

  • weight training and resistance training. these two things will help get rid of that belly fat and slim you down. check out these two sites for great tips, workouts and motivation! or go to google, select "videos" and type in bodyrock workouts or tone it up...TONS of stuff!
  • I have done P90X but never tried their recommended recovery drink. lately, I've been drinking a protein shake after my weight training workouts and, like previously stated, i too have noticed a decrease in muscle soreness. also, my nails seem to grow 10x faster and are much stronger! nails are not something i ever used to…
  • that is awesome! congrats on your success!
  • I’m a big fan of any fish served as sushi. Tuna, salmon, shrimp, eel, trout, rainbow, mahi...all delicious! sushi is wonderful, just go easy on soy sauce as it is high in sodium :noway: salmon is by far my favorite. it has a bit more flavor all by itself so you could squeeze a lemon over it and serve with a side of…
  • check out Tone It or (since their site seems to run slow at times) go to google and type in tone it up and select video. tons of awesome workouts. love those girls! i also like some of the "Challanges" provided at the camera man has a little too much fun filming the girl, but aside from that there are…
  • Im not exactly sure what a "pike crunch" is but as far as moving down the mat, certain mat exercises will do that. Well it happens to me so you aren't alone. As for scissor kicks, try placing your hands under your butt right below your lower back. This should help with the lower back pain and also gives you a little more…
  • fruit. it's natures candy :)
  • one more thing, I used some (plain) in place of sour cream on my home made burrito the other night. delicious! I’ve also heard you can mix in one of those hidden valley veggie dip dry packets and it tastes the same, but is better for you!
  • I love the consistency of Greek yogurt, which is more like a sour cream. a lot more dense than reg. yogurt. I only tried the plain b/c it had the lowest calorie count, around 80. I didn't care for the taste. kind of bitter..and dry. I added blueberries and raspberries which helped with flavor but it's def not a favorite.…
  • eat a piece of fruit when you get to that 2-3 hour mark and start to feel hungry. it's great for your body and won't leave you feeling guilty. also, when you snack at night, which i've heard is OKAY! be sure i'ts raw can go to the store and buy one of those veggie trays and just kick back and dig in. try to…
  • scales are funny.. we bought one last week and i stood on it once, didn't like what it said, and have yet to get back on..LOL my boyfriend however will get on every day and it doesn't seem to bother him which order the numbers appear on the screen. yesterday he got on close to the window and was 204. he was like, "ah, i…
  • I love banana's! they are wonderful and great to have before any workout!
  • I would say eat more often and eat things like fresh fruits and veggies. you can eat as much as you want! also, try not having any starches in the evening. I know, i know...but try it for a week and see what happens. keep an eye on your sodium levels because too much can result in water retention. another thing that can…
  • there comes a point during your workout routine where your body sort of plateaus and you find that you’re not losing anything, maybe even gaining! and you start to lose interest, resulting in going back to bad habits and inevitably gaining back the weight. When I get to this point I start finding new workouts online or…
  • drained and straight from the can. i don't add anything to it (i.e. mayo, mustard). sometimes i'll use a whole wheat ritz cracker to scoop it up :)
  • I have heard the same thing from other people. sore muscles = water retention. on the other hand, a protein shake after a hard workout will help your muscles and actually reduce some of the soreness
  • If you feel you are retaining too much water, try drinking more. i know it sounds odd but your body will retain water if you aren't drinking enough. always keep yourself hydrated!! also, it could be caused by having a high sodium diet. keep an eye on your soduim levels and if you are a diet soda drinker, beware! you will…
  • I can never eat just one slice.
  • Try Egg Whites (1/4 cup), the whole wheat flour is a good sub, and for the sugar you can reduce the amount you use and replace with vanilla or another sweet spice (nutmeg, cinnamon, etc). you could also use Splenda instead of Sugar which cuts the calories in half. As for shortening, cooking sprays hope this helps. these…
  • I'm on my 3rd day of protein shakes after a hard workout and i love them! Just a scoop of powder and 8oz of water, so easy! It helps to build muscle, slim down, even helps keep you from getting sore...
  • guys lose faster then women...ALWAYS! Esp. in the midsection which is SOOO annoying! My guy doesn't workout half as much as me, nor does he eat as healthy and yet in a few weeks he can slim down while i'm still working on my first 5 pounds! You can't let it get to you! Stay strong, stay motivated, and you will see results!…
  • Hi! I am not sure if my way is right or wrong, but it works for me and I thought I would share! Generally I like to get in a nice run or walk before any strength training. Once I've completed my weights, I go back for another run or walk (depending on how I feel)! If I am going to be a part of a fitness class (boot camp,…
  • I know you said you didn't want a video hosted by a woman but Jackie Warner is amazing and def does not stop to do a "booty drop" or "*kitten* shake" during the program. she is no frills and will work you to the bone. Also Jillian Michaels is pretty hard core as well. as for P90X being too hard, well you are right. it's a…
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