member
    Day 1: Deadlift
    Day 2: Overhead press
    Day 3: Squat
    Day 4: Strongman events/agility drills

    One day of hill sprints/jog/interval sprints/etc in there somewhere
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Ummm...a little different from the others in this thread

    Mon: run 6 miles + weights (mostly core work)
    Tue: 8-10 mile run
    Wed: 6 mile run + weights (core work)
    Thur: Run intervals (total of 8-10 miles)
    Fri: 6 mile run + weights (core work)
    Sat: Rest
    Sun: Long run (14-22 miles)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    Sun: Clean and Jerk
    Highland Games Events (I just started this)

    Mon: Bench 3/5/1+ 3 singles at or above my training max
    Floor Press 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Tue: Snatch
    Highland Games Events

    Wed:Deadlift 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Halting Deadlifts: 5x5
    Shrugs: 5x5

    Thu: Rest

    Fri: Overhead Press 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Push Press: 5x5
    Meadows Row: 5x5
    Blast strap push ups/Fat man rows

    Sat: Squat 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Pause Squat: 5x5
    Power Cleans: 5x5
    Box Step Up/Chins
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    Sun: bball leagues
    Mon:rest/krav maga
    Tues: Legs (back squats, front squats, bulgarian, ohs, oly lift)
    Weds: rest/ krav maga
    Thurs: Push ( Incline bench(barbell), flat bench(dumbbell), weighted dips, oly lift)
    Fri: rest/run 1-3 miles
    Sat: krav maga, Pull(Deadlift, weighted pull ups, some type of row, oly lift)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Mon: Chest/Tri's + run (weather depending)
    Tues: Legs
    Wed: Back/ Bi's + run (weather depending)
    Thurs: Shoulders (may add this to leg day instead of having it's own day)
    Fri: Off (or strictly cardio)
    Sat: Restart routine

    4 days on, 1 off
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    Sun: Clean and Jerk
    Highland Games Events (I just started this)

    Mon: Bench 3/5/1+ 3 singles at or above my training max
    Floor Press 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Tue: Snatch
    Highland Games Events

    Wed:Deadlift 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Halting Deadlifts: 5x5
    Shrugs: 5x5

    Thu: Rest

    Fri: Overhead Press 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Push Press: 5x5
    Meadows Row: 5x5
    Blast strap push ups/Fat man rows

    Sat: Squat 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Pause Squat: 5x5
    Power Cleans: 5x5
    Box Step Up/Chins

    Any specific reason for the 3/5/1?
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    Day 1: lower body
    Day 2: HIIT, Plyos, Abs
    Day 3: upper body

    Repeat :)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    M/F: Squats
    T/Th: Bench
    W: Deadlift

    Volume, rep/set arrangement, and accessory work all according to GZCL method. So far, so good.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Day 1
    5/3/1 Bench with upper body split

    Day 2
    5/3/1 Squat with lower body split

    Day 3

    Day 4
    5/3/1 Overhead press with upper body split

    Day 5
    5/3/1 Deadlift with lower body split

    Day 6 and 7
    Rest or outdoor activity like hiking or biking.

    More detail.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Mon: upper power/strength- cardio
    Tues: Lower power/strength
    Wed: Rest
    Thurs: upper hypertrophy-cardio
    Fri: lower hypertrophy
    Sat: optional cardio/jump rope
    Sun: Rest
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    Sun: Clean and Jerk
    Highland Games Events (I just started this)

    Mon: Bench 3/5/1+ 3 singles at or above my training max
    Floor Press 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Tue: Snatch
    Highland Games Events

    Wed:Deadlift 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Halting Deadlifts: 5x5
    Shrugs: 5x5

    Thu: Rest

    Fri: Overhead Press 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Push Press: 5x5
    Meadows Row: 5x5
    Blast strap push ups/Fat man rows

    Sat: Squat 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Pause Squat: 5x5
    Power Cleans: 5x5
    Box Step Up/Chins

    Any specific reason for the 3/5/1?

    Because I hit heavy singles on my 1 and 3's week only. That way I can wave my training weeks as follows:


    When you get to higher levels of strength, your heavy lifting days are far more taxing than they are when you were weaker, even though your perceived exertion is the same so you end up spending just as much time deloading as you do training. If you want to learn more about this buy Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 for powerlifting book. He explains it in there in layman; however, if you're really interested in how the fatigue/recovery continuum works then buy Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe.
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    alot of interesting answers it is good to see alot of unique workout splits
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    Sun: Clean and Jerk
    Highland Games Events (I just started this)

    Mon: Bench 3/5/1+ 3 singles at or above my training max
    Floor Press 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Tue: Snatch
    Highland Games Events

    Wed:Deadlift 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Halting Deadlifts: 5x5
    Shrugs: 5x5

    Thu: Rest

    Fri: Overhead Press 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Push Press: 5x5
    Meadows Row: 5x5
    Blast strap push ups/Fat man rows

    Sat: Squat 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Pause Squat: 5x5
    Power Cleans: 5x5
    Box Step Up/Chins

    Any specific reason for the 3/5/1?

