youngcaseyr Member


  • 127.6 miles and 22:47:13 for October! I think I'm going to try to shoot for at least 130 miles in November now that I've got a good grasp of how many miles are average per month. I think I'd like to fit in something like a 10k or even 10 miler!
  • I have a great desire for sweet carby breakfast items
  • As someone who has struggled with eating disorders and weight gain as a teen, I can sympathize and I remember how hard it was to know if what you're doing was helping or hurting. For me, the biggest catalyst for my weight loss and adopting a healthier lifestyle was finding an activity that I enjoyed, and healthier eating…
  • Me too! German, French, and the British baking show!! Although my Duolingo streak has been suffering for the last few weeks since I've started a new class... ETA To answer your question though, I've experienced a few extremes of the ED spectrum (severe restriction followed by "recovery" followed by periods of restriction,…
  • I've done two rounds (done the 12 week program twice). I liked the results and I started to not hate doing the workouts, but I stopped after that because honestly I just like running more and don't love bodyweight/resistance workouts. That being said, I would still recommend it and would add that you also need to continue…
  • Mfp already creates a deficit for you and expects that you will eat back some, if not all, of your exercise calories. 1200 calories is typically the bare minimum for a sedentary person, so exercising is one way that you can remain in a deficit if you eat over 1200 calories. If you were to burn 600-1000 calories by working…
  • Depending on your personal goals and aspects of your lifestyle (preferred diet, preferred exercise, current body type and/or how much weight you want to lose, age, etc.) it may be helpful for you to search for a group or two that you feel you may fit into where you can ask members questions pertaining to their success or…
  • Canned beans typically say 3.5 servings per can, but after measuring I have found that it is almost always nearly exactly two servings. I can eat more beans but that also means I have to BUY more beans. Worth it. However, 1 dry cup of flour is typically more than the weight in grams as it is listed on the package.
  • I'm here to meet a group of runners as much as I'm here to set a goal. I run whatever my typical distance is pretty consistently, which is currently about 5 miles 6 days per week so I'd just like to keep up with that! So far, so good, except for a few extra days off a few weeks ago after I had my wisdom teeth removed. I've…
  • You can do it! The fact that you're seeing results already is a testament to the success of eating in moderation/ eating at a deficit. Keep it up and try to think of ways that you can continue to apply what you've learned about eating to your diet after you reach your goal. It can totally be done and you can totally do it!
  • It will be very similar, but with regard to the same distance running does require marginally more energy than walking. It depends on your weight, current fitness levels, and the intensity or speed for each. Sprinting 1 mile can burn more than a light jog for one mile, and power walking 1 mile will burn more than a…
  • It might start to get a little uncomfortable or tiring around mile 5, but by then you'll be almost finished! In my experience you don't need much more food the night before, but I would go to sleep early the night before. If you prefer to eat before you run make sure you eat with enough time to go to the bathroom, and…
    in 10k Comment by youngcaseyr October 2018
  • In addition to what everyone else has said about performing better at workout A compared to workout B because you do A more often, it's also reasonable to think that sometimes you just have an "off day". My daily/weekly mileage fits within the parameters for long distance running and, while I have a typical/average pace…
  • I think everything said already is totally possible. There is evidence that women's BMRs are actually at their highest right before their cycle starts, and while it's probably a minimal increase in BMR, that increase coupled with a calorie deficit could be a catalyst for weight loss/ whooshes. In addition, since it is…
  • I know how much better I feel physically and mentally if I run on a regular basis. Also, I've come across a quote along the lines of "dedication is more important than motivation"... You may not always feel motivated, but if you're dedicated to something then that is more likely to get you to do whatever it is that your…
  • My son will also be 2 in December and I'm still breastfeeding, albeit much less than before and I'm in the very slowly process of weaning him. I still have about 5-10 lbs to go before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight, but I also plan on trying to have another baby in the next few years (it took a few years for me to get…
  • As simple as running can be and as important as the right shoes are (there are also successful minimalist/barefoot runners) you do also want to pay attention to your posture/form, your length of stride (some people try to take too long of a stride for various reasons), and how your foot strikes the ground. Slouching or…
  • I will preface this by saying that I'm actually seriously considering getting a Garmin running watch, but I currently use runkeeper, which syncs with mfp, and that app also offers (paid) training plans. I can't attest to the quality of the training plans since I haven't used them, but I have been using the GPS for…
  • Say no to keto. Friends don't let friends eat keto. I mean, most of us know by now that there are healthy fats and that it's good for us to eat them, but I hardly think we should "eat ALL the fats." Seriously, how is a super high fat diet suddenly healthy? Or is it all just done in the name of weight loss? I love carbs.…
  • Welcome back and congratulations on your new baby!
  • Almost every woman has a different experience losing weight (or not) with breastfeeding... you'll kinda have to see what works for you. You might be able to lose weight somewhat quickly and easily with just breastfeeding, but you might struggle to lose any weight at all until your baby is older and needs less milk or stops…
  • I don't know the depth of your search, but I'm pretty sure skinny cow still makes chocolates and they could just be out of stock at your local store. However, many other chocolates actually have calorie amounts comparable to skinny cow. I've found that the way skinny cow chocolates and desserts are packaged into single…
  • I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning and I always use cinnamon, vanilla, salt, and a sweetener (sometimes stevia, sometimes sugar or honey). I usually add strawberries or bananas, but I've also really enjoyed canned pumpkin, cooked squash, and even boiled carrots. If you're not opposed to it, cooked rice has a…
  • Oatmeal is my go-to for breakfast, and sometimes even lunch. One 1/2 cup (dry) serving is 150 calories and it's easy to tweak the sweet/savory factor with low calorie add-ins. Rice is similar and you can adjust the texture and volume of either by increasing or decreasing liquid while cooking.
  • Totally can't fathom the whole "I can't meet my 1200 calorie goal" thing... Also, I'm pretty sure you can cause that's kinda what landed you on MFP
  • To preface my answer, I'll say that I started my pregnancy at a very low weight and was within the average weight range for my height after I delivered (5'3" and 119lbs at the end the first week after delivery). That being said, I definitely had to create a deficit in order to lose any more weight... I didn't lose any…
  • I ran 3-7 miles in the morning, 6 days a week, for about 6 years until I became pregnant with my first baby in 2015. Since then my experience with running has been very different: there have been weeks or months of regular running (though typically only 3-4 miles sometime in the afternoon while my son naps) followed by…
  • Your hormones might still be working against you with regards to weight loss. The whole, "it took x amount of months to gain the weight, so it will probably take at least that long to lose it" is true for more women than not. If you were eating more while you were pregnant it may take a while for you to get used to eating…