    Because I hit heavy singles on my 1 and 3's week only. That way I can wave my training weeks as follows:


    When you get to higher levels of strength, your heavy lifting days are far more taxing than they are when you were weaker, even though your perceived exertion is the same so you end up spending just as much time deloading as you do training. If you want to learn more about this buy Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 for powerlifting book. He explains it in there in layman; however, if you're really interested in how the fatigue/recovery continuum works then buy Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe.

    Thanks for the response. I have Wendler's book, and the split I posted above is actually a 5/3/1 + Bodybuilding template that Jim posted on his website last year. Since I didn't recall anything like a 3/5/1 being in the book, I had to ask. Using the 5's as a sort of deload between the 3's and 1's (plus max singles) makes a lot of sense.
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    Sun: Clean and Jerk
    Highland Games Events (I just started this)

    Mon: Bench 3/5/1+ 3 singles at or above my training max
    Floor Press 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Tue: Snatch
    Highland Games Events

    Wed:Deadlift 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Halting Deadlifts: 5x5
    Shrugs: 5x5

    Thu: Rest

    Fri: Overhead Press 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Push Press: 5x5
    Meadows Row: 5x5
    Blast strap push ups/Fat man rows

    Sat: Squat 3/5/1 + 3 singles at or above my training max
    Pause Squat: 5x5
    Power Cleans: 5x5
    Box Step Up/Chins

    Any specific reason for the 3/5/1?

    Because I hit heavy singles on my 1 and 3's week only. That way I can wave my training weeks as follows:


    When you get to higher levels of strength, your heavy lifting days are far more taxing than they are when you were weaker, even though your perceived exertion is the same so you end up spending just as much time deloading as you do training. If you want to learn more about this buy Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 for powerlifting book. He explains it in there in layman; however, if you're really interested in how the fatigue/recovery continuum works then buy Practical Programming by Mark Rippetoe.

    Thanks for the response. I have Wendler's book, and the split I posted above is actually a 5/3/1 + Bodybuilding template that Jim posted on his website last year. Since I didn't recall anything like a 3/5/1 being in the book, I had to ask. Using the 5's as a sort of deload between the 3's and 1's (plus max singles) makes a lot of sense.

    Well, you probably didn't see it because it's not in the 5/3/1 book, it's in the 5/3/1 for Powerlifting Book. I forgot to mention that I don't do ever do max reps because of the extra singles.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    M - Bi/Tri
    T - Legs
    W - Chest
    Th - Back
    F- Boxing or Run 30 min
    Sat- Boxing or Run

    Sun - rest
  • jorge_007
    jorge_007 Posts: 70 Member
    Monday: Running 30 Minutes @ 8 MPH
    Tuesday: Running 30 Minutes @ 8 MPH
    Wednesday: Running 30 Minutes @ 8.5 MPH
    Thursday: Running 30 Minutes @ 8.5 MPH
    Friday: Running 30 Minutes @ 8 MPH
    Saturday: Running 23 Minutes @ 10 MPH
    Sunday: Running 25 Minutes @ 9 MPH

    I've only missed 16 days of running this year :) I do include other exercises such as jump rope, sprinting, strength building, etc throughout the week.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Monday - Chest/Arms
    Incline DB Press - 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Incline DB Fly - 3 x 8-12
    Barbell Bench Press - 3 x 8-12
    Lying DB Fly - 3 x 8-12
    DB Curls - 3 x 8-12
    Hammer Curls 3 x 8-12
    Preacher Curls 3 x 8-12
    Chest Dips 3 x Till Failure

    Tuesday - Leg day
    Squats 4 x 10
    Leg Press 3 x 8-12
    Leg Exentions 3 x 10
    Stifflegged Deadlifts 3 x 8-10

    Wednesday - Triceps / Calves
    Chinups 4 x till failure
    Close-Grip Benchpress 3 x 8-12
    Pulldowns 4 x till failure
    Skull Crushers 3 x 8-12
    Standing Calf Raises 2 x Fail
    Donkey Calf Raises 2 x Fail

    Thursday - Shoulders/Abs
    Military Press 4 x 8-10
    Upright rows 3 x till failure
    Front Raies 3 x till failure
    Lying Rear Delt Raises 3 x 8-10
    Hanging Leg Raises 3-4 x Till failure
    Crunchy Frog - 3-4 x Till Failure

    Friday - Back Day
    Deadlifts 4 x 8-12
    Bent over Rows 3 x 8-12
    T-Bar Rows 3 x 8-12
    Wide-Grip Chinups 3 x Till Failure

    Rest days are rotated, so ignore the mon/tue/wed tags

    inb4 juicing